Methods Summary |
private void | addFKConstraints( rd, ForeignFieldDesc foreignField)Generate the condition on the relationship key in the where clause
with InputParamValues for later binding of the actual query parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < foreignField.foreignFields.size(); i++) {
LocalFieldDesc fff = (LocalFieldDesc) foreignField.foreignFields.get(i);
rd.addParameterConstraint(fff, i);
private void | addField(FieldDesc f)
private void | addForeignField(ForeignFieldDesc f)
private int | addPKConstraints( rd)Generate for each keyField 'keyfield = ?' in the where clause
with InputParamValues for later binding of the actual query parameters.
// PK Constraints are always added first hence startIndex == 0
rd.addParameterConstraints(keyFieldDescs, 0);
return keyFieldDescs.length;
private void | addTableDesc(TableDesc t)
// setConsistencyLevel of this table before adding it to our list
if (!t.isJoinTable()) {
// JoinTables represent relationships instead of "real" objects,
// they should never have a special consistencyLevel.
private | buildQueryPlan(SQLStoreManager store, desc)Builds and initializes a new query plan based on the information
passed with the desc/code> parameter. The returned plan
and its related data structures will be readonly.
UpdateQueryPlan plan;
plan = new UpdateQueryPlan(desc, store);;
// Initialize the text for all statements. After this point,
// the plan and its related data structures will be readonly.
return plan;
private void | cleanupTrackedFields()Remove redundant ForeignFieldDescs from each LocalFieldDesc's tracked field list.
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) fields.get(i);
if (f instanceof LocalFieldDesc) {
((LocalFieldDesc) f).cleanupTrackedFields();
private void | computeTrackedPrimitiveFields()Computes all the primitive tracked fields.
Primitive fields track each other if they are mapped to same columns.
One of them is made the primary tracked field as per precedence rules
on the field types. This field is used to bind values to columns while
updating the database.
// Compute the list of primitive fields to track for each primitive field.
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) fields.get(i);
if (!f.isRelationshipField()) {
LocalFieldDesc lf = (LocalFieldDesc) f;
private void | computeTrackedRelationshipFields()Computes the tracked relationship fields. Relationships are tracked in
the following way:
- A relationship field tracks a local field, if it's mappped
to the same columns. The relationship will be updated when the
local field is set.
- Relationship fields track each other if they are mapped to
the same columns. The first field in the field order is marked
as primary tracked field. If the foreign key columns are
explicitly mapped, this field also tracks the local foreign key
field. The foreign key columns are explicitly mapped in
overlapping pk/fk situations. The other relationship fields
mapped to the same columns are updated when the primary tracked
relationship field is set.
// Compute the list of fields to track for each field.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ArrayList theFields = null;
// We first check all the visible fields and then the hidden fields.
if (i == 0) {
theFields = this.fields;
} else {
if ((theFields = this.hiddenFields) == null) {
for (int j = 0; j < theFields.size(); j++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) theFields.get(j);
private FieldDesc | createForeignField(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.RelationshipElement fpcf, MappingRelationshipElementImpl fmdf)
ForeignFieldDesc ff = new ForeignFieldDesc(this);
ff.cardinalityLWB = fpcf.getLowerBound();
ff.cardinalityUPB = fpcf.getUpperBound();
ff.deleteAction = fpcf.getDeleteAction();
initializeColumnLists(ff, fmdf);
// This is a workaround to make sure that that cardinalityUPB is not <= 1
// if the field is of type collection.
if (Model.RUNTIME.isCollection(fpcf.getCollectionClass()) &&
(ff.cardinalityUPB <= 1)) {
ff.cardinalityUPB = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (ff.cardinalityUPB > 1) {
try {
ff.setComponentType(Class.forName(fpcf.getElementClass(), true, classLoader));
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "sqlstore.exception.log", e);
return ff;
private LocalFieldDesc | createLocalField(MappingFieldElementImpl mdf)Creates an instance of LocalFieldDesc .
