StubInvocationHandlerImpl.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API5887Fri Aug 26 14:54:30 BST


public final class StubInvocationHandlerImpl extends Object implements

Fields Summary
private transient PresentationManager.ClassData
private transient
private transient org.omg.CORBA.Object
private transient Proxy
Constructors Summary
public StubInvocationHandlerImpl( pm, PresentationManager.ClassData classData, org.omg.CORBA.Object stub)

	SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (s != null) {
	    s.checkPermission(new DynamicAccessPermission("access"));
	this.classData = classData ; = pm ;
	this.stub = stub ;
Methods Summary
public java.lang.reflect.ProxygetProxy()

	return self ;
public java.lang.Objectinvoke(java.lang.Object proxy, java.lang.reflect.Method method, java.lang.Object[] args)
Invoke the given method with the args and return the result. This may result in a remote invocation.

proxy The proxy used for this class (null if not using java.lang.reflect.Proxy)

	String giopMethodName = classData.getIDLNameTranslator().
	    getIDLName( method )  ;
	DynamicMethodMarshaller dmm = 
	    pm.getDynamicMethodMarshaller( method ) ;

	Delegate delegate = null ;
	try {
	    delegate = StubAdapter.getDelegate( stub ) ;
	} catch (SystemException ex) {
	    throw Util.mapSystemException(ex) ;

	if (!isLocal()) {
	    try {
		org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream in = null ;
		try {
		    // create request
		    org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream out = 
			delegate.request( stub, giopMethodName, true);

		    // marshal arguments
		    dmm.writeArguments( out, args ) ;

		    // finish invocation
		    in = (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream)
			delegate.invoke( stub, out);
		    // unmarshal result
		    return dmm.readResult( in ) ;
		} catch (ApplicationException ex) {
		    throw dmm.readException( ex ) ;
		} catch (RemarshalException ex) {
		    return invoke( proxy, method, args ) ; 
		} finally {
		    delegate.releaseReply( stub, in );
	    } catch (SystemException ex) {
		throw Util.mapSystemException(ex) ;
	} else {
	    // local branch
	    ORB orb = (ORB)delegate.orb( stub ) ;
	    ServantObject so = delegate.servant_preinvoke( stub, giopMethodName,
		method.getDeclaringClass() );
	    if (so == null) {
		return invoke( stub, method, args ) ; 
	    try {
		Object[] copies = dmm.copyArguments( args, orb ) ;

	        if (!method.isAccessible()) {	
		    // Make sure that we can invoke a method from a normally
		    // inaccessible package, as this reflective class must always
		    // be able to invoke a non-public method.
		    AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
			public Object run() {
			    method.setAccessible( true ) ;
			    return null ;
		    } ) ;

		Object result = method.invoke( so.servant, copies ) ;

		return dmm.copyResult( result, orb ) ;
	    } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
		Throwable mex = ex.getCause() ;
		// mex should never be null, as null cannot be thrown
		Throwable exCopy = (Throwable)Util.copyObject(mex,orb);
		if (dmm.isDeclaredException( exCopy ))
		    throw exCopy ;
		    throw Util.wrapException(exCopy);
	    } catch (Throwable thr) {
		if (thr instanceof ThreadDeath)
		    throw (ThreadDeath)thr ;

		// This is not a user thrown exception from the
		// method call, so don't copy it.  This is either
		// an error or a reflective invoke exception.
		throw Util.wrapException( thr ) ;
	    } finally {
		delegate.servant_postinvoke( stub, so);
private booleanisLocal()

	boolean result = false ;
	Delegate delegate = StubAdapter.getDelegate( stub ) ;

	if (delegate instanceof CorbaClientDelegate) {
	    CorbaClientDelegate cdel = (CorbaClientDelegate)delegate ;
	    ContactInfoList cil = cdel.getContactInfoList() ;
	    if (cil instanceof CorbaContactInfoList) {
		CorbaContactInfoList ccil = (CorbaContactInfoList)cil ;
		LocalClientRequestDispatcher lcrd = 
		    ccil.getLocalClientRequestDispatcher() ;
		result = lcrd.useLocalInvocation( null ) ;
	return result ;
public voidsetProxy(java.lang.reflect.Proxy self)

	this.self = self ;