EntityManagerSetupImpl.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API57160Thu Jul 26 13:55:48 BST 2007oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3


public class EntityManagerSetupImpl extends Object
INTERNAL: A TopLink specific implementer of the EntityManagerInitializer interface.

Fields Summary
protected MetadataProcessor
protected PersistenceUnitInfo
protected Map
protected int
protected ServerSession
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected SecurableObjectHolder
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
protected String
public static final String
Initial -----> PredeployFailed | | V V |-> Predeployed --> DeployFailed | | | | | V V V | Deployed -> Undeployed-->| | | |<-------------------------V
public static final String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
protected voidaddProjectToSession(oracle.toplink.essentials.threetier.ServerSession session, oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.Project project)
INTERNAL: Adds descriptors plus sequencing info found on the project to the session.

        DatasourcePlatform sessionPlatform = (DatasourcePlatform)session.getDatasourceLogin().getDatasourcePlatform();
        DatasourcePlatform projectPlatform = (DatasourcePlatform)project.getDatasourceLogin().getDatasourcePlatform();
        if (!sessionPlatform.hasDefaultSequence() && projectPlatform.hasDefaultSequence()) {
        if ((sessionPlatform.getSequences() == null) || sessionPlatform.getSequences().isEmpty()) {
            if ((projectPlatform.getSequences() != null) && !projectPlatform.getSequences().isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            if ((projectPlatform.getSequences() != null) && !projectPlatform.getSequences().isEmpty()) {
                Iterator itProjectSequences = projectPlatform.getSequences().values().iterator();
                while (itProjectSequences.hasNext()) {
                    Sequence sequence = (Sequence);
                    if (!sessionPlatform.getSequences().containsKey(sequence.getName())) {
protected voidaddSessionToGlobalSessionManager()
INTERNAL: Put the given session into the session manager so it can be looked up later

        AbstractSession oldSession = (AbstractSession)SessionManager.getManager().getSessions().get(session.getName());
        if(oldSession != null) {
            throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.attemptedRedeployWithoutClose(session.getName()));
protected voidassignCMP3Policy()
INTERNAL: Assign a CMP3Policy to each descriptor

        // all descriptors assigned CMP3Policy
        Project project = session.getProject();
        for (Iterator iterator = project.getDescriptors().values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
            //bug:4406101  changed class cast to base class, which is used in projects generated from 904 xml
            ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);
            if(descriptor.getCMPPolicy() == null) {
                descriptor.setCMPPolicy(new CMP3Policy());
public oracle.toplink.essentials.threetier.ServerSessiondeploy(java.lang.ClassLoader realClassLoader, java.util.Map additionalProperties)
Deploy a persistence session and return an EntityManagerFactory. Deployment takes a session that was partially created in the predeploy call and makes it whole. This means doing any configuration that requires the real class definitions for the entities. In the predeploy phase we were in a stage where we were not let allowed to load the real classes. Deploy could be called several times - but only the first call does the actual deploying - additional calls allow to update session properties (in case the session is not connected). Note that there is no need to synchronize deploy method - it doesn't alter factoryCount and while deploy is executed no other method can alter the current state (predeploy call would just increment factoryCount; undeploy call would not drop factoryCount to 0). However precautions should be taken to handle concurrent calls to deploy, because those may alter the current state or connect the session.

realClassLoader The class loader that was used to load the entity classes. This loader will be maintained for the lifespan of the loaded classes.
additionalProperties added to predeployProperties for updateServerSession overriding existing properties. In JSE case it allows to alter properties in main (as opposed to preMain where preDeploy is called).
An EntityManagerFactory to be used by the Container to obtain EntityManagers