ArrayList columnDesc = mdf.getColumnObjects();
// Make sure this field is properly mapped.
if ((columnDesc == null) || (columnDesc.size() == 0)) {
throw new JDOFatalUserException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.fieldnotmapped", // NOI18N
mdf.getName(), pcElement.getName()));
return new LocalFieldDesc(this, columnDesc);
private LocalFieldDesc | createLocalHiddenField(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement column)Creates an instance of LocalFieldDesc for column
that corresponds to a hidden field. Adds the newly created field to
hiddenFields and declaredHiddenFields .
ArrayList columnDesc = new ArrayList();
LocalFieldDesc lf = new LocalFieldDesc(this, columnDesc);
if (hiddenFields == null) {
hiddenFields = new ArrayList();
// AbsouluteID for hidden fields must be < 0.
lf.absoluteID = -hiddenFields.size();
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
Object[] items = new Object[] {pcClass,lf.getName(),column.getName().getFullName()};
logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.getlocalfielddesc", items); // NOI18N
return lf;
private void | createSecondaryTableKey(TableDesc table, MappingReferenceKeyElementImpl mappingSecondaryKey)
ColumnPairElement pairs[] = mappingSecondaryKey.getColumnPairs();
KeyDesc referencingKey = new KeyDesc();
KeyDesc referencedKey = new KeyDesc();
TableDesc secondaryTable = findTableDesc(((MappingTableElementImpl) mappingSecondaryKey.getTable()).getTableObject());
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
ColumnPairElement pair = pairs[i];
ColumnElement lc = pair.getLocalColumn();
ColumnElement fc = pair.getReferencedColumn();
FieldDesc lf = getLocalFieldDesc(lc);
// We need to force field for the referencing key to be in the DFG
// so it will always be loaded. This is to facilitate updating
// secondary tables that requires this field to be loaded
// for constraint purposes.
lf.fetchGroup = FieldDesc.GROUP_DEFAULT;
table.addSecondaryTableKey(new ReferenceKeyDesc(secondaryTable, referencingKey, referencedKey));
secondaryTable.setPrimaryTableKey(new ReferenceKeyDesc(table, referencedKey, referencingKey));
private void | createTables(java.util.ArrayList mdTables)
for (int i = 0; i < mdTables.size(); i++) {
MappingTableElementImpl mdt = (MappingTableElementImpl) mdTables.get(i);
TableDesc t = new TableDesc(mdt.getTableObject());
ArrayList keys = mdt.getKeyObjects();
KeyDesc key = new KeyDesc();
for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); j++) {
ColumnElement c = (ColumnElement) keys.get(j);
if (c != null) {
public TableDesc | findTableDesc(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.TableElement mdTable)
for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
TableDesc t = (TableDesc) tables.get(i);
if (t.getTableElement().equals(mdTable)) {
return t;
return null;
private void | fixupFieldProperties()
for (int i = 0; i < foreignFields.size(); i++) {
ForeignFieldDesc ff = (ForeignFieldDesc) foreignFields.get(i);
private void | fixupForeignReferences(ConfigCache cache)The fixupForeignReferences method finds all the references to foreign
classes in this configuration. It then builds the appropriate run-time
information (ForeignFieldDesc) for the foreign reference from the
for (int i = 0; i < foreignFields.size(); i++) {
ForeignFieldDesc ff = (ForeignFieldDesc) foreignFields.get(i);
Class classType = null;
if ((classType = ff.getComponentType()) == null) {
classType = ff.getType();
ClassDesc foreignConfig = (ClassDesc) cache.getPersistenceConfig(classType);
if (foreignConfig == null) continue;
// Look up the inverse relationship field name if there is any.
String irName = pcElement.getRelationship(ff.getName()).getInverseRelationshipName();
ForeignFieldDesc inverseField = null;
if (irName != null) {
inverseField = (ForeignFieldDesc) foreignConfig.getField(irName);
ff.fixupForeignReference(foreignConfig, inverseField);
private java.lang.String | generateRDCacheKey(FieldDesc additionalField)Generates the key for a RetrieveDescriptor for the cache lookup.
