InetAddress.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API57202Wed May 06 22:41:04 BST


public class InetAddress extends Object implements Serializable
The Internet Protocol (IP) address representation class. This class encapsulates an IP address and provides name and reverse name resolution functions. The address is stored in network order, but as a signed (rather than unsigned) integer.
Android 1.0

Fields Summary
static final byte[]
static final byte[]
static InetAddress
private static final org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.INetworkSystem
static final InetAddress
private static final String
private static final long
private static final String
default time-to-live for DNS cache entries; 600 seconds == 10 minutes
private transient Object
private boolean
private int
private static final ObjectStreamField[]
Constructors Summary
Constructs an InetAddress.

    // BEGIN android-removed
    // // Fill in the JNI id caches
    // private static native void oneTimeInitialization(boolean supportsIPv6);
    // static {
    //     oneTimeInitialization(true);
    // }
    // END android-removed

InetAddress(byte[] address)
Constructs an {@code InetAddress}, representing the {@code address} and {@code hostName}.

address the network address.

        this.ipaddress = address;
InetAddress(byte[] address, String hostName)
Constructs an {@code InetAddress}, representing the {@code address} and {@code hostName}.

address the network address.

        this.ipaddress = address;
        this.hostName = hostName;
Methods Summary
static intbytesToInt(byte[] bytes, int start)
Takes the byte array and creates an integer out of four bytes starting at start as the high-order byte. This method makes no checks on the validity of the parameters.

        // First mask the byte with 255, as when a negative
        // signed byte converts to an integer, it has bits
        // on in the first 3 bytes, we are only concerned
        // about the right-most 8 bits.
        // Then shift the rightmost byte to align with its
        // position in the integer.
        int value = ((bytes[start + 3] & 255))
                | ((bytes[start + 2] & 255) << 8)
                | ((bytes[start + 1] & 255) << 16)
                | ((bytes[start] & 255) << 24);
        return value;$CacheElementcacheElement()

        return new CacheElement();
static ipAddressString)
Creates an InetAddress based on the {@code ipAddressString}. No error handling is performed here.

        InetAddress address = null;

        if (Inet6Util.isValidIPV4Address(ipAddressString)) {
            byte[] byteAddress = new byte[4];
            String[] parts = ipAddressString.split("\\."); //$NON-NLS-1$
            int length = parts.length;
            if (length == 1) {
                long value = Long.parseLong(parts[0]);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    byteAddress[i] = (byte) (value >> ((3 - i) * 8));
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    byteAddress[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(parts[i]);

            // adjust for 2/3 parts address
            if (length == 2) {
                byteAddress[3] = byteAddress[1];
                byteAddress[1] = 0;
            if (length == 3) {
                byteAddress[3] = byteAddress[2];
                byteAddress[2] = 0;

            address = new Inet4Address(byteAddress);
        } else { // otherwise it must be ipv6

            if (ipAddressString.charAt(0) == '[") {
                ipAddressString = ipAddressString.substring(1, ipAddressString
                        .length() - 1);

            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(ipAddressString,
                    ":.%", true); //$NON-NLS-1$
            ArrayList<String> hexStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
            ArrayList<String> decStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
            String scopeString = null;
            String token = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
            String prevToken = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
            String prevPrevToken = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
            int doubleColonIndex = -1; // If a double colon exists, we need to
            // insert 0s.

