SerializableTest.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5710Fri May 04 22:24:06 BST


public final class SerializableTest extends TestCase
Test serialization on the AMX Stats/Statistics classes which travel from server to client.

Fields Summary
static final Class[]
Constructors Summary
public SerializableTest()

Methods Summary
protected voidserializeTest(java.lang.Object toSerialize)

		final ByteArrayOutputStream	os	= new ByteArrayOutputStream( 2048 );
		final ObjectOutputStream	oos	= new ObjectOutputStream( os );
		oos.writeObject( toSerialize );
		final byte[]	bytes	= os.toByteArray();
		final ObjectInputStream	is	= new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( bytes ) );
		final Object	result	= is.readObject();
		assert( result.equals( toSerialize ) ) :
			"Deserialized object not equal: " + toSerialize + " != " + result;
public voidtestChecked()

	    final Collection<String>   c   = new HashSet<String>();
	    assert( TypeCast.checkedStringCollection(c) instanceof Serializable );
	    final Set<String>   s   = new HashSet<String>();
	    assert( TypeCast.checkedStringSet(s) instanceof Serializable );
	    final List<String>   l   = new ArrayList<String>();
	    assert( TypeCast.checkedStringList(l) instanceof Serializable );
	    final Map<String,String>   m   = new HashMap<String,String>();
	    assert( TypeCast.checkedStringMap(m) instanceof Serializable );
public voidtestStatsImpl()

		final Map<String,Statistic>	m	= new HashMap<String,Statistic>();
		final CountStatisticImpl	c	= new CountStatisticImpl( "Count", "", "number", 0, 0, 99);
		final RangeStatisticImpl	r	= new RangeStatisticImpl( "Range", "", "number", 0, 0, 0, 50, 100);
		final BoundaryStatisticImpl	b	= new BoundaryStatisticImpl( "Boundary", "", "number", 0, 0, 0, 100);
		final BoundedRangeStatisticImpl	br	= new BoundedRangeStatisticImpl( "BoundedRange", "", "number", 0, 0, 0, 50, 100, 0, 100);
		final TimeStatisticImpl	t	= new TimeStatisticImpl( "Time", "", "number", 0, 0, 0, 10, 100, 1000 );

		m.put( c.getName(), c );
		m.put( r.getName(), r );
		m.put( br.getName(), br );
		m.put( b.getName(), b );
		m.put( t.getName(), t );
		final StatsImpl	si	= new StatsImpl( m );
		serializeTest( si );
public voidtestStatsImplRequiresStatistics()

		    Statistic x = null;
		    final Statistic s   = new CountStatisticImpl( "x","x","x",0,0,0);
			final Map<String,Statistic>	m	= MapUtil.newMap( "foo", s );
			final StatsImpl	si	= new StatsImpl( m );
			serializeTest( si );
		catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
			// good