The key has one of two forms:
Fully qualified classname of the pcclass, if additionalField is null.
Fully qualified classname of the pcclass + '/' + additionalFieldName +
'/' + additionalFieldID, otherwise.
StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer();
if (additionalField != null) {
// using '/' as separator between class and fieldname
return key.toString();
public Concurrency | getConcurrency(boolean optimistic)
// Following algo is used to determine which concurrency to return:
// consistency level specified in model(represented by the variable consistencyLevel),
// takes precedence over
// concurrency specified by transaction (represented by parameter 'optimistic' to this method)
Concurrency concurrency = null;
int consistencyLevel = mdConfig.getConsistencyLevel();
if (consistencyLevel == MappingClassElement.NONE_CONSISTENCY) {
// No consistency level specified in model
if (optimistic) {
concurrency = (Concurrency) optimisticConcurrency.clone();
} else {
concurrency = (Concurrency) databaseConcurrency.clone();
} else {
// currently, we would not try to interprete consistencyLevel as bitmap
// When we implment consistencyLevel like 2+, 3+, we would have to interprete
// consistencyLevel as bitmap and implement some changes in class hierarchy
// starting with interface Concurrency
switch(consistencyLevel) {
// We would never reach this code because we are in the else part
// case MappingClassElement.NONE_CONSISTENCY :
// concurrency = (Concurrency) databaseConcurrency.clone();
// break;
concurrency = (Concurrency) checkDirtyConcurrency.clone();
// This consistency level is implemeted inside SelectStatement and
// not by any object implementing Concurrency
concurrency = (Concurrency) explicitConcurrency.clone();
case MappingClassElement.VERSION_CONSISTENCY :
// This consistency level is implemented inside ClassDesc and
// UpdateQueryPlan and not by any object implementing Concurrency.
// Selects are handled in ClassDesc, updates/deletes in
// UpdateQueryPlan.
concurrency = (Concurrency) databaseConcurrency.clone();
// **Note**
// Plese change text for the exception thrown in default below when
// we start supporting new consistency levels. The text lists currently supported
// consistency level
default :
throw new JDOUnsupportedOptionException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.unsupportedconsistencylevel", pcClass));// NOI18N
return concurrency;
public java.lang.reflect.Constructor | getConstructor()
return constructor;
public java.util.ArrayList | getFetchGroup(int groupID)Returns a list of fields in fetchGroup groupID .
int index = 0;
if (groupID >= FieldDesc.GROUP_NONE) {
index = groupID;
} else if (groupID < FieldDesc.GROUP_NONE) {
index = -groupID + maxHierarchicalGroupID;
for (int i = fetchGroups.size(); i <= index; i++) {
ArrayList group = (ArrayList) fetchGroups.get(index);
if (group == null) {
group = new ArrayList();
fetchGroups.set(index, group);
return group;
public FieldDesc | getField(java.lang.String name)
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) fields.get(i);
if ((f != null) && (f.getName().compareTo(name) == 0)) {
return f;
if (hiddenFields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenFields.size(); i++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) hiddenFields.get(i);
if (f.getName().compareTo(name) == 0) {
return f;
return null;
public FieldDesc | getField(int index)
if (index >= 0) {
return (FieldDesc) fields.get(index);
} else {
return (FieldDesc) hiddenFields.get(-(index + 1));
public LocalFieldDesc[] | getKeyFieldDescs()Returns the descriptors for key fields as array of LocalFieldDesc.
return keyFieldDescs;
public java.lang.String[] | getKeyFieldNames()Returns the key field names as array of String.
return keyFieldNames;
public java.lang.reflect.Field[] | getKeyFields()Return the key fields as array of java.lang.reflect.Field instances.
