FTPFileEntryParser defines the interface for parsing a single FTP file
listing and converting that information into an
{@link org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile} instance.
Sometimes you will want to parse unusual listing formats, in which
case you would create your own implementation of FTPFileEntryParser and
if necessary, subclass FTPFile.
Here are some examples showing how to use one of the classes that
implement this interface.
The first example shows how to get an iterable list of files in which the
more expensive FTPFile objects are not created until needed. This
is suitable for paged displays. It requires that a parser object be created
beforehand: parser is an object (in the package
org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser )
implementing this inteface.
FTPClient f=FTPClient();
f.login(username, password);
FTPFileList list = f.createFileList(directory, parser);
FTPFileIterator iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
FTPFile[] files = iter.getNext(25); // "page size" you want
//do whatever you want with these files, display them, etc.
//expensive FTPFile objects not created until needed.
The second example uses the revised FTPClient.listFiles()
API to pull the whole list from the subfolder subfolder in
one call, attempting to automatically detect the parser type. This
method, without a parserKey parameter, indicates that autodection should
be used.
FTPClient f=FTPClient();
f.login(username, password);
FTPFile[] files = f.listFiles("subfolder");
The third example uses the revised FTPClient.listFiles() >
API to pull the whole list from the current working directory in one call,
but specifying by classname the parser to be used. For this particular
parser class, this approach is necessary since there is no way to
autodetect this server type.
FTPClient f=FTPClient();
f.login(username, password);
FTPFile[] files = f.listFiles(
The fourth example uses the revised FTPClient.listFiles()
API to pull a single file listing in an arbitrary directory in one call,
specifying by KEY the parser to be used, in this case, VMS.
FTPClient f=FTPClient();
f.login(username, password);
FTPFile[] files = f.listFiles("VMS", "subfolder/foo.java");