            // Go through the tokens, including the separators ':' and '.'
            // When we hit a : or . the previous token will be added to either
            // the hex list or decimal list. In the case where we hit a ::
            // we will save the index of the hexStrings so we can add zeros
            // in to fill out the string
            while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                prevPrevToken = prevToken;
                prevToken = token;
                token = tokenizer.nextToken();

                if (token.equals(":")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                    if (prevToken.equals(":")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        doubleColonIndex = hexStrings.size();
                    } else if (!prevToken.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                } else if (token.equals(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                } else if (token.equals("%")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                    // add the last word before the % properly
                    if (!prevToken.equals(":") && !prevToken.equals(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                        if (prevPrevToken.equals(":")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        } else if (prevPrevToken.equals(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$

                    // the rest should be the scope string
                    scopeString = tokenizer.nextToken();
                    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        scopeString = scopeString + tokenizer.nextToken();

            if (prevToken.equals(":")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                if (token.equals(":")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                    doubleColonIndex = hexStrings.size();
                } else {
            } else if (prevToken.equals(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$

            // figure out how many hexStrings we should have
            // also check if it is a IPv4 address
            int hexStringsLength = 8;

            // If we have an IPv4 address tagged on at the end, subtract
            // 4 bytes, or 2 hex words from the total
            if (decStrings.size() > 0) {
                hexStringsLength -= 2;

            // if we hit a double Colon add the appropriate hex strings
            if (doubleColonIndex != -1) {
                int numberToInsert = hexStringsLength - hexStrings.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < numberToInsert; i++) {
                    hexStrings.add(doubleColonIndex, "0"); //$NON-NLS-1$

            byte ipByteArray[] = new byte[16];

            // Finally convert these strings to bytes...
            for (int i = 0; i < hexStrings.size(); i++) {
                Inet6Util.convertToBytes(hexStrings.get(i), ipByteArray, i * 2);

            // Now if there are any decimal values, we know where they go...
            for (int i = 0; i < decStrings.size(); i++) {
                ipByteArray[i + 12] = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(decStrings
                        .get(i)) & 255);

            // now check to see if this guy is actually and IPv4 address
            // an ipV4 address is ::FFFF:d.d.d.d
            boolean ipV4 = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                if (ipByteArray[i] != 0) {
                    ipV4 = false;

            if (ipByteArray[10] != -1 || ipByteArray[11] != -1) {
                ipV4 = false;

            if (ipV4) {
                byte ipv4ByteArray[] = new byte[4];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    ipv4ByteArray[i] = ipByteArray[i + 12];
                address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ipv4ByteArray);
            } else {
                int scopeId = 0;
                if (scopeString != null) {
                    try {
                        scopeId = Integer.parseInt(scopeString);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // this should not occur as we should not get into this
                        // function unless the address is in a valid format
                address = InetAddress.getByAddress(ipByteArray, scopeId);

        return address;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares this {@code InetAddress} instance against the specified address in {@code obj}. Two addresses are equal if their address byte arrays have the same length and if the bytes in the arrays are equal.

obj the object to be tested for equality.
{@code true} if both objects are equal, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        // BEGIN android-changed
        if (!(obj instanceof InetAddress)) {
            return false;
        // END android-changed

        // now check if their byte arrays match...
        byte[] objIPaddress = ((InetAddress) obj).ipaddress;
        // BEGIN android-added
        if (objIPaddress.length != ipaddress.length) {
            return false;
        // END android-added
        for (int i = 0; i < objIPaddress.length; i++) {
            if (objIPaddress[i] != this.ipaddress[i]) {
                return false;
        return true;
public byte[]getAddress()
Returns the IP address represented by this {@code InetAddress} instance as a byte array. The elements are in network order (the highest order address byte is in the zeroth element).

the address in form of a byte array.
Android 1.0

        return ipaddress.clone();
public static[]getAllByName(java.lang.String host)
Gets all IP addresses associated with the given {@code host} identified by name or IP address in dot-notation. The IP address is resolved by the configured name service. If the host name is empty or {@code null} an {@code UnknownHostException} is thrown. If the host name is a dotted IP address string an array with the corresponding single {@code InetAddress} is returned.

host the host's name or IP to be resolved to an address.
the array of addresses associated with the specified host.
UnknownHostException if the address lookup fails.
Android 1.0

