MappingPolicypublic class MappingPolicy extends Object implements CloneableDescribes how Java classes and their fields are to be mapped to database
tables and columns |
Fields Summary |
static final char | DOT | private static final String | CLASS_BASEBase name to denote a class. | private static final String | FIELD_BASEBase name to denote a field. | private static final String | RELATIONSHIP_BASEBase name to denote a relationship field. | private static String | REGEXP_DOTRepresents a '.' in a regular expression | private static final String | INDICATOR_JDBC_PREFIXSynonym for DatabaseGenerationConstants.INDICATOR_JDBC_PREFIX. | private static final String | INDICATOR_MAXIMUM_LENGTHBase name to denote maximum length of a name in a database. We
support different maximum lengths for table, column, and constraint
names. | private static final String | INDICATOR_TABLE_NAMEIndicator that property is for a table name. | private static final String | INDICATOR_COLUMN_NAMEIndicator that property is for a column name. | private static final String | INDICATOR_JOIN_TABLE_NAMEIndicator that property is for a join table name. | private static final String | INDICATOR_CONSTRAINT_NAMEIndicator that property is for a constraint name. | private static final String | CLASS_PREFIXPrefix of properties that denote classes. | private static final String | RELATIONSHIP_PREFIXPrefix of properties that denote classes. | private static final String | DEFAULT_COLUMN_KEYName of property that provides default field-to-column name mapping. | private static final String | DEFAULT_JOIN_TABLE_KEYName of property that provides default jointable name mapping. | private static final String | DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_KEYName of property that provides default constraint name mapping. | private static final String | DEFAULT_TABLE_KEYName of property that provides default class-to-table name mapping. | private static final String | TABLE_NAME_AS_CLASSNAMEProperty value indicating table name must be same as class name. | private static final String | TABLE_NAME_UPPERCASEProperty value indicating table name must be upper case. | private static final String | TABLE_NAME_HASH_UPPERCASEProperty value indicating table name must be uppercase and unique. | private static final String | COLUMN_NAME_AS_FIELDNAMEProperty value indicating colum name must be same as field name. | private static final String | COLUMN_NAME_UPPERCASEProperty value indicating column name must be uppercase. | private static final String | JOIN_TABLE_NAME_UPPERCASEProperty value indicating join table name must be uppercase. | private static final String | CONSTRAINT_NAME_UPPERCASEProperty value indicating constraint name must be uppercase. | private static final String | INDICATOR_SQL_FORMATIndicator that property is for formatting SQL | private static final String | STATEMENT_SEPARATOR_INDICATORThe indicator for a statement separator. | private static final String | CREATE_TABLE_START_INDICATORThe indicator for starting a "create table". | private static final String | CREATE_TABLE_END_INDICATORThe indicator for ending a "create table". | private static final String | DROP_TABLE_INDICATORThe indicator for starting a "drop table". | private static final String | ALTER_TABLE_ADD_CONSTRAINT_START_INDICATORThe indicator for "add constraint". | private static final String | ALTER_TABLE_DROP_CONSTRAINT_INDICATORThe indicator for "drop constraint". | private static final String | PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT_INDICATORThe indicator for adding a primary key constraint. | private static final String | FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT_INDICATORThe indicator for adding a foreign key constraint. | private static final String | COLUMN_NULLABILITY_INDICATORThe indicator for verbose nullability. | private static final String | LOB_LOGGING_INDICATORThe indicator for information used with LOB columns. | private static final String | PK_PREFIXPrefix of column names which are primary key columns. | private static final String | FK_PREFIXPrefix of column names which are foreign key columns. | private static final String | GLOBAL_NAMING_SPACEName of the "global" namespace. | public static final String | USE_UNIQUE_TABLE_NAMESProperty name which indicates unique table names should be generated. | private static final String | RESERVED_WORDSProperty name which indicates reserved words. | private static final String | RESERVED_WORD_UNRESERVERWhen appended to a reserved word, causes it to be not-reserved. | private static final int | MAX_LEN_COUNTERMaximum length of the counter used to create unique names with a
numeric id. Note that this length includes a NAME_SEPARATOR, so that
we allow for 3 digits total. | private static final int | MAX_LEN_RESERVEDNumber of chars to change a reserved word into * unreserved. | private static final String | PROPERTY_FILE_DIRName of subdirectory in which db vendor - specific properties files
are located. | private static final String | PROPERTY_FILE_EXTExtension used by properties files. | private static final Properties | defaultPropsThis is the set of all default properties. | private static final Map | jdbcTypesMap from String names to the Integer-boxed values from
java.sql.Types. | private static final Map | jdbcTypeNamesMaps from Integer-boxed values from java.sql.Types to String names. | private int | counterGlobal counter for creating unique names in each of the namespaces.
