SimpleTextStatement.javaAPI DocExample56751Sat Feb 03 11:43:42 GMT 2001jdbc.SimpleText


public class SimpleTextStatement extends SimpleTextObject implements SimpleTextIStatement

Fields Summary
protected SimpleTextIConnection
protected SQLWarning
protected String
protected String[]
protected int
protected int
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public intbuildList(java.lang.String[] sql, int pos, java.lang.String endWord, java.util.Hashtable list)

        SimpleTextColumn column;
        boolean done = false;
        String name;
        int colNo = 1;

        // Loop while more data is present

        while (!done) {

            // Get the next column

            name = sql[pos];

            column = new SimpleTextColumn(name);
            list.put(new Integer(colNo), column);

            if (pos >= sql.length) {
                if (endWord.length() > 0) {
                    throw new SQLException (
                        "Invalid statement after " + name);
                else {
                    done = true;

            // If the next word is not a comma, it must be our ending
            // word

            if (!sql[pos].equals(",")) {

                // Found the ending word?  exit the loop

                if (sql[pos].equalsIgnoreCase(endWord)) {
                    done = true;
                if (endWord.length() == 0) {
                    throw new SQLException("Invalid data format");

                throw new SQLException (
                        "Invalid statement after " + name);

            if (pos >= sql.length) {
                if (endWord.length() > 0) {
                    throw new SQLException (
                        "Invalid statement after " + name);
                else {
                    done = true;
        return pos;
public voidcancel()

        // No-op for the SimpleText driver
public voidclearWarnings()

public voidclose()

        // If we have a current result set, close it

        if (currentResultSet != null) {
            currentResultSet = null;
protected voidcreateTable()

        // The minimum SQL statement must have 7 elements:

        if (parsedSQL.length < 7) {
            throw new SQLException ("Invalid CREATE statement");

        // The next word must be TABLE; this is the only type of
        // CREATE that the SimpleText driver supports

        if (!parsedSQL[1].equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
            throw new SQLException("CREATE must be followed by TABLE");

        // Make sure we are not in read-only mode

        if (ownerConnection.isReadOnly()) {
            throw new SQLException(
                "Unable to CREATE TABLE: connection is read-only");

        // The next word is the table name.  Verify that it does not
        // contain any invalid characters

        validateName(parsedSQL[2], "table");

        // The next word should be an open paren

        if (!parsedSQL[3].equals("(")) {
            throw new SQLException(
                    "Invalid CREATE TABLE statement: missing paren '('");

        // Now we can step through the other parameters.  The format should
        // be:
        //    ( column type [, column type] ... )
        // We will build a text line that describes each of the columns.
        // This line will be the first line in our simple text file.
        //    Numeric column names start with '#'
        //    Binary column names start with '@'
        //    All other names are considered to be varchar

        String line = "";
        String columnName;
        String typeName;
        int word = 4;
        boolean gotCloseParen = false;
        int numCols = 0;
        boolean hasBinary = false;

        // Keep a Hashtable of all of the column names so we can check
        // for duplicates

        Hashtable names = new Hashtable();

        while ((word < parsedSQL.length) &&
            (!gotCloseParen)) {

            // Get the column name to create and validate

            columnName = parsedSQL[word].toUpperCase();
            validateName(columnName, "column");

            if (names.get(columnName) != null) {
                throw new SQLException("Duplicate column name: " + columnName);

            names.put(columnName, "");


            // The next column should be the type

            if (word == parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException("Missing column type");

            typeName = parsedSQL[word];

            if (numCols > 0) {
                line += ",";


            // Validate the type

            if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR")) {
                line += columnName;
            else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER")) {
                line += SimpleTextDefine.COL_TYPE_NUMBER + columnName;
            else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("BINARY")) {
                line += SimpleTextDefine.COL_TYPE_BINARY + columnName;
                hasBinary = true;
            else {
                throw new SQLException("Invalid column type: " + typeName);


            if (word == parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException("Missing close paren");

            // The next word must either be a comma, indicating more
            // columns, or the closing paren

            if (parsedSQL[word].equals(")")) {
                gotCloseParen = true;
            else if (!parsedSQL[word].equals(",")) {
                throw new SQLException("Invalid character near: " +
                            columnName + " " + typeName);

        // If we got here and did not find a closing paren, raise an error

        if (!gotCloseParen) {
            throw new SQLException("Missing close paren");

        // We could check for extra junk at the end of the statement, but
        // we'll just ignore it