        // BEGIN android-changed
        // Added change taken from newer harmony concerning zero length hostname.
        // Added special handling for localhost, since it doesn't work properly.
        // TODO Get rid of this later...
        if (host == null || 0 == host.length() ||
                "localhost".equalsIgnoreCase(host)) {
            return new InetAddress[] { preferIPv6Addresses()
                                       ? Inet6Address.LOOPBACK
                                       : LOOPBACK };
        // END android-changed

        if (isHostName(host)) {
            SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
            if (security != null) {
                security.checkConnect(host, -1);
            // BEGIN android-changed
            byte[][] rawAddresses = getallbyname(host,
            InetAddress[] returnedAddresses = new
            for (int i = 0; i < rawAddresses.length; i++) {
                byte[] rawAddress = rawAddresses[i];
                if (rawAddress.length == 16) {
                    returnedAddresses[i] = new Inet6Address(rawAddress, host);
                } else if (rawAddress.length == 4) {
                    returnedAddresses[i] = new Inet4Address(rawAddress, host);
                } else {
                  // Cannot happen, because the underlying code only returns
                  // addresses that are 4 or 16 bytes long.
                  throw new AssertionError("Impossible address length " + 

            // ok we may have to re-order to make sure the
            // preferIPv6Addresses is respected
            // END android-changed
            InetAddress[] orderedAddresses = null;
            if (returnedAddresses != null) {
                orderedAddresses = new InetAddress[returnedAddresses.length];
                int curPosition = 0;
                if (InetAddress.preferIPv6Addresses()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < returnedAddresses.length; i++) {
                        if (returnedAddresses[i] instanceof Inet6Address) {
                            orderedAddresses[curPosition] = returnedAddresses[i];
                    for (int i = 0; i < returnedAddresses.length; i++) {
                        // BEGIN android-changed
                        if (!(returnedAddresses[i] instanceof Inet6Address)) {
                        // END android-changed
                            orderedAddresses[curPosition] = returnedAddresses[i];
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < returnedAddresses.length; i++) {
                        // BEGIN android-changed
                        if (!(returnedAddresses[i] instanceof Inet6Address)) {
                        // END android-changed
                            orderedAddresses[curPosition] = returnedAddresses[i];
                    for (int i = 0; i < returnedAddresses.length; i++) {
                        if (returnedAddresses[i] instanceof Inet6Address) {
                            orderedAddresses[curPosition] = returnedAddresses[i];
            return orderedAddresses;

        byte[] hBytes = Inet6Util.createByteArrayFromIPAddressString(host);
        // BEGIN android-added
        // Copied from a newer version of harmony
        if (hBytes.length == 4) {
            return (new InetAddress[] { new Inet4Address(hBytes) });
        } else if (hBytes.length == 16) {
            return (new InetAddress[] { new Inet6Address(hBytes) });
        // END android-added
        return (new InetAddress[] { new InetAddress(hBytes) });
public static[] ipAddress)
Returns the {@code InetAddress} corresponding to the array of bytes. In the case of an IPv4 address there must be exactly 4 bytes and for IPv6 exactly 16 bytes. If not, an {@code UnknownHostException} is thrown.

The IP address is not validated by a name service.

The high order byte is {@code ipAddress[0]}.

ipAddress is either a 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6) byte long array.
an {@code InetAddress} instance representing the given IP address {@code ipAddress}.
UnknownHostException if the given byte array has no valid length.
Android 1.0

        // simply call the method by the same name specifying the default scope
        // id of 0
        return getByAddress(ipAddress, 0);
static[] ipAddress, int scope_id)
Returns the {@code InetAddress} corresponding to the array of bytes. In the case of an IPv4 address there must be exactly 4 bytes and for IPv6 exactly 16 bytes. If not, an {@code UnknownHostException} is thrown. The IP address is not validated by a name service. The high order byte is {@code ipAddress[0]}.