        if(state != STATE_PREDEPLOYED && state != STATE_DEPLOYED) {
            throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.cannotDeployWithoutPredeploy(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(), state));
        // state is PREDEPLOYED or DEPLOYED
        session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "deploy_begin", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
        try {                        
            Map deployProperties = mergeMaps(additionalProperties, predeployProperties);
            translateOldProperties(deployProperties, session);
            if(state == STATE_PREDEPLOYED) {
                synchronized(session) {
                    if(state == STATE_PREDEPLOYED) {
                        try {
                            // The project is initially created using class names rather than classes.  This call will make the conversion
                            // listeners and queries require the real classes and are therefore built during deploy using the realClassLoader
                            // free the resouces that we don't need any more.
                            processor = null;
                            if (session.getIntegrityChecker().hasErrors()){
                                session.handleException(new IntegrityException(session.getIntegrityChecker()));
                            state = STATE_DEPLOYED;
                        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                            state = STATE_DEPLOY_FAILED;
                            // session not discarded here only because it will be used in undeploy method for debug logging.
                            throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.deployFailed(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(), ex));
            // state is DEPLOYED
            if(!session.isConnected()) {
                synchronized(session) {
                    if(!session.isConnected()) {
                        updateServerSession(deployProperties, realClassLoader);
                        if(isValidationOnly(deployProperties, false)) {
                        } else {
                            login(session, deployProperties);
                            generateDDLFiles(session, deployProperties, !isInContainerMode);
            return session;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgumentException) {
            throw new javax.persistence.PersistenceException(illegalArgumentException);
        } catch (oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException exception) {
            throw new javax.persistence.PersistenceException(exception);
        } finally {
            session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "deploy_end", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
protected static java.lang.ClassfindClass(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)

        if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
            return (Class)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedClassForName(className, true, loader));
        } else {
            return, true, loader);
protected static java.lang.ClassfindClassForProperty(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)

        try {
            return findClass(className, loader);
        } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception1) {
            throw EntityManagerSetupException.classNotFoundForProperty(className, propertyName, exception1.getException());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception2) {
            throw EntityManagerSetupException.classNotFoundForProperty(className, propertyName, exception2);
public java.lang.StringgetConfigPropertyAsString(java.lang.String propertyKey, java.lang.String defaultValue)
Check the provided map for an object with the given key. If that object is not available, check the System properties. If it is not available from either location, return the default value.


        return getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(propertyKey, predeployProperties, defaultValue, session);
public java.lang.StringgetConfigPropertyAsString(java.lang.String propertyKey)

        return getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(propertyKey, predeployProperties, session);
protected javax.sql.DataSourcegetDatasourceFromProperties(java.util.Map m, java.lang.String property, javax.sql.DataSource defaultDataSource)
This is used to return either the defaultDatasource or, if one exists, a datasource defined under the property from the Map m. This method will build a DataSourceImpl object to hold the url if the property in Map m defines a string instead of a datasource.

        Object datasource = getConfigPropertyLogDebug(property, m, session);
        if ( datasource == null ){
            return defaultDataSource;
        if ( datasource instanceof String){
            // Create a dummy DataSource that will throw an exception on access
            return new DataSourceImpl((String)datasource, null, null, null);
        if ( !(datasource instanceof javax.sql.DataSource) ){
            //A warning should be enough.  Though an error might be better, the properties passed in could contain anything
            session.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "invalid_datasource_property_value", property, datasource);
            return defaultDataSource;
        return (javax.sql.DataSource)datasource;
public java.lang.StringgetDeployedSessionName()
Return the name of the session this SetupImpl is building. The session name is only known at deploy time and if this method is called prior to that, this method will return null.


        return session != null ? session.getName() : null;
public intgetFactoryCount()

        return factoryCount;
public javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfogetPersistenceUnitInfo()

        return persistenceUnitInfo;
protected voidinitOrUpdateLogging(java.util.Map m, oracle.toplink.essentials.logging.SessionLog log)

        String logLevelString = PropertiesHandler.getPropertyValueLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_LEVEL, m, session);
        if(logLevelString != null) {
        // category-specific logging level
        Map categoryLogLevelMap = PropertiesHandler.getPrefixValuesLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.CATEGORY_LOGGING_LEVEL_, m, session);
        if(!categoryLogLevelMap.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator it = categoryLogLevelMap.entrySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                String category = (String)entry.getKey();
                String value = (String)entry.getValue();
                log.setLevel(AbstractSessionLog.translateStringToLoggingLevel(value), category);
        String tsString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_TIMESTAMP, m, session);
        if (tsString != null) {
        String threadString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_THREAD, m, session);
        if (threadString != null) {
        String sessionString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_SESSION, m, session);
        if (sessionString != null) {
        String exString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_EXCEPTIONS, m, session);
        if (exString != null) {
protected voidinitServerSession(java.util.Map m)
Normally when a property is missing nothing should be applied to the session. However there are several session attributes that defaulted in EJB3 to the values different from TopLink defaults (for instance, in TopLink defaults binding to false, EJB3 - to true). This function applies defaults for such properties and registers the session. All other session-related properties are applied in updateServerSession. Note that updateServerSession may be called several times on the same session (before login), but initServerSession is called just once - before the first call to updateServerSession.



