InsnTableSwitch.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5659Fri May 04 22:34:28 BST 2007com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile


public class InsnTableSwitch extends Insn
Special instruction form for the opc_tableswitch instruction

Fields Summary
private int
private InsnTarget
private InsnTarget[]
Constructors Summary
public InsnTableSwitch(int lowOp, InsnTarget defaultOp, InsnTarget[] targetsOp)
Constructor for opc_tableswitch

    this(lowOp, defaultOp, targetsOp, NO_OFFSET);
InsnTableSwitch(int lowOp, InsnTarget defaultOp, InsnTarget[] targetsOp, int offset)

    super(opc_tableswitch, offset);

    this.lowOp = lowOp;
    this.defaultOp = defaultOp; 
    this.targetsOp = targetsOp;

    if (defaultOp == null || targetsOp == null)
	throw new InsnError ("attempt to create an opc_tableswitch" +//NOI18N
			     " with invalid operands");//NOI18N
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringargTypes()

      return "I";//NOI18N
public booleanbranches()

    return true;
public InsnTargetdefaultTarget()
Return the defaultTarget for the switch

    return defaultOp;
public intlowCase()
Return the lowest case for the switch

    return lowOp;
public voidmarkTargets()
Mark possible branch targets

    for (int i=0; i<targetsOp.length; i++)
public intnStackArgs()

    return 1;
public intnStackResults()

    return 0;
voidprint( out, int indent)

    ClassPrint.spaces(out, indent);
    out.println(offset() + "  opc_tableswitch  ");//NOI18N
    for (int i=0; i<targetsOp.length; i++) {
      int index = i + lowOp;
      if (targetsOp[i].offset() != defaultOp.offset()) {
	ClassPrint.spaces(out, indent+2);
	out.println(index + " -> " + targetsOp[i].offset());//NOI18N
    ClassPrint.spaces(out, indent+2);
    out.println("default -> " + defaultOp.offset());//NOI18N
static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.InsnTableSwitchread(InsnReadEnv insnEnv, int myPC)

    /* eat up any padding */
    int thisPC = myPC +1;
    for (int pads = ((thisPC + 3) & ~3) - thisPC; pads > 0; pads--)
    InsnTarget defaultTarget = insnEnv.getTarget(insnEnv.getInt() + myPC);
    int low = insnEnv.getInt();
    int high = insnEnv.getInt();
    InsnTarget[] offsets = new InsnTarget[high - low + 1];
    for (int i=0; i<offsets.length; i++)
      offsets[i] = insnEnv.getTarget(insnEnv.getInt() + myPC);
    return new InsnTableSwitch(low, defaultTarget,   offsets, myPC);
public java.lang.StringresultTypes()

      return "";//NOI18N

    /* account for the instruction, 0-3 bytes of pad, 3 ints */
    int basic = ((offset() + 4) & ~3) - offset() + 12;
    /* Add 4*number of offsets */
    return basic + targetsOp.length*4;
intstore(byte[] buf, int index)

    buf[index++] = (byte) opcode();
    index = (index + 3) & ~3;
    index = storeInt(buf, index, defaultOp.offset() - offset());
    index = storeInt(buf, index, lowOp);
    index = storeInt(buf, index, lowOp+targetsOp.length-1);
    for (int i=0; i<targetsOp.length; i++)
      index = storeInt(buf, index, targetsOp[i].offset() - offset());
    return index;
public InsnTarget[]switchTargets()
Return the targets for the cases of the switch.

    return targetsOp;