ipAddress either a 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6) byte array.
scope_id the scope id for an IPV6 scoped address. If not a scoped address just pass in 0.
the InetAddress

        byte[] copy_address;
        if (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.length == 4) {
            copy_address = new byte[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                copy_address[i] = ipAddress[i];
            // BEGIN adnroid-changed
            // Copied from a newer version of harmony
            return new Inet4Address(copy_address);
            // END android-changed

        if (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.length == 16) {
            // First check to see if the address is an IPv6-mapped
            // IPv4 address. If it is, then we can make it a IPv4
            // address, otherwise, we'll create an IPv6 address.
            if (isIPv4MappedAddress(ipAddress)) {
                copy_address = new byte[4];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    copy_address[i] = ipAddress[12 + i];
                return new Inet4Address(copy_address);
            copy_address = ipAddress.clone();
            return new Inet6Address(copy_address, scope_id);
        throw new UnknownHostException(Msg.getString("K0339")); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static hostName, byte[] ipAddress)
Returns the {@code InetAddress} corresponding to the array of bytes, and the given hostname. In the case of an IPv4 address there must be exactly 4 bytes and for IPv6 exactly 16 bytes. If not, an {@code UnknownHostException} will be thrown.

The host name and IP address are not validated.

The hostname either be a machine alias or a valid IPv6 or IPv4 address format.

The high order byte is {@code ipAddress[0]}.

hostName the string representation of hostname or IP address.
ipAddress either a 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6) byte long array.
an {@code InetAddress} instance representing the given IP address and hostname.
UnknownHostException if the given byte array has no valid length.
Android 1.0

        // just call the method by the same name passing in a default scope id
        // of 0
        return getByAddressInternal(hostName, ipAddress, 0);
static hostName, byte[] ipAddress, int scope_id)
Returns the {@code InetAddress} corresponding to the array of bytes, and the given hostname. In the case of an IPv4 address there must be exactly 4 bytes and for IPv6 exactly 16 bytes. If not, an {@code UnknownHostException} is thrown. The host name and IP address are not validated. The hostname either be a machine alias or a valid IPv6 or IPv4 address format. The high order byte is {@code ipAddress[0]}.

hostName string representation of hostname or IP address.
ipAddress either a 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6) byte array.
scope_id the scope id for a scoped address. If not a scoped address just pass in 0.
the InetAddress

        byte[] copy_address;
        if (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.length == 4) {
            copy_address = new byte[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                copy_address[i] = ipAddress[i];
            return new Inet4Address(ipAddress, hostName);

        if (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.length == 16) {
            // First check to see if the address is an IPv6-mapped
            // IPv4 address. If it is, then we can make it a IPv4
            // address, otherwise, we'll create an IPv6 address.
            if (isIPv4MappedAddress(ipAddress)) {
                copy_address = new byte[4];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    copy_address[i] = ipAddress[12 + i];
                return new Inet4Address(ipAddress, hostName);

            copy_address = new byte[16];
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                copy_address[i] = ipAddress[i];

            return new Inet6Address(ipAddress, hostName, scope_id);

        throw new UnknownHostException(Msg.getString("K0332", hostName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static host)
Returns the address of a host according to the given host string name {@code host}. The host string may be either a machine name or a dotted string IP address. If the latter, the {@code hostName} field is determined upon demand. {@code host} can be {@code null} which means that an address of the loopback interface is returned.

host the hostName to be resolved to an address or {@code null}.
the {@code InetAddress} instance representing the host.
UnknownHostException if the address lookup fails.
Android 1.0

        // BEGIN android-changed
        // Added special handling for localhost, since it doesn't work properly.
        // TODO Get rid of this later...
        if (host == null || 0 == host.length() || 
                "localhost".equalsIgnoreCase(host)) {
            return InetAddress.LOOPBACK;
        // END android-changed
        if (host.equals("0")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            return InetAddress.ANY;

        if (isHostName(host)) {
            SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
            if (security != null) {
                security.checkConnect(host, -1);
            return lookupHostByName(host);

        return createHostNameFromIPAddress(host);
public java.lang.StringgetCanonicalHostName()
Gets the fully qualified domain name for the host associated with this IP address. If a security manager is set, it is checked if the method caller is allowed to get the hostname. Otherwise, the textual representation in a dotted-quad-notation is returned.