        // Register session that has been created earlier.
        // shouldBindAllParameters is true by default - set it if no property provided
        if (EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsString(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_BIND_PARAMETERS, m) == null) {
//            session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "property_value_default", new Object[]{TopLinkProperties.JDBC_BIND_PARAMETERS, "true"});
        // set default descriptor cache size - set it to all descriptors if CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT not provided
        if (PropertiesHandler.getPrefixedPropertyValue(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SIZE_, TopLinkProperties.DEFAULT, m) == null) {
//            int defaultCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(PropertiesHandler.getDefaultPropertyValueLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SIZE_, session));
            int defaultCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(PropertiesHandler.getDefaultPropertyValue(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SIZE_));
            Iterator descriptorsIterator = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator();
            while (descriptorsIterator.hasNext()) {
public booleanisDeployFailed()

        return state == STATE_DEPLOY_FAILED;
public booleanisDeployed()

        return state == STATE_DEPLOYED;
public booleanisInContainerMode()

        return isInContainerMode;
public booleanisInitial()

        return state == STATE_INITIAL;
public booleanisPredeployFailed()

        return state == STATE_PREDEPLOY_FAILED;
public booleanisPredeployed()

        return state == STATE_PREDEPLOYED;
public booleanisUndeployed()

        return state == STATE_UNDEPLOYED;
public booleanisValidationOnly(java.util.Map m)

        return isValidationOnly(m, true);
protected booleanisValidationOnly(java.util.Map m, boolean shouldMergeMap)

        if(shouldMergeMap) {
            m = mergeWithExistingMap(m);
        String validationOnlyString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TOPLINK_VALIDATION_ONLY_PROPERTY, m, session);
        if(validationOnlyString != null) {
            return Boolean.parseBoolean(validationOnlyString);
        } else {
            return false;
protected java.util.MapmergeWithExistingMap(java.util.Map m)

        if(predeployProperties != null) {
            return mergeMaps(m, predeployProperties);
        } else if(persistenceUnitInfo != null) {
            return mergeMaps(m, persistenceUnitInfo.getProperties());
        } else {
            return m;
public synchronized javax.persistence.spi.ClassTransformerpredeploy(javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo info, java.util.Map extendedProperties)
Perform any steps necessary prior to actual deployment. This includes any steps in the session creation that do not require the real loaded domain classes. The first call to this method caches persistenceUnitInfo which is reused in the following calls. Note that in JSE case factoryCount is NOT incremented on the very first call (by JavaSECMPInitializer.callPredeploy, typically in preMain). That provides 1 to 1 correspondence between factoryCount and the number of open factories. In case factoryCount > 0 the method just increments factoryCount. factory == 0 triggers creation of a new session. This method and undeploy - the only methods altering factoryCount - should be synchronized.

A transformer (which may be null) that should be plugged into the proper classloader to allow classes to be transformed as they get loaded.
#predeploy(javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo, java.util.Map)

        if(state == STATE_DEPLOY_FAILED) {
            throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.cannotPredeploy(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(), state));
        if(state == STATE_PREDEPLOYED || state == STATE_DEPLOYED) {
            session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "predeploy_begin", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
            if(session != null) {
                session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "predeploy_end", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
            return null;
        } else if(state == STATE_INITIAL || state == STATE_UNDEPLOYED) {
            persistenceUnitInfo = info;
        try {
            ClassLoader privateClassLoader = persistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader();

