myBean = bean;
myRoot = root;
myPropertyListeners = new ArrayList();
xpaths = new HashMap();
myPath = path;
children = new ArrayList();
* fill our map
* this map is to more easily parse through xpaths via map.get(string)
* rather than iterate through an arraylist until name matches
ConfigBeanXPaths xpathList = buildXPathList();
Iterator i = xpathList.getChildren().iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
ConfigBeanXPaths x = (ConfigBeanXPaths);
xpaths.put(x.getPath(), x);
Removes the xpath of a given configbean from the list of this bean's
xpaths (children so to speak). Then calls death.
AbstractJBossConfigBean b = ((AbstractJBossConfigBean) bean);
Object o = xpaths.get(b.getPath());
if (o == null)
throw new BeanNotFoundException("Not Found");