the fully qualified domain name of this IP address.
Android 1.0

        String canonicalName;
        try {
            int address = 0;
            if (ipaddress.length == 4) {
                address = bytesToInt(ipaddress, 0);
                if (address == 0) {
                    return inetNtoaImpl(address);
            canonicalName = getHostByAddrImpl(ipaddress).hostName;
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            return Inet6Util.createIPAddrStringFromByteArray(ipaddress);
        SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
        try {
            // Only check host names, not addresses
            if (security != null && isHostName(canonicalName)) {
                security.checkConnect(canonicalName, -1);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            return Inet6Util.createIPAddrStringFromByteArray(ipaddress);
        return canonicalName;
public java.lang.StringgetHostAddress()
Gets the textual representation of this IP address.

the textual representation of this host address in form of a dotted string.
Android 1.0

        return inetNtoaImpl(bytesToInt(ipaddress, 0));
static[] addr)
Query the IP stack for the host address. The host is in address form.

addr the host address to lookup.
UnknownHostException if an error occurs during lookup.

        return new InetAddress(addr, gethostbyaddr(addr));
static name, boolean preferIPv6Address)
Query the IP stack for the host address. The host is in string name form.

name the host name to lookup
preferIPv6Addresses address preference if underlying platform is V4/V6
InetAddress the host address
UnknownHostException if an error occurs during lookup

        // TODO Mapped Harmony to Android native. Get rid of indirection later.
        return getAllByName(name)[0];
public java.lang.StringgetHostName()
Gets the host name of this IP address. If the IP address could not be resolved, the textual representation in a dotted-quad-notation is returned.

the corresponding string name of this IP address.
Android 1.0

        try {
            if (hostName == null) {
                int address = 0;
                if (ipaddress.length == 4) {
                    address = bytesToInt(ipaddress, 0);
                    if (address == 0) {
                        return hostName = inetNtoaImpl(address);
                hostName = getHostByAddrImpl(ipaddress).hostName;
                if (hostName.equals("localhost") && ipaddress.length == 4 //$NON-NLS-1$
                        && address != 0x7f000001) {
                    return hostName = inetNtoaImpl(address);
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            return hostName = Inet6Util
        SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
        try {
            // Only check host names, not addresses
            if (security != null && isHostName(hostName)) {
                security.checkConnect(hostName, -1);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            return Inet6Util.createIPAddrStringFromByteArray(ipaddress);
        return hostName;
static java.lang.StringgetHostNameImpl()
Gets the host name of the system.

String the system hostname

        // TODO Mapped Harmony to Android native. Get rid of indirection later.

        return gethostname();
static java.lang.StringgetHostNameInternal(java.lang.String host)

        if (host == null || 0 == host.length()) {
            return InetAddress.LOOPBACK.getHostAddress();
        if (isHostName(host)) {
            return lookupHostByName(host).getHostAddress();
        return host;
public static
Gets the local host address if the security policy allows this. Otherwise, gets the loopback address which allows this machine to be contacted.

The current implementation returns always the loopback address.

the {@code InetAddress} representing the local host.
UnknownHostException if the address lookup fails.
Android 1.0

        String host = getHostNameImpl();
        SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
        try {
            if (security != null) {
                security.checkConnect(host, -1);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            return InetAddress.LOOPBACK;
        return lookupHostByName(host);
private static native byte[][]getallbyname(java.lang.String name, boolean preferIPv4Stack)
Resolves a host name to its IP addresses. Thread safe.

private static native java.lang.Stringgethostbyaddr(byte[] addr)
Resolves an IP address to a hostname. Thread safe.

static native java.lang.Stringgethostname()

public inthashCode()
Gets the hashcode of the represented IP address.

the appropriate hashcode value.
Android 1.0

        return bytesToInt(ipaddress, 0);
static intinetAddr(java.lang.String host)

        return (host.equals("")) ? 0xFFFFFFFF //$NON-NLS-1$
                : inetAddrImpl(host);
static intinetAddrImpl(java.lang.String host)
Convert a string containing an IPv4 Internet Protocol dotted address into a binary address. Note, the special case of '' throws an exception, so this value should not be used as an argument. See also inetAddr(String).