            // create server session (it should be done before initializing ServerPlatform)
            // (also before translateOldProperties - it requires session to log warnings)
            session = new ServerSession(new Project(new DatabaseLogin()));
            predeployProperties = mergeMaps(extendedProperties, persistenceUnitInfo.getProperties());
            // translate old properties
            // this should be done before using properties (i.e. ServerPlatform)
            translateOldProperties(predeployProperties, null);
            ClassLoader realClassLoader = persistenceUnitInfo.getClassLoader();
            // ServerSession name  and ServerPlatform must be set prior to setting the loggers.
            updateServerPlatform(predeployProperties, realClassLoader);
            // Update loggers and settings for the singleton logger and the session logger.
            updateLoggers(predeployProperties, true, false, realClassLoader);
            warnOldProperties(predeployProperties, session);
            session.getPlatform().setConversionManager(new EJB30ConversionManager());
            PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType=null;
            //find and override the transaction type
            String transTypeString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.TRANSACTION_TYPE, predeployProperties, session);
            if ( transTypeString != null ){
            }else if (persistenceUnitInfo!=null){
            if(!isValidationOnly(predeployProperties, false) && persistenceUnitInfo != null && transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA) {
                if( predeployProperties.get(TopLinkProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE) == null && persistenceUnitInfo.getJtaDataSource() == null ) {
                    throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.jtaPersistenceUnitInfoMissingJtaDataSource(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName()));
            // this flag is used to disable work done as a result of the LAZY hint on OneToOne mappings
            if(state == STATE_INITIAL || state == STATE_UNDEPLOYED) {
                enableLazyForOneToOne = true;
                isWeavingStatic = false;
                String weaving = getConfigPropertyAsString(TopLinkProperties.WEAVING);
                if (weaving != null && weaving.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
                    enableLazyForOneToOne = false;
                }else if (weaving != null && weaving.equalsIgnoreCase("static")) {
                    isWeavingStatic = true;
            boolean throwExceptionOnFail = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(
                    EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(EntityManagerFactoryProvider.TOPLINK_ORM_THROW_EXCEPTIONS, predeployProperties, "true", session));                
            // Create an instance of MetadataProcessor for specified persistence unit info
            processor = new MetadataProcessor(persistenceUnitInfo, session, privateClassLoader, enableLazyForOneToOne);
            // Process the Object/relational metadata from XML and annotations.
            PersistenceUnitProcessor.processORMetadata(processor,privateClassLoader, session,throwExceptionOnFail);
            // The connector will be reconstructed when the session is actually deployed
            session.getProject().getLogin().setConnector(new DefaultConnector());
            if (session.getIntegrityChecker().hasErrors()){
                session.handleException(new IntegrityException(session.getIntegrityChecker()));
            // The transformer is capable of altering domain classes to handle a LAZY hint for OneToOne mappings.  It will only
            // be returned if we we are mean to process these mappings
            ClassTransformer transformer = null;
            if (enableLazyForOneToOne){
                // build a list of entities the persistence unit represented by this EntityManagerSetupImpl will use
                Collection entities = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildEntityList(processor,privateClassLoader);
                transformer = TransformerFactory.createTransformerAndModifyProject(session, entities, privateClassLoader);
            // factoryCount is not incremented only in case of a first call to preDeploy
            // in non-container mode: this call is not associated with a factory
            // but rather done by JavaSECMPInitializer.callPredeploy (typically in preMain).
            if((state != STATE_INITIAL && state != STATE_UNDEPLOYED) || this.isInContainerMode()) {
            state = STATE_PREDEPLOYED;
            session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "predeploy_end", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
            //gf3146: if static weaving is used, we should not return a transformer.  Transformer should still be created though as it modifies descriptros 
            if (isWeavingStatic) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return transformer;
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            state = STATE_PREDEPLOY_FAILED;
            session = null;
            throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.predeployFailed(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(), ex));
protected voidprocessDescriptorCustomizers(java.util.Map m, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)

        Map customizerMap = PropertiesHandler.getPrefixValuesLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_, m, session);
        if(customizerMap.isEmpty()) {