        // Verify that the file does not already exist

        String fileName = parsedSQL[2].toUpperCase();
        String fullFile = fileName + SimpleTextDefine.DATA_FILE_EXT;
        String fullPath = ownerConnection.getCatalog() + "/" + fullFile;

        File f = new File (fullPath);
        if (f.exists()) {
            throw new SQLException("Table already exists: " + fileName);

        // Create the table

        try {
            RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");

            // Brand the file


            // Write the column info

        catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Error accessing file " + fullPath +
                        ": " + ex.getMessage());

        // If a binary data type existed, create the binary data file now

        fullFile = fileName + SimpleTextDefine.BINARY_FILE_EXT;
        fullPath = ownerConnection.getCatalog() + "/" + fullFile;

        f = new File (fullPath);

        // Create the binary table

        try {
            RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
        catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Error accessing file " + fullPath +
                        ": " + ex.getMessage());

protected voiddropTable()

        // The SQL statement must have 3 elements:
        // DROP TABLE table

        if (parsedSQL.length != 3) {
            throw new SQLException ("Invalid DROP statement");

        // The next word must be TABLE; this is the only type of
        // DROP that the SimpleText driver supports

        if (!parsedSQL[1].equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
            throw new SQLException("DROP must be followed by TABLE");

        // Make sure we are not in read-only mode

        if (ownerConnection.isReadOnly()) {
            throw new SQLException(
                "Unable to DROP TABLE: connection is read-only");

        // The next word is the table name.  Verify that it does not
        // contain any invalid characters

        validateName(parsedSQL[2], "table");

        // Verify that the file exists

        String fileName = parsedSQL[2].toUpperCase();
        String fullFile = fileName + SimpleTextDefine.DATA_FILE_EXT;
        String fullPath = ownerConnection.getCatalog() + "/" + fullFile;

        File f = new File (fullPath);
        if (!f.exists()) {
            throw new SQLException("Table does not exist: " + fileName);

        // Delete the file


        // If a binary data file exists, delete it now

        fullFile = fileName + SimpleTextDefine.BINARY_FILE_EXT;
        fullPath = ownerConnection.getCatalog() + "/" + fullFile;

        f = new File (fullPath);

        if (f.exists()) {
public booleanexecute(java.lang.String sql)

        resultSetColumns = null;

        // Convert the SQL statement into native syntax

        sql = ownerConnection.nativeSQL(sql);
        // Save the SQL statement

        sqlStatement = sql;

        // First, parse the sql statement into a String array

        parsedSQL = ownerConnection.parseSQL(sql);

        // Now validate the SQL statement and execute it.
        // Returns true if a result set exists.

        boolean rc = prepare(false);

        return rc;
public java.sql.ResultSetexecuteQuery(java.lang.String sql)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@executeQuery(" + sql + ")");

        java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;

        // Execute the query.  If execute returns true, then a result set
        // exists

        if (execute(sql)) {
            rs = getResultSet();

        return rs;
public intexecuteUpdate(java.lang.String sql)

        if (traceOn()) {
            trace("@executeUpdate(" + sql + ")");

        int count = -1;

        // Execute the query.  If execute returns false, then an update
        // count exists.

        if (execute(sql) == false) {
            count = getUpdateCount();

        return count;
protected SimpleTextColumnfindColumn(java.util.Hashtable list, java.lang.String name)

        SimpleTextColumn column;

        for (int i = 1; i <= list.size(); i++) {
            column = (SimpleTextColumn) list.get(new Integer(i));
            if (column != null) {
                if ( {
                    return column;
        return null;
protected intfindColumnNumber(java.util.Hashtable list, java.lang.String name)

        SimpleTextColumn column;

        for (int i = 1; i <= list.size(); i++) {
            column = (SimpleTextColumn) list.get(new Integer(i));
            if (column != null) {
                if ( {
                    return i;
        return 0;
public SimpleTextIConnectiongetConnection()

        return ownerConnection;
public intgetMaxFieldSize()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit on size

        return 0;
public intgetMaxRows()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a limit on the number
        // of rows that can be returned

        return 0;
public booleangetMoreResults()

        // The SimpleText driver does not support multiple result sets

        throw DriverNotCapable();
public intgetQueryTimeout()

        // The SimpleText driver does not have a query timeout

        return 0;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetResultSet()

        // If there are no column to be returned, return null

        if (resultSetColumns == null) {
            return null;