Note that a single counter is used across all namespaces. | private Map | namespacesMap from namespaces to Set of names defined in each namespace. Used
to ensure uniqueness within namespaces. | private boolean | uniqueTableNameIndicates whether or not generated table names should include a
unique value as part of their names. | private final Set | reservedWordsSet of reserved words for a particular policy. | private static Set | defaultReservedWordsSet of reserved words for the default database. | private final Map | dbJdbcInfoMapMap from the string names of the java types (e.g. "java.lang.String")
to a JDBCInfo of information about the corresponding java.sql.Types
type. Different for different dbvendor types, but the same instance,
per dbvendor, is shared by all MappingPolicy instances. | private Map | userJdbcInfoMapSimilar to {@link #dbJdbcInfoMap}, but is reinitialized by each
clone(). Contains user-provided overrides of the information in
dbjdbcInfoMap. | private final Map | sqlInfoMap from a boxed value based on fields in java.sql.Types to the String
name of a SQL type. | private int | tableNameMaxLengthMaximum length of the name of a table. | private int | columnNameMaxLengthMaximum length of the name of a column. | private int | constraintNameMaxLengthMaximum length of the name of a constraint. | private String | statementSeparatorThe SQL for a statement separator. | private String | createTableStartThe SQL for starting a "create table". | private String | createTableEndThe SQL for ending a "create table". | private String | dropTableThe SQL for "drop table". | private String | alterTableAddConstraintStartThe SQL for "add constraint". | private String | alterTableDropConstraintThe SQL for "drop constraint". | private String | primaryKeyConstraintThe SQL for adding a primary key constraint. | private String | foreignKeyConstraintThe SQL for adding a foreign key constraint. | private String | columnNullabilityThe SQL for indicating column nullability | private String | lobLoggingThe SQL for indicating LOB column logging | private final Map | namingPolicyMap from the encoded name of a policy to its value. For example, a
class name's naming policy would be encoded as
".table-name". | private static final Map | instancesMap from database vendor names to instances of MappingPolicy. | private static final com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.logging.Logger | loggerLogger for warning & error messages | private static final ResourceBundle | messagesI18N message handler |
Constructors Summary |
private MappingPolicy()Create the default MappingPolicy instance.
// Initialize the JDBC String to Integer map and the default (SQL92)
// MappingPolicy.
// XXX Why initialize the SQL policy, when there's a good chance it won't
// ever be used? Do we really want to support unrecognized databases?
// See comment in getMappingPolicy. The default properties, on the other
// hand, *do* need to be loaded.
// XXX We need to decide what happens when an unrecognized dbvendorname
// is given: Error? Warning, continue running?
// Initialize jdbcType map.
jdbcTypes.put("BIGINT", new Integer(Types.BIGINT)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("BIT", new Integer(Types.BIT)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("BLOB", new Integer(Types.BLOB)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("CHAR", new Integer(Types.CHAR)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("CLOB", new Integer(Types.CLOB)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("DATE", new Integer(Types.DATE)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("DECIMAL", new Integer(Types.DECIMAL)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("DOUBLE", new Integer(Types.DOUBLE)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("INTEGER", new Integer(Types.INTEGER)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("LONGVARBINARY", new Integer(Types.LONGVARBINARY)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("LONGVARCHAR", new Integer(Types.LONGVARCHAR)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("NULL", new Integer(Types.NULL)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("REAL", new Integer(Types.REAL)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("SMALLINT", new Integer(Types.SMALLINT)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("TIME", new Integer(Types.TIME)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("TIMESTAMP", new Integer(Types.TIMESTAMP)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("TINYINT", new Integer(Types.TINYINT)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypes.put("VARCHAR", new Integer(Types.VARCHAR)); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.BIGINT), "BIGINT"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.BIT), "BIT"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.BLOB), "BLOB"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.CHAR), "CHAR"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.CLOB), "CLOB"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.DATE), "DATE"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.DECIMAL), "DECIMAL"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.DOUBLE), "DOUBLE"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.INTEGER), "INTEGER"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.LONGVARBINARY), "LONGVARBINARY"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.LONGVARCHAR), "LONGVARCHAR"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.NULL), "NULL"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.REAL), "REAL"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.SMALLINT), "SMALLINT"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.TIME), "TIME"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.TIMESTAMP), "TIMESTAMP"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.TINYINT), "TINYINT"); // NOI18N
jdbcTypeNames.put(new Integer(Types.VARCHAR), "VARCHAR"); // NOI18N
try {
// Create and load the default mapping policy.