        Iterator it = customizerMap.entrySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String name = (String)entry.getKey();
            ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias(name);
            if(descriptor == null) {
                try {
                    Class javaClass = findClass(name, loader);
                    descriptor = session.getDescriptor(javaClass);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // Ignore exception
            if(descriptor != null) {
                String customizerClassName = (String)entry.getValue();
                Class customizerClass = findClassForProperty(customizerClassName, TopLinkProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ + name, loader);
                try {
                    DescriptorCustomizer customizer = (DescriptorCustomizer)customizerClass.newInstance();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw EntityManagerSetupException.failedWhileProcessingProperty(TopLinkProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ + name, customizerClassName, ex);
protected voidprocessSessionCustomizer(java.util.Map m, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)

        String sessionCustomizerClassName = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.SESSION_CUSTOMIZER, m, session);
        if(sessionCustomizerClassName == null) {
        Class sessionCustomizerClass = findClassForProperty(sessionCustomizerClassName, TopLinkProperties.SESSION_CUSTOMIZER, loader);
        SessionCustomizer sessionCustomizer;
        try {
            sessionCustomizer = (SessionCustomizer)sessionCustomizerClass.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw EntityManagerSetupException.failedWhileProcessingProperty(TopLinkProperties.SESSION_CUSTOMIZER, sessionCustomizerClassName, ex);
protected voidremoveSessionFromGlobalSessionManager()
This method can be used to ensure the session represented by emSetupImpl is removed from the SessionManager.

        if (session != null){
            if(session.isConnected()) {
public voidsetIsInContainerMode(boolean isInContainerMode)
This sets the isInContainerMode flag. "true" indicates container case, "false" - SE.


        this.isInContainerMode = isInContainerMode;
protected voidsetServerSessionName(java.util.Map m)
Set ServerSession name but do not register the session. The session registration should be done in sync with increment of the deployment counter, as otherwise the undeploy will not behave correctly in case of a more than one predeploy request for the same session name.

m the combined properties map.

        // use default session name if none is provided
        String name = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.getConfigPropertyAsString(TopLinkProperties.SESSION_NAME, m);
        if(name == null) {
            if (persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitRootUrl() != null){
                name = persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitRootUrl().toString() + "-" + persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName();
            } else {
                name = persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName();

public booleanshouldGetSessionOnCreateFactory(java.util.Map m)

        m = mergeWithExistingMap(m);
        return isValidationOnly(m, false);
public booleanshouldRedeploy()

        return state == STATE_UNDEPLOYED || state == STATE_PREDEPLOY_FAILED;
public synchronized voidundeploy()
Undeploy may be called several times, but only the call that decreases factoryCount to 0 disconnects the session and removes it from the session manager. This method and predeploy - the only methods altering factoryCount - should be synchronized. After undeploy call that turns factoryCount to 0: session==null; PREDEPLOYED, DEPLOYED and DEPLOYED_FAILED states change to UNDEPLOYED state.

        if(state == STATE_INITIAL || state == STATE_PREDEPLOY_FAILED || state == STATE_UNDEPLOYED) {
            // must already have factoryCount==0 and session==null
        session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "undeploy_begin", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
        try {
            if(factoryCount > 0) {
            state = STATE_UNDEPLOYED;
        } finally {
            session.log(SessionLog.FINEST, SessionLog.PROPERTIES, "undeploy_end", new Object[]{getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), state, factoryCount});
            if(state == STATE_UNDEPLOYED) {
                session = null;
protected voidupdateDescriptorCacheSettings(java.util.Map m, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)

        Map typeMap = PropertiesHandler.getPrefixValuesLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_TYPE_, m, session);
        Map sizeMap = PropertiesHandler.getPrefixValuesLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SIZE_, m, session);
        Map sharedMap = PropertiesHandler.getPrefixValuesLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SHARED_, m, session);
        if(typeMap.isEmpty() && sizeMap.isEmpty() && sharedMap.isEmpty()) {