        SimpleTextResultSet rs = new SimpleTextResultSet();

        rs.initialize(this, resultSetCatalog, resultSetTable,
                    resultSetColumns, resultSetFilter);

        // Save our current result set

        currentResultSet = rs;

        return rs;
public intgetStatementType(java.lang.String[] sql)

        int type = 0;

        // There are no sql statements with less than 2 words

        if (sql.length < 2) {
            throw new SQLException("Invalid SQL statement");

        if (sql[0].equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")) {
            type = SimpleTextDefine.SQL_SELECT;
        else if (sql[0].equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")) {
            type = SimpleTextDefine.SQL_INSERT;
        else if (sql[0].equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
            type = SimpleTextDefine.SQL_CREATE;
        else if (sql[0].equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")) {
            type = SimpleTextDefine.SQL_DROP;
        else {
            throw new SQLException("Invalid SQL statement: " + sql[0]);
        return type;
public intgetUpdateCount()

        return updateCount;
public java.sql.SQLWarninggetWarnings()

        return lastWarning;
public voidinitialize(SimpleTextIConnection con)

        // Save the owning connection object

        ownerConnection = con;
protected synchronized voidinsert(boolean prepareOnly)

        // The SQL statement must have at least 7 elements:
        // INSERT INTO table VALUES (value)

        if (parsedSQL.length <= 7) {
            throw new SQLException ("Invalid INSERT statement");

        // The next word must be INTO

        if (!parsedSQL[1].equalsIgnoreCase("INTO")) {
            throw new SQLException("INSERT must be followed by INTO");

        // Make sure we are not in read-only mode

        if (ownerConnection.isReadOnly()) {
            throw new SQLException(
                "Unable to INSERT: connection is read-only");

        // The next word is the table name.  Verify that it does not
        // contain any invalid characters

        String tableName = parsedSQL[2];
        validateName(tableName, "table");

        // Verify that the file exists.  If getColumns returns null,
        // the table does not exist

        Hashtable columnList = ownerConnection.getColumns(
                                ownerConnection.getCatalog(), tableName);

        if (columnList == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Table does not exist: " + tableName);

        int pos = 3;
        Hashtable insertList = null;
        Hashtable valueList = null;
        int colNo = 1;
        SimpleTextColumn column;
        SimpleTextColumn column2;
        String name;

        // If the next word is a paren '(', the column names are being
        // specified.  Build a list of columns that will have data
        // inserted

        if (parsedSQL[pos].equals("(")) {
            insertList = new Hashtable();

            if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException ("Invalid INSERT statement");

            // Build our insert list.  Get each comma separated name until
            // we read a close paren

            pos = buildList(parsedSQL, pos, ")", insertList);

            // Make sure at least one column was given

            if (insertList.size() == 0) {
                throw new SQLException ("No columns given");

            // Now that we have the insert list, verify each name is in
            // our target table and get the type and precision

            for (int i = 1; i <= insertList.size(); i++) {
                column = (SimpleTextColumn) insertList.get(new Integer(i));
                column2 = findColumn(columnList,;
                if (column2 == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Column does not exist: " +
                column.type = column2.type;
                column.precision = column2.precision;

            // Position to the next word after the closing paren

            if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException(
                        "Invalid INSERT statement; missing VALUES clause");

        // The next word is VALUES; no column list was given, so assume
        // all columns in the table

        else if (parsedSQL[pos].equalsIgnoreCase("VALUES")) {
            insertList = new Hashtable();

            // Build the insertList with all columns in the table

            for (colNo = 1; colNo <= columnList.size(); colNo++) {
                column2 = (SimpleTextColumn)columnList.get(new Integer(colNo));

                if (column2 == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Invalid column number: " + colNo);
                column = new SimpleTextColumn(;
                column.type = column2.type;
                column.precision = column2.precision;
                insertList.put(new Integer(colNo), column);
        else {
            // Invalid SQL statement

            throw new SQLException(
                            "Invalid INSERT statement, no VALUES clause");


        // The next word must be VALUES.  If there was an insert list,
        // we have positioned past it.

        if (!parsedSQL[pos].equalsIgnoreCase("VALUES")) {
            throw new SQLException(
                    "Invalid INSERT statement; missing VALUES clause");

        if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
            throw new SQLException (
                    "Invalid INSERT statement, missing values");

        // The next word must be the open paren that starts the values

        if (!parsedSQL[pos].equals("(")) {
            throw new SQLException (
                    "Invalid INSERT statement, missing values");

        if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
            throw new SQLException (
                    "Invalid INSERT statement, missing values");