return keyFields;
LocalFieldDesc | getLocalFieldDesc(org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.ColumnElement column)
LocalFieldDesc result;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ArrayList theFields = null;
if (i == 0) {
theFields = fields;
} else {
theFields = hiddenFields;
if (theFields != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < theFields.size(); j++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) theFields.get(j);
if (f instanceof LocalFieldDesc) {
result = (LocalFieldDesc) f;
for (int k = 0; k < result.columnDescs.size(); k++) {
ColumnElement c = (ColumnElement) result.columnDescs.get(k);
// if (c.equals(column))
if (c.getName().getFullName().compareTo(column.getName().getFullName()) == 0) {
// If f is a tracked field and it is not the primary, we continue
// searching.
if ((f.getTrackedFields() != null) &&
((f.sqlProperties & FieldDesc.PROP_PRIMARY_TRACKED_FIELD) == 0)) {
return result;
// If we didn't find the field associated with the column, we need to
// create a hidden field and add it to the hiddenFields list.
result = createLocalHiddenField(column);
return result;
public LocalFieldDesc | getLocalFieldDesc(java.lang.String name)Returns the local field descriptor for the field name .
FieldDesc desc = getField(name);
if (desc == null) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.generic.unknownfield", // NOI18N
name, getName()));
if (!(desc instanceof LocalFieldDesc)) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.generic.notinstanceof", // NOI18N
desc.getClass().getName(), "LocalFieldDesc")); // NOI18N
return ((LocalFieldDesc) desc);
public java.lang.String | getName()
return pcClass.getName();
public java.lang.Class | getOidClass()
return oidClass;
public java.lang.Class | getPersistenceCapableClass()
return pcClass;
public TableDesc | getPrimaryTable()
return (TableDesc) tables.get(0);
public RetrieveDesc | getRetrieveDescForFKQuery(ForeignFieldDesc foreignField, PersistenceStore store)Returns a RetrieveDescriptor which represent a SQL query selecting pc
instances by the relationship key. The relationship key is taken from
the foreign field foreignField and used as query constraint.
Please note that the RDs are cached, so the method first checks the cache.
If there is no corresponding RetrieveDescriptor in the cache, it creates
a new one and stores it in the cache. FetchGroup fields will be added
when the query plan is build, see SelectQueryPlan#processFetchGroups .
Note, the reason to introduce the RetrieveDesc cache in ClassDesc and not
in the store manager is, that we can have the cache per class, where
the store manager could only provide one big cache for all pc classes.
RetrieveDescImpl rd = null;
String cacheKey = generateRDCacheKey(foreignField);
synchronized (foreignRetrieveDescCache) {
// Cache lookup.
rd = (RetrieveDescImpl) foreignRetrieveDescCache.get(cacheKey);
// Generate a new RD if there isn't one be found in the cache.
if (rd == null) {
rd = (RetrieveDescImpl) store.getRetrieveDesc(foreignField.foreignConfig.getPersistenceCapableClass());
addFKConstraints(rd, foreignField);
// Cache fillup.
foreignRetrieveDescCache.put(cacheKey, rd);
return rd;
public RetrieveDesc | getRetrieveDescForPKQuery(FieldDesc additionalField, PersistenceStore store)Returns a RetrieveDescriptor which represent a SQL query selecting a pc
instance by pk-fields. Please note that the RDs are cached, so the method
first checks the cache. If there is no corresponding RetrieveDescriptor
in the cache, it creates a new one and stores it in the cache. If the
additionalField is not null, the method retrieves the field indicated by
it along with the query. Fetch group fields will be added when the query
plan is build.
Note, the reason to introduce the RetrieveDesc cache in ClassDesc and not
in the store manager is, that we can have the cache per class, where
the store manager could only provide one big cache for all pc classes.