        boolean hasDefault = false;
        String defaultTypeName = (String)typeMap.remove(TopLinkProperties.DEFAULT);
        Class defaultType = null;
        if(defaultTypeName != null) {
            defaultType = findClassForProperty(defaultTypeName, TopLinkProperties.CACHE_TYPE_DEFAULT, loader);
            hasDefault = true;
        String defaultSizeString = (String)sizeMap.remove(TopLinkProperties.DEFAULT);
        Integer defaultSize = null;
        if(defaultSizeString != null) {
            defaultSize = Integer.parseInt(defaultSizeString);
            hasDefault = true;
        String defaultSharedString = (String)sharedMap.remove(TopLinkProperties.DEFAULT);
        Boolean defaultShared = null;
        if(defaultSharedString != null) {
            defaultShared = Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultSharedString);
            hasDefault = true;
        Iterator it = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext() && (hasDefault || !typeMap.isEmpty() || !sizeMap.isEmpty() || !sharedMap.isEmpty())) {
            ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);
            if(descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor() || descriptor.isAggregateCollectionDescriptor()) {
            String entityName = descriptor.getAlias();
            String className = descriptor.getJavaClass().getName();
            String name;
            Class type = defaultType;
            name = entityName;
            String typeName = (String)typeMap.remove(name);
            if(typeName == null) {
                name = className;
                typeName = (String)typeMap.remove(name);
            if(typeName != null) {
                type = findClassForProperty(typeName, TopLinkProperties.CACHE_TYPE_ + name, loader);
            if(type != null) {

            Integer size = defaultSize;
            name = entityName;
            String sizeString = (String)sizeMap.remove(name);
            if(sizeString == null) {
                name = className;
                sizeString = (String)sizeMap.remove(name);
            if(sizeString != null) {
                size = Integer.parseInt(sizeString);
            if(size != null) {

            Boolean shared = defaultShared;
            name = entityName;
            String sharedString = (String)sharedMap.remove(name);
            if(sharedString == null) {
                name = className;
                sharedString = (String)sharedMap.remove(name);
            if(sharedString != null) {
                shared = Boolean.parseBoolean(sharedString);
            if(shared != null) {
protected voidupdateLoggers(java.util.Map m, boolean serverPlatformChanged, boolean sessionNameChanged, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
INTERNAL: Update loggers and settings for the singleton logger and the session logger.

m the properties map
serverPlatformChanged the boolean that denotes a serverPlatform change in the session.
sessionNameChanged the boolean that denotes a sessionNameChanged change in the session.

        // Logger(SessionLog type) can be specified by the logger property or ServerPlatform.getServerLog().
        // The logger property has a higher priority to ServerPlatform.getServerLog().
        String loggerClassName = PropertiesHandler.getPropertyValueLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_LOGGER, m, session);

        // The sessionLog instance should be different from the singletonLog because they have 
        // different state.
        SessionLog singletonLog = null, sessionLog = null;
        if (loggerClassName != null) {
            SessionLog currentLog = session.getSessionLog();
            if (!currentLog.getClass().getName().equals(loggerClassName)) {
                // Logger class was specified and it's not what's already there.
                Class sessionLogClass = findClassForProperty(loggerClassName, TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_LOGGER, loader);
                try {
                    singletonLog = (SessionLog)sessionLogClass.newInstance();
                    sessionLog = (SessionLog)sessionLogClass.newInstance();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw EntityManagerSetupException.failedToInstantiateLogger(loggerClassName, TopLinkProperties.LOGGING_LOGGER, ex);
        } else if(serverPlatformChanged) {
            ServerPlatform serverPlatform = session.getServerPlatform();
            singletonLog = serverPlatform.getServerLog();
            sessionLog = serverPlatform.getServerLog();
        // Don't change default loggers if the new loggers have not been created.
        if (singletonLog != null && sessionLog != null){
        } else if (sessionNameChanged) {
            // In JavaLog this will result in logger name changes,
            // but won't affect DefaultSessionLog.
            // Note, that the session hasn't change, only its name.

        //Bug5389828.  Update the logging settings for the singleton logger.
        initOrUpdateLogging(m, AbstractSessionLog.getLog());
        initOrUpdateLogging(m, session.getSessionLog());
protected voidupdateLoginDefaultConnector(oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatasourceLogin login, java.util.Map m)
In cases where there is no data source, we will use properties to configure the login for our session. This method gets those properties and sets them on the login.


        if((login.getConnector() instanceof DefaultConnector)) {
            DatabaseLogin dbLogin = (DatabaseLogin)login;
            // Note: This call does not checked the stored persistenceUnitInfo or extended properties because
            // the map passed into this method should represent the full set of properties we expect to process
            String jdbcDriver = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, m, session);
            String connectionString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_URL, m, session);
            if(connectionString != null) {
            if(jdbcDriver != null) {
protected voidupdateLogins(java.util.Map m)
Override the default login creation method. If persistenceInfo is available, use the information from it to setup the login and possibly to set readConnectionPool.