new MappingPolicy();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
"EXC_MappingPolicyNotFound", //NOI18N
defaultProps, false);
// The DEFAULT_DB has reserved words for the default database type.
// Other databases can access those same values through the
// defaultReservedWords set.
defaultReservedWords = reservedWords;
instances.put(DBVendorTypeHelper.DEFAULT_DB, this);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("new MappingPolicy():\n" + toString()); // NOI18N
| private MappingPolicy(String databaseType)Create a MappingPolicy for the named database type.
Properties mergedProp = new Properties(defaultProps);
load(getPropertyFileName(databaseType), mergedProp, false);
instances.put(databaseType, this);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("new MappingPolicy(" // NOI18N
+ databaseType + "):\n" + toString()); // NOI18N
Methods Summary |
protected java.lang.Object | clone()Clones the vendor-specific policy for generator session. Replace the
namespaces map in the clone, so that each instance has its own.
MappingPolicy mappingPolicyClone = (MappingPolicy) super.clone();
mappingPolicyClone.namespaces = new HashMap();
mappingPolicyClone.uniqueTableName = false;
mappingPolicyClone.userJdbcInfoMap = new HashMap();
return mappingPolicyClone;
| java.lang.String | getAlterTableAddConstraintStart()
return alterTableAddConstraintStart;
| java.lang.String | getAlterTableDropConstraint()
return alterTableDropConstraint;
| public java.lang.String | getColumnName(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String tableName)Returns the name of a column for a given field in a given class. The
column name will be unique within the table.
// Get column naming policy based on className and fieldName
StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(className)
String rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(key.toString());
if (rc == null) {
// No fieldName specific policy, so use default for className
key = new StringBuffer(className)
rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(key.toString());
if (rc == null) {
// No overriding policy, so use overall default.
rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(DEFAULT_COLUMN_KEY);
if (rc.equals(COLUMN_NAME_UPPERCASE)) {
rc = fieldName.toUpperCase();
} else if (rc.equals(COLUMN_NAME_AS_FIELDNAME)) {
rc = fieldName;
return getUniqueLocalName(rc, tableName, columnNameMaxLength);
| java.lang.String | getColumnNullability()
return columnNullability;
| public java.lang.String | getConstraintColumnName(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String columnName)Returns the name of the column which represents a foreign key in the
named table.
return getUniqueLocalName(
new StringBuffer(tableName)
| public java.lang.String | getConstraintName(java.lang.String relName, java.lang.String uniqueId)Returns the name of a constraint corresponding to the named
String rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_KEY);
rc = FK_PREFIX + relName.toUpperCase();
if (uniqueTableName) {
rc += uniqueId;
rc = getUniqueGlobalName(rc, constraintNameMaxLength);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINER)) {
logger.finer("MappingPolicy.getConstraintName: " // NOI8N
+ relName + " -> " + rc); // NOI18N
return rc;
| java.lang.String | getCreateTableEnd()
return createTableEnd;
| java.lang.String | getCreateTableStart()
return createTableStart;
| java.lang.String | getDropTable()
return dropTable;
| java.lang.String | getForeignKeyConstraint()
return foreignKeyConstraint;
| public JDBCInfo | getJDBCInfo(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String fieldType)Returns JDBC type information corresponding to the given field name
and type. If fieldName is null or there is no
fieldName - specific information already existing, the default for the
given fieldType is returned. Otherwise, information specific to the
fieldName is returned. Note: It is possible to have a field
in a class have the same name as another class; this mechanism is not
robust in that case:
class Foo { }
class MyFoo {
Foo Foo = new Foo();
We think this obfuscation unlikely to occur.
