EsrTestServiceTestCasepublic class EsrTestServiceTestCase extends TestCase
Test for bug 12636
Uses the Service interface to deal with WSDL instead of stubs. |
Constructors Summary |
public EsrTestServiceTestCase(String name)
Methods Summary |
public void | test1EsrTestEsrInOut()
// Using WSDL file to make a SOAP call
try {
String thisHost = NetworkUtils.getLocalHostname();
String thisPort = System.getProperty("test.functional.ServicePort", "8080");
//load wsdl file
String wsdlLocation = "http://" + thisHost + ":" + thisPort + "/axis/services/EsrTest?WSDL";
javax.xml.rpc.Service svc =
new org.apache.axis.client.Service(
new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
//setting up the call
javax.xml.rpc.Call call = svc.createCall(
new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
//init in params
Object[] soapInParams = new Object[]{new Short((short) 5)};
//calling soap service
Object ret = call.invoke(soapInParams);
//printing output params
java.util.Map outParams = call.getOutputParams();
// Debug code if you need it
java.util.Collection outs = outParams.values();
java.util.Iterator it = outs.iterator();
int i = 1;
while (it.hasNext()) {
System.out.println(i++ + ". " +;
// Expecting a short and a double back
assertEquals("Number of output parameters is wrong", outParams.size(), 2);
Object s = outParams.get(new QName("echoVal"));
assertNotNull("echoVal paramter is null", s);
assertEquals("echoVal parameter is incorrect", (Short)s, new Short((short) 5) );
Object sq = outParams.get(new QName("sqrtVal"));
assertNotNull("sqrtVal paramter is null", sq);
assertEquals("sqrtVal parameter is incorrect", ((Double)sq).doubleValue(), Math.sqrt(5), 0.001D );
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Exception caught: " + e);
| public void | test1EsrTestEsrInOut2()
// Using WSDL file to make a SOAP call
try {
String thisHost = NetworkUtils.getLocalHostname();
String thisPort = System.getProperty("test.functional.ServicePort", "8080");
//load wsdl file
String wsdlLocation = "http://" + thisHost + ":" + thisPort + "/axis/services/EsrTest?WSDL";
javax.xml.rpc.Service svc =
new org.apache.axis.client.Service(
new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
//setting up the call
javax.xml.rpc.Call call = svc.createCall(
new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
//init in params
Object[] soapInParams = new Object[] {
new Short((short)5) };
//calling soap service
Object ret = call.invoke(soapInParams);
//printing output params
java.util.Map outParams = call.getOutputParams();
// Debug code if you need it
java.util.Collection outs = outParams.values();
java.util.Iterator it = outs.iterator();
int i = 1;
while (it.hasNext()) {
System.out.println(i++ + ". " +;
// Expecting a short and a double back
assertEquals("Number of output parameters is wrong", outParams.size(), 2);
Object s = outParams.get(new QName("echoVal"));
assertNotNull("echoVal paramter is null", s);
assertEquals("echoVal parameter is incorrect", (Short)s, new Short((short) 5) );
Object sq = outParams.get(new QName("sqrtVal"));
assertNotNull("sqrtVal paramter is null", sq);
assertEquals("sqrtVal parameter is incorrect", ((Double)sq).doubleValue(), Math.sqrt(5), 0.001D );
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Exception caught: " + e);
| public void | testEsrTestWSDL()
javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory serviceFactory = javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory.newInstance(); url = new test.wsdl.esr.EsrTestServiceLocator().getEsrTestAddress() + "?WSDL");
javax.xml.rpc.Service service = serviceFactory.createService(url, new test.wsdl.esr.EsrTestServiceLocator().getServiceName());
assertTrue(service != null);