        DatasourceLogin login = session.getLogin();
        // Note: This call does not checked the stored persistenceUnitInfo or extended properties because
        // the map passed into this method should represent the full set of properties we expect to process

        String user = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_USER, m, session);
        String password = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, m, session);
        if(user != null) {
        if(password != null) {

        String toplinkPlatform = (String)PropertiesHandler.getPropertyValueLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.TARGET_DATABASE, m, session);
        if (toplinkPlatform != null) {
        PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType = persistenceUnitInfo.getTransactionType();
        //find and override the transaction type
        String transTypeString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.TRANSACTION_TYPE, m, session);
        if ( transTypeString != null ){
            transactionType = PersistenceUnitTransactionType.valueOf(transTypeString);
        //find the jta datasource
        javax.sql.DataSource jtaDatasource = getDatasourceFromProperties(m, TopLinkProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, persistenceUnitInfo.getJtaDataSource());

        //find the non jta datasource  
        javax.sql.DataSource nonjtaDatasource = getDatasourceFromProperties(m, TopLinkProperties.NON_JTA_DATASOURCE, persistenceUnitInfo.getNonJtaDataSource());

        if (isValidationOnly(m, false) && transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA && jtaDatasource == null){
            updateLoginDefaultConnector(login, m);
        login.setUsesExternalTransactionController(transactionType == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA);

        javax.sql.DataSource mainDatasource = null;
        javax.sql.DataSource readDatasource = null;
        if(login.shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {
            // JtaDataSource is guaranteed to be non null - otherwise exception would've been thrown earlier
            mainDatasource = jtaDatasource;
            // only define readDatasource if there is jta mainDatasource
            readDatasource = nonjtaDatasource;
        } else {
            // JtaDataSource will be ignored because transactionType is RESOURCE_LOCAL
            if(jtaDatasource != null) {
                session.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, "resource_local_persistence_init_info_ignores_jta_data_source", persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName());
            if(nonjtaDatasource != null) {
                mainDatasource = nonjtaDatasource;
            } else {
                updateLoginDefaultConnector(login, m);

        // mainDatasource is guaranteed to be non null
        if(!(login.getConnector() instanceof JNDIConnector)) {
             JNDIConnector jndiConnector;
            if (mainDatasource instanceof DataSourceImpl) {
                //Bug5209363  Pass in the datasource name instead of the dummy datasource
                jndiConnector = new JNDIConnector(((DataSourceImpl)mainDatasource).getName());                
            } else {
                jndiConnector = new JNDIConnector(mainDatasource);                                

        // set readLogin
        if(readDatasource != null) {
            DatasourceLogin readLogin = (DatasourceLogin)login.clone();
            JNDIConnector jndiConnector;
            if (readDatasource instanceof DataSourceImpl) {
                //Bug5209363  Pass in the datasource name instead of the dummy datasource
                jndiConnector = new JNDIConnector(((DataSourceImpl)readDatasource).getName());
            } else {
                jndiConnector = new JNDIConnector(readDatasource);                    
protected voidupdatePools(java.util.Map m)