        // TODO Probably not exactly what we want, and also inefficient. Provide native later.
        try {
            String[] args = host.split("\\.");
            int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) << 24;
            int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) << 16;
            int c = Integer.parseInt(args[2]) <<  8;
            int d = Integer.parseInt(args[3])      ;
            return a | b | c | d;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new UnknownHostException(host);
static java.lang.StringinetNtoaImpl(int hipAddr)
Convert a binary address into a string containing an Ipv4 Internet Protocol dotted address.

        // TODO Inefficient and probably wrong. Provide proper (native?) implementation later.
        int a = (hipAddr >> 24) & 0xFF;
        int b = (hipAddr >> 16) & 0xFF;
        int c = (hipAddr >>  8) & 0xFF;
        int d = (hipAddr      ) & 0xFF;
        return "" + a + "." + b + "." + c + "." + d;
static voidintToBytes(int value, byte[] bytes, int start)
Takes the integer and chops it into 4 bytes, putting it into the byte array starting with the high order byte at the index start. This method makes no checks on the validity of the parameters.

        // Shift the int so the current byte is right-most
        // Use a byte mask of 255 to single out the last byte.
        bytes[start] = (byte) ((value >> 24) & 255);
        bytes[start + 1] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 255);
        bytes[start + 2] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 255);
        bytes[start + 3] = (byte) (value & 255);
public booleanisAnyLocalAddress()
Returns whether this is a wildcard address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

{@code true} if this instance represents a wildcard address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
private static booleanisHostName(java.lang.String value)
Returns true if the string is a host name, false if it is an IP Address.

        return !(Inet6Util.isValidIPV4Address(value) || Inet6Util
private static booleanisIPv4MappedAddress(byte[] ipAddress)

        // Check if the address matches ::FFFF:d.d.d.d
        // The first 10 bytes are 0. The next to are -1 (FF).
        // The last 4 bytes are varied.
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            if (ipAddress[i] != 0) {
                return false;

        if (ipAddress[10] != -1 || ipAddress[11] != -1) {
            return false;

        return true;
public booleanisLinkLocalAddress()
Returns whether this address is a link-local address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 link-local addresses are FE80::0 through to FEBF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF.

There are no valid IPv4 link-local addresses.

{@code true} if this instance represents a link-local address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisLoopbackAddress()
Returns whether this address is a loopback address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}. Valid IPv4 loopback addresses are 127.d.d.d The only valid IPv6 loopback address is ::1.

{@code true} if this instance represents a loopback address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisMCGlobal()
Returns whether this address is a global multicast address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 link-global multicast addresses are FFxE:/112 where x is a set of flags, and the additional 112 bits make up the global multicast address space.

Valid IPv4 global multicast addresses are between: to

{@code true} if this instance represents a global multicast address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisMCLinkLocal()
Returns whether this address is a link-local multicast address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 link-local multicast addresses are FFx2:/112 where x is a set of flags, and the additional 112 bits make up the link-local multicast address space.

Valid IPv4 link-local addresses are between: to

{@code true} if this instance represents a link-local multicast address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisMCNodeLocal()
Returns whether this address is a node-local multicast address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 node-local multicast addresses are FFx1:/112 where x is a set of flags, and the additional 112 bits make up the node-local multicast address space.

There are no valid IPv4 node-local multicast addresses.

{@code true} if this instance represents a node-local multicast address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisMCOrgLocal()
Returns whether this address is a organization-local multicast address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 organization-local multicast addresses are FFx8:/112 where x is a set of flags, and the additional 112 bits make up the organization-local multicast address space.