RetrieveDescImpl rd = null;
String cacheKey = generateRDCacheKey(additionalField);
synchronized (retrieveDescCache) {
// Cache lookup.
rd = (RetrieveDescImpl) retrieveDescCache.get(cacheKey);
// Generate a new RD if there isn't one be found in the cache.
if (rd == null) {
rd = (RetrieveDescImpl) store.getRetrieveDesc(pcClass);
if (additionalField != null) {
RetrieveDesc frd = null;
String name = additionalField.getName();
// If the additionalField is not null, we will retrieve
// the field indicated by it along with the query.
if (additionalField instanceof ForeignFieldDesc) {
Class additionalClass = ((ForeignFieldDesc) additionalField).
frd = store.getRetrieveDesc(additionalClass);
rd.addPrefetchedField(name, frd);
// Cache fillup.
retrieveDescCache.put(cacheKey, rd);
return rd;
public RetrieveDesc | getRetrieveDescForVerificationQuery(PersistenceStore store)Gets RetrieveDescriptor(rd) for verifying a VC instance. The returned rd
is set up to expect constraints for pk followed by constraints for version
assert hasVersionConsistency();
synchronized(retrieveDescForVerificationSynchObj) {
if (retrieveDescForVerification == null) {
RetrieveDescImpl rd = (RetrieveDescImpl) store.getRetrieveDesc(pcClass);
int index = addPKConstraints(rd);
rd.addParameterConstraints(versionFields, index);
retrieveDescForVerification = rd;
return retrieveDescForVerification;
private java.lang.String | getSortedFieldNumbers(java.util.List fields)The methods returns the string representation of the sorted field numbers
of the FieldDescs.
The key is the string representation of the sorted field number list
of updated fields.
// Use the array of field numbers of the updated fields as the key
int size = fields.size();
int [] fieldNos = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc)fields.get(i);
fieldNos[i] = f.absoluteID;
return StringHelper.intArrayToSeparatedList(fieldNos, ","); //NOI18N
public int | getTableIndex(TableDesc tableDesc)
return tables.indexOf(tableDesc);
public java.util.Iterator | getTables()
return tables.iterator();
public | getUpdateQueryPlan( desc, SQLStoreManager store)Retrieves the update query plan for the specified descriptor.
switch (desc.getUpdateAction()) {
case ActionDesc.LOG_CREATE:
return getUpdateQueryPlanForInsert(desc, store);
case ActionDesc.LOG_DESTROY:
return getUpdateQueryPlanForDelete(desc, store);
case ActionDesc.LOG_UPDATE:
return getUpdateQueryPlanForUpdate(desc, store);
// TBD: error message + I18N
// error unknown action
return null;
private | getUpdateQueryPlanForDelete( desc, SQLStoreManager store)
synchronized(updateQueryPlanForDeleteSynchObj) {
if (updateQueryPlanForDelete == null) {
updateQueryPlanForDelete = buildQueryPlan(store, desc);
return updateQueryPlanForDelete;
private | getUpdateQueryPlanForInsert( desc, SQLStoreManager store)
synchronized(updateQueryPlanForInsertSynchObj) {
if (updateQueryPlanForInsert == null) {
updateQueryPlanForInsert = buildQueryPlan(store, desc);
return updateQueryPlanForInsert;
private | getUpdateQueryPlanForUpdate( desc, SQLStoreManager store)
String key = getSortedFieldNumbers(desc.getUpdatedFields());
UpdateQueryPlan plan;
synchronized(updateQueryPlanCache) {
plan = (UpdateQueryPlan)updateQueryPlanCache.get(key);
if (plan == null) {
plan = buildQueryPlan(store, desc);
updateQueryPlanCache.put(key, plan);
return plan;
public LocalFieldDesc[] | getVersionFields()
return versionFields;
public boolean | hasLocalNonDFGFields()Returns true, if this class has got local fields not in the default
fetch group. Because UpdateQueryPlans for updates are cached depending
on the set of updated fields {@link #getUpdateQueryPlanForUpdate}, we
might need to compare the updated fields btw. two instances when
batching is enabled.
