DebugPortProvider.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API5672Wed May 06 22:41:08 BST


public class DebugPortProvider extends Object implements
DDMS implementation of the IDebugPortProvider interface. This class handles saving/loading the list of static debug port from the preference store and provides the port number to the Device Monitor.

Fields Summary
private static DebugPortProvider
public static final String
Preference name for the static port list.
private Map
Mapping device serial numbers to maps. The embedded maps are mapping application names to debugger ports.
Constructors Summary
private DebugPortProvider()

Methods Summary
private voidcomputePortList()
Create the map member from the values contained in the Preference Store.

        mMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>();

        // get the prefs store
        IPreferenceStore store = PrefsDialog.getStore();
        String value = store.getString(PREFS_STATIC_PORT_LIST);

        if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
            // format is
            // port1|port2|port3|...
            // where port# is
            // appPackageName:appPortNumber:device-serial-number
            String[] portSegments = value.split("\\|");  //$NON-NLS-1$
            for (String seg : portSegments) {
                String[] entry = seg.split(":");  //$NON-NLS-1$

                // backward compatibility support. if we have only 2 entry, we default
                // to the first emulator.
                String deviceName = null;
                if (entry.length == 3) {
                    deviceName = entry[2];
                } else {
                    deviceName = Device.FIRST_EMULATOR_SN;

                // get the device map
                Map<String, Integer> deviceMap = mMap.get(deviceName);
                if (deviceMap == null) {
                    deviceMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
                    mMap.put(deviceName, deviceMap);

                deviceMap.put(entry[0], Integer.valueOf(entry[1]));
public static

        return sThis;
public intgetPort( device, java.lang.String appName)
Returns a static debug port for the specified application running on the specified {@link Device}.

device The device the application is running on.
appName The application name, as defined in the AndroidManifest.xml package attribute.
The static debug port or {@link #NO_STATIC_PORT} if there is none setup.
IDebugPortProvider#getPort(Device, String)

        if (mMap != null) {
            Map<String, Integer> deviceMap = mMap.get(device.getSerialNumber());
            if (deviceMap != null) {
                Integer i = deviceMap.get(appName);
                if (i != null) {
                    return i.intValue();
        return IDebugPortProvider.NO_STATIC_PORT;
public java.util.MapgetPortList()
Returns the map of Static debugger ports. The map links device serial numbers to a map linking application name to debugger ports.

        return mMap;
public voidsetPortList(java.util.Map map)
Sets new [device, app, port] values. The values are also sync'ed in the preference store.

map The map containing the new values.

        // update the member map.

        // create the value to store in the preference store.
        // see format definition in getPortList
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        Set<String> deviceKeys = map.keySet();
        for (String deviceKey : deviceKeys) {
            Map<String, Integer> deviceMap = map.get(deviceKey);
            if (deviceMap != null) {
                Set<String> appKeys = deviceMap.keySet();

                for (String appKey : appKeys) {
                    Integer port = deviceMap.get(appKey);
                    if (port != null) {

        String value = sb.toString();

        // get the prefs store.
        IPreferenceStore store = PrefsDialog.getStore();

        // and give it the new value.
        store.setValue(PREFS_STATIC_PORT_LIST, value);