        // Build our value list.  Get each comma separated value until
        // we read a close paren

        valueList = new Hashtable();

        pos = buildList(parsedSQL, pos, ")", valueList);

        // We could check for junk after the INSERT statement, but we won't

        // Verify the the number of insert items matches the number
        // of data items

        if (insertList.size() != valueList.size()) {
            throw new SQLException("Number of values does not equal the number of items in the insert list");

        // Verify the data is correct

        validateData(insertList, valueList, prepareOnly);

        // If we are just preparing the statement, exit now

        if (prepareOnly) {

        // Now we can build the line that will get written to the
        // simple text file.  If there is any binary data, write it first
        // so that we know what the offset will be.

        String sdfPath = ownerConnection.getCatalog() + "/" + tableName +
        String sbfPath = ownerConnection.getCatalog() + "/" + tableName +

        File sdf = new File(sdfPath);
        File sbf = new File(sbfPath);
        RandomAccessFile rafsdf = null;
        RandomAccessFile rafsbf = null;

        if (!sdf.exists()) {
            throw new SQLException("Text file does not exist: " + sdfPath);

        String line = "";
        long binaryPos = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i <= columnList.size(); i++) {
            column2 = (SimpleTextColumn) columnList.get(new Integer(i));

            // Separate the data by a comma

            if (i > 1) {
                line += ",";

            // If there is no data for this column, skip it

            colNo = findColumnNumber(insertList,;

            if (colNo == 0) {

                // No data, put in defaults

                switch(column2.type) {
                case Types.VARCHAR:
                    line += "''";
                case Types.VARBINARY:
                    line += "-1";
                    line += "0";

            column = (SimpleTextColumn) valueList.get(new Integer(colNo));

            if (column2.type == Types.VARBINARY) {
                if (rafsbf == null) {
                    if (!sbf.exists()) {
                        throw new SQLException("Binary file does not exist: "
                                    + sbfPath);
                    try {
                        rafsbf = new RandomAccessFile(sbf, "rw");

                        // Position to the end of file


                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new SQLException("Unable to access " +
                                sbfPath + ": " + ex.getMessage());

                try {

                    // Get the current position

                    binaryPos = rafsbf.getFilePointer();

                    // Create a new CommonValue with the hex digits (remove
                    // the quotes.

                    CommonValue value = new CommonValue(
              , - 1));

                    // Now let CommonValue convert the hex string into
                    // a byte array

                    byte b[] = value.getBytes();

                    // Write the length first


                    // Write the data


                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new SQLException("Unable to access " +
                            sbfPath + " for column " + i + 
                            ": " + ex.getMessage());

                // Put the offset pointer in the line

                line += binaryPos;

            // Else some kind of text data, put directly in the line

            else {
                line +=;

        // If the binary file was opened, close it now

        if (rafsbf != null) {
            try {
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new SQLException("Unable to close " +
                            sbfPath + ": " + ex.getMessage());

        // Now that we have the data line, write it out to the text
        // file

        long seekPos;
		String msg = "";
        try {
		    msg = "open";
            rafsdf = new RandomAccessFile(sdf, "rw");
			msg = "get length";
			seekPos = rafsdf.length();

            // Position to the end of file

			msg = "seek";

			// Write the data

            msg = "write";
			msg = "close";

        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Unable to " + msg + " " +
                    sdfPath + ": " + ex.getMessage());
protected booleanprepare(boolean prepareOnly)

        boolean resultSet = false;

        // Determine the type of statement present

        statementType = getStatementType(parsedSQL);

        // Perform action depending upon the SQL statement type

        switch (statementType) {

        // CREATE statement

        case SimpleTextDefine.SQL_CREATE:

            // If attempting to prepare a DDL (Data Definition Language)
            // statement, raise an exception

            if (prepareOnly) {
                throw new SQLException("DDL statements cannot be prepared");

            // Create the table


            updateCount = 0;

        // DROP statement

        case SimpleTextDefine.SQL_DROP:

            // If attempting to prepare a DDL (Data Definition Language)
            // statement, raise an exception

            if (prepareOnly) {
                throw new SQLException("DDL statements cannot be prepared");

            // Drop the table


            updateCount = 0;

        // INSERT statement

        case SimpleTextDefine.SQL_INSERT:

            // Insert data into the table


            updateCount = 1;