// All instances with modified DFG fields can be batched with
// the same statement. If there's a primitive field outside
// the DFG, we need to compare modified fields to check if the
// same statement can be used.
return hasLocalNonDFGField;
public boolean | hasModifiedCheckAtCommitConsistency()Determines whether this classDesc has the
return(mdConfig.getConsistencyLevel() ==
public boolean | hasVersionConsistency()
return mdConfig.getConsistencyLevel() == MappingClassElement.VERSION_CONSISTENCY;
public void | initialize(ConfigCache cache)
boolean debug = logger.isLoggable();
if (debug) {
logger.fine("sqlstore.model.classdesc.persistconfiginit", mdConfig); // NOI18N
// All fields should be initialized at this point. Now calculate
// the total number of hidden fields and fields.
if (hiddenFields != null) {
maxHiddenFields = hiddenFields.size();
maxFields = maxVisibleFields + maxHiddenFields;
if (debug) {
logger.fine("sqlstore.model.classdesc.persistconfiginit.exit"); // NOI18N
private void | initializeColumnLists(ForeignFieldDesc ff, MappingRelationshipElementImpl fmdf)
ArrayList assocPairs = fmdf.getAssociatedColumnObjects();
ArrayList pairs = fmdf.getColumnObjects();
ArrayList localColumns = new ArrayList();
ArrayList foreignColumns = new ArrayList();
// We need to go through each local column and extract the foreign column.
if ((assocPairs == null) || (assocPairs.size() == 0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
ColumnPairElement fce = (ColumnPairElement) pairs.get(i);
ff.localColumns = localColumns;
ff.foreignColumns = foreignColumns;
} else {
ArrayList assocLocalColumns = new ArrayList();
ArrayList assocForeignColumns = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
ColumnPairElement alc = (ColumnPairElement) pairs.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < assocPairs.size(); i++) {
ColumnPairElement afc = (ColumnPairElement) assocPairs.get(i);
ff.localColumns = localColumns;
ff.assocLocalColumns = assocLocalColumns;
ff.assocForeignColumns = assocForeignColumns;
ff.foreignColumns = foreignColumns;
private void | initializeConcurrency()
optimisticConcurrency = new ConcurrencyOptVerify();
checkDirtyConcurrency = new ConcurrencyCheckDirty();
databaseConcurrency = new ConcurrencyDBNative();
explicitConcurrency = new ConcurrencyDBExplicit();
private void | initializeFetchAndConcurrencyGroup(FieldDesc f, com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement pcf, MappingFieldElementImpl mdf, java.util.ArrayList concurrencyGroups)
f.fetchGroup = mdf.getFetchGroup();
// RESOLVE: For now, we can only handle one concurrency group per field
// MBO:
// I can call method getConcurrencyGroups w/o exception using the latest mapping files.
// Please note the mapping files do not include any concurrency group info,
// thus getConcurrencyGroups returns an empty array.
ConcurrencyGroupElement cgroups[] = pcf.getConcurrencyGroups();
//ConcurrencyGroupElement cgroups[] = null;
if ((cgroups == null) || (cgroups.length == 0)) {
if (f.fetchGroup == FieldDesc.GROUP_DEFAULT) {
f.concurrencyGroup = f.fetchGroup;
} else {
ConcurrencyGroupElement cge = cgroups[0];
int index = 0;
if ((index = concurrencyGroups.indexOf(cge)) == -1) {
index = concurrencyGroups.size();
f.concurrencyGroup = index;
private void | initializeFetchGroups()Compute the fetch group lists for the declared fields.
A fetch group lists the fields sharing the same value for
FieldDesc.fetchGroup .
Note: Fields that aren't in any fetch group must not be added
to fetchGroups[FieldDesc.GROUP_NONE] .
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ArrayList theFields = null;
if (i == 0) {
theFields = fields;
} else {
// It is possible to have hidden fields in the DFG.
if ((theFields = hiddenFields) == null)
for (int j = 0; j < theFields.size(); j++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) theFields.get(j);
// Do not add the field to the fetch group for GROUP_NONE.
if (f.fetchGroup > FieldDesc.GROUP_NONE) {
// Check declared visible fields only.
if (i == 0 && !f.isRelationshipField()
&& f.fetchGroup != FieldDesc.GROUP_DEFAULT) {
hasLocalNonDFGField = true;
this.maxHierarchicalGroupID = fetchGroups.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
FieldDesc f = (FieldDesc) fields.get(i);
// Do not add the field to the fetch group for GROUP_NONE.
if (f.fetchGroup < FieldDesc.GROUP_NONE) {
private void | initializeFields()This method maps all the visible fields. It has the side-effect of computing
the value for maxVisibleFields.