JDBCInfo rc = null;
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("Entering MappingPolicy.getJDBCInfo: " // NOI18N
+ fieldName + ", " + fieldType); // NOI18N
if (null != fieldName) {
// If fieldName is given, try to find a JDBCInfo using that name.
// Looking up fieldName only makes sense in userJdbcInfoMap
// which contains the user's overrides.
rc = (JDBCInfo) userJdbcInfoMap.get(fieldName);
if (null != rc && (! rc.isComplete())) {
// There is an override for the field named fieldName, but
// it is not complete, i.e., not all possible information
// about the field was provided in the user override.
// Choose a JDBCInfo to use to complete the information in rc.
// If the user override specifies a type and there is
// information about that type for the database, use that.
// Otherwise, use the given fieldType.
JDBCInfo ji = null;
if (rc.hasJdbcType()) {
ji = getdbJDBCInfo(rc.getJdbcType());
if (null == ji) {
ji = getdbJDBCInfo(fieldType);
// Fill in the rest of the fields in rc with values from ji.
if (null == rc) {
// Either fieldName is null, or there is no JDBCInfo specific to
// fieldName, so use fieldType.
rc = getdbJDBCInfo(fieldType);
// If dbJdbcInfoMap has an entry for rc's jdbc type, replace rc's jdbc
// type with the result of the mapping. This allows, for example, a
// user to specify that a field should be represented by a CLOB, when
// the database and/or driver do not support that but do support
// LONGVARCHAR (e.g. Sybase).
JDBCInfo ji = getdbJDBCInfo(rc.getJdbcType());
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("Leaving MappingPolicy.getJDBCInfo: " // NOI18N
+ fieldName + ", " + fieldType // NOI18N
+ " => " + rc); // NOI18N
return rc;
| static java.lang.Integer | getJdbcType(java.lang.String jdbcTypeName)Returns the boxed form of the java.sql.Types value corresponding to the
given name.
return (Integer) jdbcTypes.get(jdbcTypeName.toUpperCase());
| public static java.lang.String | getJdbcTypeName(int type)Provide the String name of a JDBC type, as per java.sql.Types.
String rc = (String) jdbcTypeNames.get(new Integer(type));
if (null == rc) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return rc;
| public java.lang.String | getJoinTableName(java.lang.String className1, java.lang.String className2)Returns the name of a join table which joins the tables that correspond
to the two named classes.
String rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(DEFAULT_JOIN_TABLE_KEY);
rc = (className1 + className2).toUpperCase();
return getUniqueGlobalName(rc, tableNameMaxLength);
| java.lang.String | getLobLogging()
return lobLogging;
| public static synchronized com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.generator.database.MappingPolicy | getMappingPolicy(java.lang.String databaseType)Returns a vendor-specifc MappingPolicy instance. This method always
returns a copy (clone) of the known MappingPolicy to allow for
user-specific overrides.
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("get MappingPolicy"+databaseType); // NOI18N
MappingPolicy mappingPolicy = null;
try {
if (databaseType == null) {
databaseType = DBVendorTypeHelper.DEFAULT_DB;
// XXX FIXME Need to log a warning and report to user that we
// are *not* using databaseType given, that we are using
// SQL92 instead, and provide list of recognized names.
mappingPolicy = (MappingPolicy) instances.get(databaseType);
if (mappingPolicy == null) {
mappingPolicy = new MappingPolicy(databaseType);
mappingPolicy = (MappingPolicy) mappingPolicy.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ec) {
// ignore it because it will not happen
return mappingPolicy;
| public static java.lang.String | getOverrideForLength(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName)Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the
default length of a field.
return className
+ DOT + fieldName
+ DOT + DatabaseGenerationConstants.INDICATOR_JDBC_LENGTH;
| public static java.lang.String | getOverrideForNullability(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName)Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the
default nullability of a field.
return className
+ DOT + fieldName
+ DOT + DatabaseGenerationConstants.INDICATOR_JDBC_NULLABLE;
| public static java.lang.String | getOverrideForPrecision(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName)Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the
default precision of a field.
return className
+ DOT + fieldName
+ DOT + DatabaseGenerationConstants.INDICATOR_JDBC_PRECISION;
| public static java.lang.String | getOverrideForScale(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName)Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the
default scale of a field.