Valid IPv4 organization-local addresses are between: to

{@code true} if this instance represents a organization-local multicast address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisMCSiteLocal()
Returns whether this address is a site-local multicast address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 site-local multicast addresses are FFx5:/112 where x is a set of flags, and the additional 112 bits make up the site-local multicast address space.

Valid IPv4 site-local addresses are between: to

{@code true} if this instance represents a site-local multicast address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
public booleanisMulticastAddress()
Returns whether this address is an IP multicast address or not.

{@code true} if this address is in the multicast group, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return ((ipaddress[0] & 255) >>> 4) == 0xE;
public booleanisReachable(int timeout)
Tries to reach this {@code InetAddress}. This method first tries to use ICMP (ICMP ECHO REQUEST). When first step fails, a TCP connection on port 7 (Echo) of the remote host is established.

timeout timeout in milliseconds before the test fails if no connection could be established.
{@code true} if this address is reachable, {@code false} otherwise.
IOException if an error occurs during an I/O operation.
IllegalArgumentException if timeout is less than zero.
Android 1.0

        return isReachable(null, 0, timeout);
public booleanisReachable( netif, int ttl, int timeout)
Tries to reach this {@code InetAddress}. This method first tries to use ICMP (ICMP ECHO REQUEST). When first step fails, a TCP connection on port 7 (Echo) of the remote host is established.

netif the network interface on which to connection should be established.
ttl the maximum count of hops (time-to-live).
timeout timeout in milliseconds before the test fails if no connection could be established.
{@code true} if this address is reachable, {@code false} otherwise.
IOException if an error occurs during an I/O operation.
IllegalArgumentException if ttl or timeout is less than zero.
Android 1.0

        if (0 > ttl || 0 > timeout) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.getString("K0051")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        boolean reachable = false;
        if (null == netif) {
            // network interface is null, binds to no address
            // BEGIN android-changed
            // reachable = NETIMPL.isReachableByICMP(this, null, ttl, timeout);
            // if (!reachable) {
                reachable = isReachableByTCP(this, null, timeout);
            // }
            // END android-changed
        } else {
            // Not Bind to any address
            if (null == netif.addresses) {
                return false;
            // binds to all address on this NetworkInterface, tries ICMP ping
            // first
            // BEGIN android-changed
            // reachable = isReachableByICMPUseMultiThread(netif, ttl, timeout);
            // if (!reachable) {
                // tries TCP echo if ICMP ping fails
                reachable = isReachableByMultiThread(netif, ttl, timeout);
            // }
            // END adnroid-changed
        return reachable;
private booleanisReachableByMultiThread( netif, int ttl, int timeout)

        if (null == netif.addresses) {
            return false;
        Enumeration<InetAddress> addresses = netif.getInetAddresses();
        reached = false;
        addrCount = netif.addresses.length;
        boolean needWait = false;
        while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
            final InetAddress addr = addresses.nextElement();

            // loopback interface can only reach to local addresses
            if (addr.isLoopbackAddress()) {
                Enumeration<NetworkInterface> NetworkInterfaces = NetworkInterface
                while (NetworkInterfaces.hasMoreElements()) {
                    NetworkInterface networkInterface = NetworkInterfaces
                    Enumeration<InetAddress> localAddresses = networkInterface
                    while (localAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
                        if (InetAddress.this.equals(localAddresses
                                .nextElement())) {
                            return true;

                synchronized (waitReachable) {

                    if (addrCount == 0) {
                        // if count equals zero, all thread
                        // expired,notifies main thread

            needWait = true;
            new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    boolean threadReached = false;
                    // BEGIN android-changed
                    // if isICMP, tries ICMP ping, else TCP echo
                    // if (isICMP) {
                    //     threadReached = NETIMPL.isReachableByICMP(
                    //             InetAddress.this, addr, ttl, timeout);
                    // } else {
                        try {
                            threadReached = isReachableByTCP(InetAddress.this,
                                    addr, timeout);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            // do nothing
                    // }
                    // END android-changed

