EsrTestServiceTestCase.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.45871Sat Apr 22 18:57:28 BST 2006test.wsdl.esr


public class EsrTestServiceTestCase extends TestCase Test for bug 12636 Uses the Service interface to deal with WSDL instead of stubs.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public EsrTestServiceTestCase(String name)

Methods Summary
public voidtest1EsrTestEsrInOut()

        // Using WSDL file to make a SOAP call
        try {
            String thisHost = NetworkUtils.getLocalHostname();
            String thisPort = System.getProperty("test.functional.ServicePort", "8080");

            //load wsdl file
            String wsdlLocation = "http://" + thisHost + ":" + thisPort + "/axis/services/EsrTest?WSDL";
            javax.xml.rpc.Service svc =
                    new org.apache.axis.client.Service(
                            new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
            //setting up the call
            javax.xml.rpc.Call call = svc.createCall(
                    new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
                    new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
            //init in params
            Object[] soapInParams = new Object[]{new Short((short) 5)};
            //calling soap service
            Object ret = call.invoke(soapInParams);
            //printing output params
            java.util.Map outParams = call.getOutputParams();

            // Debug code if you need it
            java.util.Collection outs = outParams.values();
            java.util.Iterator it = outs.iterator();
            int i = 1;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.println(i++ + ". " +;

            // Expecting a short and a double back
            assertEquals("Number of output parameters is wrong", outParams.size(), 2);
            Object s = outParams.get(new QName("echoVal"));
            assertNotNull("echoVal paramter is null", s);
            assertEquals("echoVal parameter is incorrect", (Short)s, new Short((short) 5) );
            Object sq = outParams.get(new QName("sqrtVal"));
            assertNotNull("sqrtVal paramter is null", sq);
            assertEquals("sqrtVal parameter is incorrect", ((Double)sq).doubleValue(), Math.sqrt(5), 0.001D );

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Exception caught: " + e);

public voidtest1EsrTestEsrInOut2()

        // Using WSDL file to make a SOAP call
        try {
            String thisHost = NetworkUtils.getLocalHostname();
            String thisPort = System.getProperty("test.functional.ServicePort", "8080");

            //load wsdl file
            String wsdlLocation = "http://" + thisHost + ":" + thisPort + "/axis/services/EsrTest?WSDL";
            javax.xml.rpc.Service svc =
                    new org.apache.axis.client.Service(
                            new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
            //setting up the call
            javax.xml.rpc.Call call = svc.createCall(
                    new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
                    new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:esr.wsdl.test",
			//init in params
			Object[] soapInParams = new Object[] { 
                                              new Short((short)5) };
            //calling soap service
            Object ret = call.invoke(soapInParams);
            //printing output params
            java.util.Map outParams = call.getOutputParams();

            // Debug code if you need it
            java.util.Collection outs = outParams.values();
            java.util.Iterator it = outs.iterator();
            int i = 1;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                System.out.println(i++ + ". " +;

            // Expecting a short and a double back
            assertEquals("Number of output parameters is wrong", outParams.size(), 2);
            Object s = outParams.get(new QName("echoVal"));
            assertNotNull("echoVal paramter is null", s);
            assertEquals("echoVal parameter is incorrect", (Short)s, new Short((short) 5) );
            Object sq = outParams.get(new QName("sqrtVal"));
            assertNotNull("sqrtVal paramter is null", sq);
            assertEquals("sqrtVal parameter is incorrect", ((Double)sq).doubleValue(), Math.sqrt(5), 0.001D );

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("Exception caught: " + e);

public voidtestEsrTestWSDL()

        javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory serviceFactory = javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory.newInstance(); url = new test.wsdl.esr.EsrTestServiceLocator().getEsrTestAddress() + "?WSDL");
        javax.xml.rpc.Service service = serviceFactory.createService(url, new test.wsdl.esr.EsrTestServiceLocator().getServiceName());
        assertTrue(service != null);