return className
+ DOT + fieldName
+ DOT + DatabaseGenerationConstants.INDICATOR_JDBC_SCALE;
| public static java.lang.String | getOverrideForType(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName)Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the
default type of a field.
return className
+ DOT + fieldName
+ DOT + DatabaseGenerationConstants.INDICATOR_JDBC_TYPE;
| java.lang.String | getPrimaryKeyConstraint()
return primaryKeyConstraint;
| public java.lang.String | getPrimaryKeyConstraintName(java.lang.String tableName)Returns the name of a PK constraint, unique-ified as required.
return getUniqueGlobalName(PK_PREFIX + tableName, constraintNameMaxLength);
| private static java.lang.String | getPropertyFileName(java.lang.String databaseType)
| public java.lang.String | getSQLTypeName(int jdbcType)Returns the String name of the SQL type for a given JDBC type.
String rc = null;
// The name is in sqlInfo if it was loaded from one of our
// vendor-specific properties files.
Object o = sqlInfo.get(new Integer(jdbcType));
if (null != o) {
rc = (String) o;
} else {
// Otherwise, user has overriden, e.g. java.lang.String -> CLOB.
rc = getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType);
return rc;
| java.lang.String | getStatementSeparator()
return statementSeparator;
| public java.lang.String | getTableName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName)Returns the name of a table for a given class, as per current policy.
StringBuffer key =
new StringBuffer(name).append(DOT).append(INDICATOR_TABLE_NAME);
String rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(key.toString());
if (rc == null) {
rc = (String)namingPolicy.get(DEFAULT_TABLE_KEY);
if (uniqueTableName) {
if (rc.equals(TABLE_NAME_UPPERCASE)) {
rc = name.toUpperCase();
} else if (rc.equals(TABLE_NAME_AS_CLASSNAME)) {
rc = name;
} else if (rc.equals(TABLE_NAME_HASH_UPPERCASE)) {
rc = uniqueName.toUpperCase();
return getUniqueGlobalName(rc, tableNameMaxLength);
| private java.lang.String | getUniqueGlobalName(java.lang.String name, int maxLen)Return a unique name for the given name. It will be "globally" unique
between invocations of method {@link #resetCounter}; the first use of
a MappingPolicy instance is "reset".
return getUniqueName(name, GLOBAL_NAMING_SPACE, maxLen);
| private java.lang.String | getUniqueLocalName(java.lang.String colName, java.lang.String tableName, int maxLen)Return a unique name for a column. The column will be unique within
the named table.
return getUniqueName(colName, tableName, maxLen);
| private java.lang.String | getUniqueName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String namespace, int maxLen)Return a unique name for name. It will be unique within the given
String rc = name;
// Reserve MAX_LEN_COUNTER characters for unique-ifying digits.
// Name cannot be more than maxLen chars long.
if (name.length() > maxLen) {
rc = name.substring(0, maxLen);
// Convert to upper case for uniqueing comparisons below.
String nameUpper = rc.toUpperCase();
// Ensure the name we create is not a reserved word by comparing
// nameUpper against reserved words.
if (defaultReservedWords.contains(nameUpper)
|| reservedWords.contains(nameUpper)) {
// Append a character that is not used as the last char of any
// existing reserved words. Make sure we have space for this plus
// for any uniqueing below. Length-limit both rc and nameUpper, so
// that the value in the namespace and the end result have the same
// length.
if (rc.length() > maxLen) {
// Limit nameUpper as well as rc because we need to do uniqueing
// in a case-insensitve fashion.
nameUpper = nameUpper.substring(0, maxLen);
rc = rc.substring(0, maxLen);
Set names = (Set) namespaces.get(namespace);
if (names == null) {
// Name is first entry in namespace, therefore already unique, no
// need to append counter.
names = new HashSet();
namespaces.put(namespace, names);
} else if (names.contains(nameUpper)) {
// Name is already in namespace, so make a different name by
// appending a count to given name.
rc += DatabaseConstants.NAME_SEPARATOR + counter;
} else {
// Add new name to namespace.
return rc;
| private JDBCInfo | getdbJDBCInfo(int jdbcType)Gets the JDBCInfo corresponding to the type in the given JDBCInfo.