        // SELECT statement

        case SimpleTextDefine.SQL_SELECT:

            // Select data from the table


            resultSet = true;
            updateCount = -1;

            throw new SQLException("Unknown SQL statement type: " +

        return resultSet;
protected voidselect(boolean prepareOnly)

        // Initialize the filter object

        resultSetFilter = null;

        // The SQL statement must have at least 4 elements:
        // SELECT * FROM table

        if (parsedSQL.length < 4) {
            throw new SQLException ("Invalid SELECT statement");

        Hashtable selectList = new Hashtable();
        int pos = 1;

        // Build our select list.  Get each comma separated name until
        // we read a 'FROM'

        pos = buildList(parsedSQL, pos, "FROM", selectList);

        // There must be at least one column

        if (selectList.size() == 0) {
            throw new SQLException("Select list must be specified");

        // Increment past the 'FROM' word. This is the table name


        if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
            throw new SQLException("Missing table name");

        // The next word is the table name.  Verify that it does not
        // contain any invalid characters

        String tableName = parsedSQL[pos];
        validateName(tableName, "table");

        // Verify that the file exists.  If getColumns returns null,
        // the table does not exist

        Hashtable columnList = ownerConnection.getColumns(
                                ownerConnection.getCatalog(), tableName);

        if (columnList == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Table does not exist: " + tableName);

        // No go back through the select list and verify that each
        // column specified is contained in the table.  Also expand
        // any * to be all columns

        Hashtable validList = new Hashtable();
        int validCount = 0;
        SimpleTextColumn column;
        SimpleTextColumn column2;

        for (int i = 1; i <= selectList.size(); i++) {

            // Get the next column from the select list

            column = (SimpleTextColumn) selectList.get(new Integer(i));

            // If it's an *, expand it to all columns in the table

            if ("*")) {
                for (int j = 1; j <= columnList.size(); j++) {
                    column2 = (SimpleTextColumn)columnList.get(new Integer(j));

                    validList.put(new Integer(validCount), column2);
            else {

                // Make sure the column exists in the table

                column2 = findColumn(columnList,;

                if (column2 == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Column not found: " +;

                // Put column on our valid list

                validList.put(new Integer(validCount), column2);

        // Now we know the table exists and have a list of valid columns.
        // Process the WHERE clause if one exists


        if (pos < parsedSQL.length) {

            // The next word should be WHERE

            if (!parsedSQL[pos].equalsIgnoreCase ("WHERE")) {
                throw new SQLException("WHERE clause expected");

            // Create a filter object

            resultSetFilter = new SimpleTextFilter();


            if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException(
                        "Column name expected after WHERE clause");

            // The next word is a column name.  Make sure it exists in
            // the table

            resultSetFilter.column = findColumn(columnList, parsedSQL[pos]);

            if (resultSetFilter.column == null) {
                throw new SQLException("Column not found: " + parsedSQL[pos]);


            // Make sure the column is searchable

            if (!resultSetFilter.column.searchable) {
                throw new SQLException(
                        "Column is not searchable: " + parsedSQL[pos]);


            // The next word is the operator.  Some operators may take
            // 2 words (i.e <>)

            if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException("Operator expected in WHERE clause");

            if (parsedSQL[pos].equals("=")) {
                resultSetFilter.operator = SimpleTextFilter.OP_EQ;
            else if (parsedSQL[pos].equals("<")) {
                resultSetFilter.operator = SimpleTextFilter.OP_LT;
            else if (parsedSQL[pos].equals(">")) {
                resultSetFilter.operator = SimpleTextFilter.OP_GT;
            else {
                throw new SQLException("Invalid operator: " + parsedSQL[pos]);

            // The next word may be our value, or it may be the second part
            // of an operator.


            if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException("Value expected in WHERE clause");

            if ((resultSetFilter.operator == SimpleTextFilter.OP_LT) &&
                (parsedSQL[pos].equals(">"))) {
                resultSetFilter.operator = SimpleTextFilter.OP_NE;
                if (pos >= parsedSQL.length) {
                    throw new SQLException("Value expected in WHERE clause");

            // Get the data value and validate

            Hashtable whereList = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable dataList = new Hashtable();
            column = new SimpleTextColumn(parsedSQL[pos]);

            whereList.put(new Integer(1), resultSetFilter.column);
            dataList.put(new Integer(1), column);

            validateData(whereList, dataList, prepareOnly);

            String s = parsedSQL[pos];