        // Sizes are irrelevant for external connection pool
        if(!session.getDefaultConnectionPool().getLogin().shouldUseExternalConnectionPooling()) {
            String strWriteMin = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_WRITE_CONNECTIONS_MIN, m, session);
            if(strWriteMin != null) {
            String strWriteMax = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_WRITE_CONNECTIONS_MAX, m, session);
            if(strWriteMax != null) {
        // Sizes and shared option are irrelevant for external connection pool
        if(!session.getReadConnectionPool().getLogin().shouldUseExternalConnectionPooling()) {
            String strReadMin = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_MIN, m, session);
            if(strReadMin != null) {
            String strReadMax = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_MAX, m, session);
            if(strReadMax != null) {
            String strShouldUseShared = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_SHARED, m,session);
            if(strShouldUseShared != null) {
                boolean shouldUseShared = Boolean.parseBoolean(strShouldUseShared);
                boolean sessionUsesShared = session.getReadConnectionPool() instanceof ReadConnectionPool;
                if(shouldUseShared != sessionUsesShared) {
                    Login readLogin = session.getReadConnectionPool().getLogin();
                    int nReadMin = session.getReadConnectionPool().getMinNumberOfConnections();
                    int nReadMax = session.getReadConnectionPool().getMaxNumberOfConnections();
                    if(shouldUseShared) {
                        session.useReadConnectionPool(nReadMin, nReadMax);
                    } else {
                        session.useExclusiveReadConnectionPool(nReadMin, nReadMax);
                    // keep original readLogin
protected booleanupdateServerPlatform(java.util.Map m, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
INTERNAL: Updates the TopLink ServerPlatform class for use with this platform.

true if the ServerPlatform has changed.

        String serverPlatformClassName = PropertiesHandler.getPropertyValueLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.TARGET_SERVER, m, session);
        if(serverPlatformClassName == null) {
            // property is not specified - nothing to do.
            return false;

        // originalServerPlatform is always non-null - Session's constructor sets serverPlatform to NoServerPlatform
        ServerPlatform originalServerPlatform = session.getServerPlatform();
        String originalServerPlatformClassName = originalServerPlatform.getClass().getName();
        if(originalServerPlatformClassName.equals(serverPlatformClassName)) {
            // nothing to do - use the same value as before
            return false;

        // the new serverPlatform
        ServerPlatform serverPlatform = null;
        // New platform - create the new instance and set it.
        Class cls = findClassForProperty(serverPlatformClassName, TopLinkProperties.TARGET_SERVER, loader);
        try {
            Constructor constructor = cls.getConstructor(new Class[]{oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl.class});
            serverPlatform = (ServerPlatform)constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{session});
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if(ExternalTransactionController.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
                // the new serverPlatform is CustomServerPlatform, cls is its ExternalTransactionController class
                if(originalServerPlatform.getClass().equals(CustomServerPlatform.class)) {
                    // both originalServerPlatform and the new serverPlatform are Custom,
                    // just set externalTransactionController class (if necessary) into
                    // originalServerPlatform
                    CustomServerPlatform originalCustomServerPlatform = (CustomServerPlatform)originalServerPlatform;
                    if(cls.equals(originalCustomServerPlatform.getExternalTransactionControllerClass())) {
                        // externalTransactionController classes are the same - nothing to do
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // originalServerPlatform is not custom - need a new one.
                    CustomServerPlatform customServerPlatform = new CustomServerPlatform(session);
                    serverPlatform = customServerPlatform;
             } else {
                 throw EntityManagerSetupException.failedToInstantiateServerPlatform(serverPlatformClassName, TopLinkProperties.TARGET_SERVER, ex);
        if (serverPlatform != null){
            return true;
        return false;
protected voidupdateServerSession(java.util.Map m, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
Make any changes to our ServerSession that can be made after it is created.


        if (session == null || session.isConnected()) {

        // In deploy Session name and ServerPlatform could've changed which will affect the loggers.
        boolean serverPlatformChanged = updateServerPlatform(m, loader);
        boolean sessionNameChanged = updateSessionName(m);

        updateLoggers(m, serverPlatformChanged, sessionNameChanged, loader);

        String shouldBindString = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.JDBC_BIND_PARAMETERS, m, session);
        if (shouldBindString != null) {

        if(!session.getLogin().shouldUseExternalTransactionController()) {

        updateDescriptorCacheSettings(m, loader);

        // Customizers should be processed last
        processDescriptorCustomizers(m, loader);
        processSessionCustomizer(m, loader);
protected booleanupdateSessionName(java.util.Map m)
Updates server session name if changed.

true if the name has changed.

        String newName = getConfigPropertyAsStringLogDebug(TopLinkProperties.SESSION_NAME, m, session);
        if(newName == null || newName.equals(session.getName())) {
            return false;


        return true;