I.e., it maps from one JDBCInfo to another on the basis of their
String typename = getJdbcTypeName(jdbcType);
return (JDBCInfo) dbJdbcInfoMap.get(typename);
| private JDBCInfo | getdbJDBCInfo(java.lang.String fieldType)Gets the JDBCInfo for the given fieldType
JDBCInfo rc = (JDBCInfo) dbJdbcInfoMap.get(fieldType);
if (null == rc) {
// There is also nothing provided for the field's
// type, so use a BLOB.
rc = (JDBCInfo) dbJdbcInfoMap.get("BLOB"); // NOI18N
return rc;
| private void | init(java.util.Properties props)Initialize this MappingPolicy as per the values in the given
// Use Enumeration instead of iterator because former gets default
// values while latter does not.
for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = props.getProperty(name);
if (name.equals(RESERVED_WORDS)) {
// The indicator is the last DOT-separated substring in name.
String indicator = null;
StringTokenizer nameParser =
new StringTokenizer(name, String.valueOf(DOT));
while (nameParser.hasMoreTokens()) {
indicator = nameParser.nextToken();
if (indicator.equals(INDICATOR_SQL_FORMAT)) {
setSqlFormatEntry(name, value);
} else if (indicator.startsWith(INDICATOR_JDBC_PREFIX)) {
setJDBCInfoEntry(dbJdbcInfoMap, name, value, indicator);
} else if (indicator.equals(INDICATOR_MAXIMUM_LENGTH)) {
setLengthEntry(name, value);
} else if (indicator.equals(INDICATOR_TABLE_NAME) ||
indicator.equals(INDICATOR_COLUMN_NAME) ||
indicator.equals(INDICATOR_JOIN_TABLE_NAME) ||
indicator.equals(INDICATOR_CONSTRAINT_NAME)) {
setNamingEntry(name, value);
} else {
setSQLInfoEntry(name, value);
| private void | initReservedWords(java.lang.String res)Initializes the reservedWords field.
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(res, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
| private synchronized void | load(java.lang.String resourceName, java.util.Properties properties, boolean override)Initializes the given properties from the given resourceName.
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("load resource:" + resourceName); // NOI18N
InputStream bin = null;
InputStream in = null;
try {
if (override) {
in = new FileInputStream(resourceName);
} else {
final ClassLoader loader =
in = (InputStream) AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
Object rc = null;
if (loader != null) {
rc =loader.getResourceAsStream(
} else {
rc =
return rc;
if (in == null) {
throw new IOException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"EXC_ResourceNotFound", resourceName));// NOI18N
bin = new BufferedInputStream(in);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine("load "+resourceName + " successfuly"); // NOI18N
} finally {
try {
// XXX Need to close both streams in.close();
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
| void | resetCounter()Resets the namespaces and counter.
counter = 0;
| private void | setJDBCInfoEntry(java.util.Map jdbcInfoMap, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String indicator)Sets a JDBC property in this MappingPolicy.
if (value != null) {
// Get substring that is before the indicator, which is the name
// of a type or of a particular field.
String fieldOrType = name;
int i = name.indexOf(DOT + indicator);
if (i > 0) {
fieldOrType = name.substring(0, i);
JDBCInfo ji = (JDBCInfo) jdbcInfoMap.get(fieldOrType);
try {
if (null != ji) {
ji.setValue(value, indicator);
} else {
ji = new JDBCInfo();
ji.setValue(value, indicator);
jdbcInfoMap.put(fieldOrType, ji);
} catch (JDBCInfo.IllegalJDBCTypeException ex) {
String msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(
"EXC_InvalidJDBCTypeName", // NOI18N
value, fieldOrType);
logger.log(Logger.SEVERE, msg);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
| private void | setLengthEntry(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)Sets a name length attribute.
if (value != null) {
int val = Integer.valueOf(value).intValue();
if (name.startsWith(INDICATOR_TABLE_NAME)) {
tableNameMaxLength = val;
} else if (name.startsWith(INDICATOR_COLUMN_NAME)) {
columnNameMaxLength = val;
} else if (name.startsWith(INDICATOR_CONSTRAINT_NAME)) {
constraintNameMaxLength = val;
| private void | setNamingEntry(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)Set a naming property in this MappingPolicy.
namingPolicy.put(name, value);
| private void | setSQLInfoEntry(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)Sets a JDBC-to-SQL mapping property, that is, a mapping from a JDBC
type to a SQL type.