ArrayList concurrencyGroups = new ArrayList();
persistentFields = pcElement.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < persistentFields.length; i++) {
PersistenceFieldElement pcf = persistentFields[i];
MappingFieldElementImpl mdf = (MappingFieldElementImpl) mdConfig.getField(pcf.getName());
if (mdf == null) {
throw new JDOFatalUserException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.fieldnotmapped", // NOI18N
pcf.getName(), pcElement.getName()));
FieldDesc f;
if (!(mdf instanceof MappingRelationshipElement)) {
f = createLocalField(mdf);
} else {
f = createForeignField((RelationshipElement) pcf, (MappingRelationshipElementImpl) mdf);
initializeFetchAndConcurrencyGroup(f, pcf, mdf, concurrencyGroups);
if (mdf.isReadOnly()) {
f.sqlProperties |= FieldDesc.PROP_READ_ONLY;
try {
f.setupDesc(pcClass, pcf.getName());
} catch (JDOException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.loadfailed.field", // NOI18N
pcf.getName(), pcElement.getName()), e);
f.absoluteID = pcf.getFieldNumber();
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST)) {
Object[] items = new Object[] {f.getName(),new Integer(f.absoluteID)};
logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.fieldinfo", items); // NOI18N
this.maxVisibleFields = fields.size();
private void | initializeJoinTables()
Iterator iter = foreignFields.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ForeignFieldDesc ff = (ForeignFieldDesc);
if (ff.useJoinTable()) {
TableElement joinTable = ((ColumnElement) ff.assocLocalColumns.get(0)).getDeclaringTable();
TableDesc joinTableDesc = findTableDesc(joinTable);
if (joinTableDesc == null) {
joinTableDesc = new TableDesc(joinTable);
// Mark this table as a join table
private void | initializeKeyFields()
boolean debug = logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINEST);
if (oidClass == null)
keyFields = oidClass.getFields();
keyFieldNames = new String[keyFields.length];
keyFieldDescs = new LocalFieldDesc[keyFields.length];
if (debug) {
logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.createsqldesc", oidClass); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < keyFields.length; i++) {
Field kf = keyFields[i];
String name = kf.getName();
keyFieldNames[i] = name;
if (name.equals("serialVersionUID")) { // NOI18N
LocalFieldDesc f = getLocalFieldDesc(name);
if (f != null) {
if (debug) {
logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.pkfield", f.getName()); // NOI18N
// The fetch group for pk fields should always be DFG.
f.fetchGroup = FieldDesc.GROUP_DEFAULT;
f.sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES);
f.sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_IN_CONCURRENCY_CHECK);
f.sqlProperties |= FieldDesc.PROP_PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD;
keyFieldDescs[i] = f;
} else {
throw new JDOFatalUserException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.noneexistentpkfield", // NOI18N
name, oidClass.getName(), pcClass.getName()));
private void | initializeTables()This method maps all the tables.
ArrayList mdTables = mdConfig.getTables();
private void | initializeVersionFields()Initialize the list of field descriptors of version consistency fields.
The names of the version fields are obtained from
{@link MappingClassElement#getVersionFields}.
int size = mdConfig.getVersionFields().size();
Iterator versionFieldIterator = mdConfig.getVersionFields().iterator();
versionFields = new LocalFieldDesc[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
MappingFieldElement mdField = (MappingFieldElement);
LocalFieldDesc f = (LocalFieldDesc) getField(mdField.getName());
if (f != null) {
if (logger.isLoggable()) {
logger.finest("sqlstore.model.classdesc.vcfield", f.getName()); // NOI18N
versionFields[i] = f;
// The fetch group for version fields should always be DFG.
f.fetchGroup = FieldDesc.GROUP_DEFAULT;
f.sqlProperties &= ~(FieldDesc.PROP_REF_INTEGRITY_UPDATES);
f.sqlProperties |= FieldDesc.PROP_VERSION_FIELD;
} else {
throw new JDOFatalUserException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.noneexistentvcfield", // NOI18N
mdField.getName(), pcClass.getName()));
public boolean | isNavigable()
return mdConfig.isNavigable();
public boolean | isPKField(int index)
return persistentFields[index].isKey();
private void | loadOidClass()
if (oidClass != null) return;
String keyClassName = pcElement.getKeyClass();
String suffix = keyClassName.substring(keyClassName.length() - 4);
// First check whether the key class name ends with ".oid".
