Purpose: This class was designed as a superclass to all possible Change Record types. These Change Records holds the changes made to the objects
ADVANCED: Returns the name of the attribute this ChangeRecord Representsreturnjava.lang.String return attribute;
return attribute;
ADVANCED: Returns the mapping for the attribute this ChangeRecord Represents return mapping;
return mapping;
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (5/30/00 3:42:14 PM)returnprototype.changeset.ObjectChangeSet return (oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.ObjectChangeSet)owner;
return (oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.ObjectChangeSet)owner;
INTERNAL: This method will be used to merge one record into another
INTERNAL: Ensure this change record is ready to by sent remotely for cache synchronization In general, this means setting the CacheSynchronizationType on any ObjectChangeSets associated with this ChangeRecord
Sets the name of the attribute that this Record representsparamnewValue java.lang.String this.attribute = newValue;
this.attribute = newValue;
Sets the mapping for the attribute that this Record represents this.mapping = mapping;
this.mapping = mapping;
INTERNAL: This method is used to set the ObjectChangeSet that uses this Record in that RecordparamnewOwner prototype.changeset.ObjectChangeSet The changeSet that uses this record owner = newOwner;
owner = newOwner;
return this.getClass().getName() + "(" + getAttribute() + ")";
INTERNAL: used by the record to update the new value ignores the value in the default implementation //no op
//no op
INTERNAL: This method will be used to update the objectsChangeSets references