ResourcePool.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5685Fri May 04 22:35:14 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.resource


public interface ResourcePool
Tony Ng

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidaddResource(ResourceSpec spec, ResourceHandle resource)

public voidcancelResizerTask()

public voiddisableMonitoring()

public voidemptyFreeConnectionsInPool()

public voidemptyPool()

public intgetMaxPoolSize()
Gets the max-pool-size attribute of this pool. Envisaged to be used by the Self management framework to query the pool size attribute for tweaking it using the setMaxPoolSize method

max-pool-size value for this pool

public java.lang.StringgetPoolName()

public ResourceHandlegetResource(ResourceSpec spec, ResourceAllocator alloc, javax.transaction.Transaction tran)

public intgetSteadyPoolSize()
Gets the steady-pool-size attribute of this pool. Envisaged to be used by the Self management framework to query the pool size attribute for tweaking it using the setSteadyPoolSize method

steady-pool-size value for this pool

public booleanisMonitoringEnabled()

public voidreconfigPoolProperties(com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorConnectionPool ccp)

public voidresizePool(boolean forced)

public voidresourceClosed(ResourceHandle resource)

public voidresourceEnlisted(javax.transaction.Transaction tran, ResourceHandle resource)

public voidresourceErrorOccurred(ResourceHandle resource)

public voidsetMaxPoolSize(int size)
Sets the max-pool-size value for this pool. This attribute is expected to be set by the self-management framework for an optimum max-pool-size. The corresponding accessor gets this value.

size - The new max-pool-size value

public voidsetMonitoringEnabledHigh()

public voidsetMonitoringEnabledLow()

public voidsetSelfManaged(boolean selfManaged)
Sets/Resets the flag indicating if this pool is self managed. This method would be typically called by the self management framework to indicate to the world (and this pool) that this pool is self managed. Its very important that the self mgmt framework properly sets this flag to control the dynamic reconfig behavior of this pool. If this flag is set to true, all dynamic reconfigs affecting the max/steady pool size of this pool will be ignored.

selfManaged - true to switch on self management, false otherwise

public voidsetSteadyPoolSize(int size)
Sets the steady-pool-size value for this pool. This attribute is expected to be set by the self-management framework for an optimum steady-pool-size. The corresponding accessor gets this value.

size - The new steady-pool-size value

public voidswitchOnMatching()

public voidtransactionCompleted(javax.transaction.Transaction tran, int status)