sqlInfo.put(getJdbcType(name), value);
| private void | setSqlFormatEntry(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)Sets a SQL formatting property in this MappingPolicy.
if (value != null) {
statementSeparator = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(CREATE_TABLE_START_INDICATOR)) {
createTableStart = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(CREATE_TABLE_END_INDICATOR)) {
createTableEnd = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(DROP_TABLE_INDICATOR)) {
dropTable = value;
alterTableAddConstraintStart = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(ALTER_TABLE_DROP_CONSTRAINT_INDICATOR)) {
alterTableDropConstraint = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT_INDICATOR)) {
primaryKeyConstraint = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT_INDICATOR)) {
foreignKeyConstraint = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(COLUMN_NULLABILITY_INDICATOR)) {
columnNullability = value;
} else if (name.startsWith(LOB_LOGGING_INDICATOR)) {
lobLogging = value;
| public void | setUniqueTableName(boolean uniqueTableName)Sets whether or not unique table names should be generated.
this.uniqueTableName = uniqueTableName;
| public void | setUserPolicy(java.util.Properties props)Sets user-provided policy to that provided in the given properties.
if (null != props) {
// Look for and set JDBCInfo entries. Use Enumeration instead of
// iterator because former gets default values while latter does
// not.
for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = props.getProperty(name);
if (name.equals(USE_UNIQUE_TABLE_NAMES)) {
if (! StringHelper.isEmpty(value)) {
uniqueTableName =
StringTokenizer nameParser =
new StringTokenizer(name, String.valueOf(DOT));
// Get the last element from key which is separated by DOT.
String indicator = null;
while (nameParser.hasMoreTokens()) {
indicator = nameParser.nextToken();
if (indicator.startsWith(INDICATOR_JDBC_PREFIX)) {
setJDBCInfoEntry(userJdbcInfoMap, name, value, indicator);
} else {
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.INFO)) {
"MSG_UnexpectedUserProp", // NOI18N
name, value)); // NOI18N
| private java.lang.String | stringifyMap(java.util.Map m)Debug support.
StringBuffer rc = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator i = m.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
rc.append(e.getKey()).append("=") // NOI18N
.append(e.getValue()).append("\n"); // NOI18N
return rc.toString();
| private java.lang.String | stringifySet(java.util.Set s)Debug support
StringBuffer rc = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
rc.append(" "); // NOI18N
if (count++ > 6) {
rc.append("\n"); // NOI18N
count = 0;
return rc.toString();
| public java.lang.String | toString()Debug support.
StringBuffer rc = new StringBuffer(
"statementSeparator=" + statementSeparator // NOI18N
+ "\ncreateTableStart=" + createTableStart // NOI18N
+ "\ncreateTableEnd=" + createTableEnd // NOI18N
+ "\ndropTable=" + dropTable // NOI18N
+ "\nalterTableAddConstraintStart=" + alterTableAddConstraintStart // NOI18N
+ "\nalterTableDropConstraint=" + alterTableDropConstraint // NOI18N
+ "\nprimaryKeyConstraint=" + primaryKeyConstraint // NOI18N
+ "\nforeignKeyConstraint=" + foreignKeyConstraint // NOI18N
+ "\ncolumnNullability=" + columnNullability // NOI18N
+ "\nlobLogging=" + lobLogging // NOI18N
+ "\ntableNameMaxLength=" + tableNameMaxLength // NOI18N
+ "\ncolumnNameMaxLength=" + columnNameMaxLength // NOI18N
+ "\nconstraintNameMaxLength=" + constraintNameMaxLength // NOI18N
+ "\nuniqueTableName=" + uniqueTableName // NOI18N
+ "\ncounter=" + counter // NOI18N
+ "\n\n"); // NOI18N
rc.append(" dbJdbcInfoMap:\n").append(stringifyMap(dbJdbcInfoMap)); // NOI18N
rc.append(" userJdbcInfoMap:\n").append(stringifyMap(userJdbcInfoMap)); // NOI18N
rc.append(" sqlInfo:\n").append(stringifyMap(sqlInfo)); // NOI18N
rc.append(" namingPolicy:\n").append(stringifyMap(namingPolicy)); // NOI18N
rc.append(" namespaces:\n").append(stringifyMap(namespaces)); // NOI18N
rc.append(" reservedWords:\n").append(stringifySet(reservedWords)); // NOI18N
return rc.toString();