            // validateData could have massaged the data value (such as
            // in executing a prepared statement with parameters).  Get
            // the value back

            s = ((SimpleTextColumn) dataList.get(new Integer(1))).name;

            // Strip off any quotes

            if (s.startsWith("'") &&
                s.endsWith("'")) {
                s = s.substring(1,s.length() - 1);

            resultSetFilter.value = new CommonValue(s);


            // Check for extra junk at the end of the statement

            if (pos < parsedSQL.length) {
                throw new SQLException(
                        "Invalid characters following WHERE clause");

        // Set the catalog name, table name, and column Hashtable for
        // the result set

        resultSetCatalog = ownerConnection.getCatalog();
        resultSetTable = tableName;
        resultSetColumns = validList;
public voidsetCursorName(java.lang.String name)

        // The SimpleText driver does not support positioned updates.  Per
        // the spec, this is a no-op
public voidsetEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)

        // The SimpleText driver does not support escape sequence expansion

        if (enable) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();
public voidsetMaxFieldSize(int max)

        // The SimpleText driver does not allow the maximum field size to
        // be set

        if (max != 0) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();
public voidsetMaxRows(int max)

        // The SimpleText driver does not allow the maximum number of rows
        // to be set

        if (max != 0) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();
public voidsetQueryTimeout(int seconds)

        // The SimpleText driver does not support query timeouts

        if (seconds != 0) {
            throw DriverNotCapable();
protected voidsetWarning(java.sql.SQLWarning warning)

        if (warning == null) {
            lastWarning = null;
        else {
            SQLWarning chain = lastWarning;

            // Find the end of the chain

            while (chain.getNextWarning() != null) {
                chain = chain.getNextWarning();

            // We're at the end of the chain.  Add the new warning

protected voidvalidateData(java.util.Hashtable insertList, java.util.Hashtable dataList, boolean prepareOnly)

        SimpleTextColumn insert;
        SimpleTextColumn data;
        int precision = 0;
        int paramNum = 0;

        // Init number of parameters if we are preparing

        if (prepareOnly) {
            paramCount = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i <= insertList.size(); i++) {
            insert = (SimpleTextColumn) insertList.get(new Integer(i));
            data = (SimpleTextColumn) dataList.get(new Integer(i));

            // If a parameter marker is found, either continue to the
            // next list item because we are preparing, or replace it
            // with a bound parameter value

            if ("?")) {

                if (prepareOnly) {

                    // Increment number of parameter markers


                // Increment current parameter number


                // Get String value for the bound parameter from the
                // boundParams Hashtable.  If it is not found, throw
                // an exception indicating that not all of the parameters
                // have been set.

                if (boundParams != null) {
                    String s = (String) boundParams.get(new Integer(paramNum));

                    if (s == null) {
                        throw new SQLException(
                                "Not all parameters have been set");

                    // Set the value into the SimpleTextColumn entry
                    // If the data is a string or binary type, enclose it
                    // in quotes

                    switch(insert.type) {
                    case Types.VARCHAR:
                    case Types.VARBINARY:
               = "'" + s + "'";
               = s;


            switch(insert.type) {
            case Types.VARCHAR:
                if (!"'") ||
                    ( < 2) ||
                    !"'")) {
                    throw new SQLException(
                        "String data must be enclosed in single quotes: " +
                precision = - 2;
            case Types.INTEGER:
                try {
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new SQLException("Invalid numeric data: " +
                precision =;
            case Types.BINARY:
                if (!"'") ||
                    ( < 2) ||
                    !"'")) {
                    throw new SQLException(
                        "Binary data must be enclosed in single quotes: " +
                if (( % 2) != 0) {
                    throw new SQLException(
                        "Binary data must have even number of hex digits:" +
                precision = ( - 2) / 2;

            if (precision > insert.precision) {
                throw new SQLException("Invalid data precision for " +
protected voidvalidateName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)

        // Invalid characters other than a-z, 0-9, and A-Z

        String invalid = "@#./\\()";

        char c;
        int j;

        for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
            c = name.charAt(i);

            // If it's not an alpha numeric or numeric character,
            // check the list of invalid characters

            if (!((c >= 'a") && (c <= 'z")) &&
                !((c >= '0") && (c <= '9")) &&
                !((c >= 'A") && (c <= 'Z"))) {
                for (j = 0; j < invalid.length(); j++) {
                    if (c == invalid.charAt(j)) {
                        throw new SQLException("Invalid " + type + " name: " +