                    synchronized (waitReachable) {
                        if (threadReached) {
                            // if thread reached this address, sets reached to
                            // true and notifies main thread
                            reached = true;
                        } else {
                            if (0 == addrCount) {
                                // if count equals zero, all thread
                                // expired,notifies main thread

        if (needWait) {
            synchronized (waitReachable) {
                try {
                    while (!reached && (addrCount != 0)) {
                        // wait for notification
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // do nothing
                return reached;

        return false;
private booleanisReachableByTCP( dest, source, int timeout)

        FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor();
        // define traffic only for parameter
        int traffic = 0;
        boolean reached = false;
        NETIMPL.createSocket(fd, NetUtil.preferIPv4Stack());
        try {
            if (null != source) {
                NETIMPL.bind(fd, 0, source);
            NETIMPL.connectStreamWithTimeoutSocket(fd, 7, timeout, traffic,
            reached = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (ERRMSG_CONNECTION_REFUSED.equals(e.getMessage())) {
                // Connection refused means the IP is reachable
                reached = true;


        return reached;
public booleanisSiteLocalAddress()
Returns whether this address is a site-local address or not. This implementation returns always {@code false}.

Valid IPv6 site-local addresses are FEC0::0 through to FEFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF.

There are no valid IPv4 site-local addresses.

{@code true} if this instance represents a site-local address, {@code false} otherwise.
Android 1.0

        return false;
static synchronized host)

        int ttl = -1;

        // BEGIN android-changed
        String ttlValue = AccessController
                .doPrivileged(new PriviAction<String>(
                        "networkaddress.cache.ttl", DEFAULT_NETADDR_CACHE_TTL_SECS)); //$NON-NLS-1$
        // END android-changed
        try {
            if (ttlValue != null) {
                ttl = Integer.decode(ttlValue).intValue();
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // Ignored
        CacheElement element = null;
        if (ttl == 0) {
        } else {
            element = Cache.get(host);
            // BEGIN android-changed
            if (element != null && ttl > 0) {
                long delta = System.nanoTime() - element.nanoTimeAdded;
                if (delta > secondsToNanos(ttl)) {
                    element = null;
            // END android-changed
        if (element != null) {
            return element.inetAddress();

        // now try the negative cache
        String failedMessage = NegativeCache.getFailedMessage(host);
        if (failedMessage != null) {
            throw new UnknownHostException(host + " - " + failedMessage); //$NON-NLS-1$

        InetAddress anInetAddress;
        try {
            anInetAddress = getHostByNameImpl(host, preferIPv6Addresses());
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            // put the entry in the negative cache
            NegativeCache.put(host, e.getMessage());
            throw new UnknownHostException(host + " - " + e.getMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$

        return anInetAddress;
static booleanpreferIPv6Addresses()

        String result = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PriviAction<String>(
                "")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return "true".equals(result); //$NON-NLS-1$
private voidreadObject( stream)

        ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = stream.readFields();
        int addr = fields.get("address", 0); //$NON-NLS-1$
        ipaddress = new byte[4];
        intToBytes(addr, ipaddress, 0);
        hostName = (String) fields.get("hostName", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
        family = fields.get("family", 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
private java.lang.ObjectreadResolve()

        return new Inet4Address(ipaddress, hostName);
private static longsecondsToNanos(int ttl)
Multiplies value by 1 billion.

        return (long) ttl * 1000000000;
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this IP address.

the description, as host/address.
Android 1.0

        return (hostName == null ? "" : hostName) + "/" + getHostAddress(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
private voidwriteObject( stream)


        ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = stream.putFields();
        if (ipaddress == null) {
            fields.put("address", 0); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
            fields.put("address", bytesToInt(ipaddress, 0)); //$NON-NLS-1$
        fields.put("family", family); //$NON-NLS-1$
        fields.put("hostName", hostName); //$NON-NLS-1$