// If so, we need to convert it '.' to '$' because is it
// an inner class.
if (suffix.compareToIgnoreCase(".oid") == 0) { // NOI18N
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(keyClassName);
buf.setCharAt(buf.length() - 4, '$");
keyClassName = buf.toString();
try {
oidClass = Class.forName(keyClassName, true, classLoader);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.cantloadclass", keyClassName)); // NOI18N
if (logger.isLoggable()) {
logger.fine("sqlstore.model.classdesc.loadedclass", oidClass); // NOI18N
static | newInstance(java.lang.Class pcClass)Creates a new instance of ClassDesc for the given
pcClass .
Model model = Model.RUNTIME;
String className = pcClass.getName();
ClassLoader classLoader = pcClass.getClassLoader();
ClassDesc rc = null;
try {
MappingClassElement mdConfig =
model.getMappingClass(className, classLoader);
// Validate the model information for this class.
validateModel(model, className, classLoader);
rc = new ClassDesc(mdConfig, pcClass);
} catch (JDOException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new JDOFatalUserException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.loadfailed.class", className), e); // NOI18N
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JDOFatalInternalException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.loadfailed.class", className), e); // NOI18N
return rc;
public SQLStateManager | newStateManagerInstance(PersistenceStore store)Returns a new SQLStateManager instance,
initialized with passed store manager and this instance of
the runtime class model.
return new SQLStateManager(store, this);
private void | processSecondaryTables(java.util.ArrayList mdTables)Validity checks on secondary tables:
1) Ensure that every secondary table has a TableDesc
2) Every referencing key is the same length as the table's key
Build the referencing keys.
NOTE: This method assumes that the entries of mdTables
and tables are sorted in the same order.
for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
MappingTableElementImpl mdt = (MappingTableElementImpl) mdTables.get(i);
TableDesc t = (TableDesc) tables.get(i);
ArrayList secondaryKeys = mdt.getReferencingKeys();
for (int j = 0; j < secondaryKeys.size(); j++) {
MappingReferenceKeyElementImpl mappingSecondaryKey = (MappingReferenceKeyElementImpl) secondaryKeys.get(j);
createSecondaryTableKey(t, mappingSecondaryKey);
private void | registerVersionFieldWithTable(LocalFieldDesc versionField)Registers the version field versionField with the
corresponding table.
// Version field must be mapped to exactly one column.
ColumnElement ce = (ColumnElement) versionField.getColumnElements().next();
Iterator iter = tables.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
TableDesc table = (TableDesc);
if (!table.isJoinTable()) {
if (ce.getDeclaringTable() == table.getTableElement()) {
public java.lang.String | toString()
return getName();
private static void | validateModel(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.Model model, java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)Validate the mapping for the given class. If the result
collection returned by validate() is not empty, it means
it failed the test. After logging all the exceptions,
throw a JDOUserException and inform the user to go back
to the mapping tool to fix up the mapping file. The
JDOUserException contains the validation messages aswell.
Collection c = null;
if (!(c = model.validate(className, classLoader, null)).isEmpty()) {
Iterator iter = c.iterator();
StringBuffer validationMsgs = new StringBuffer();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Exception ex = (Exception);
String validationMsg = ex.getLocalizedMessage();
"core.configuration.validationproblem", // NOI18N
className, validationMsg));
validationMsgs.append(validationMsg).append('\n"); // NOI18N
throw new JDOFatalUserException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages,
"core.configuration.validationfailed", // NOI18N
className, validationMsgs.toString()));