Version.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5431Sat May 05 19:17:16 BST 2007org.apache.taglibs.standard

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package org.apache.taglibs.standard;

 * [lifted from xalan]
 * <meta name="usage" content="general"/>
 * Administrative class to keep track of the version number of
 * the standard tag library.
 * <P>This class implements the upcoming standard of having
 * org.apache.project-name.Version.getVersion() be a standard way 
 * to get version information.  
public class Version
   * Get the basic version string for the current release.
   * Version String formatted like 
   * <CODE>"<B>standard-taglib</B> v.r[.dd| <B>D</B>nn]"</CODE>.
   * Futurework: have this read version info from jar manifest.
   * @return String denoting our current version
  public static String getVersion()
    return getProduct() + " " +
           getMajorVersionNum() + "." + getReleaseVersionNum()+ "." +
           getMaintenanceVersionNum() +
           ((getDevelopmentVersionNum() > 0) ? 
               ("_D" + getDevelopmentVersionNum()) : "");

   * Print the processor version to the command line.
   * @param argv command line arguments, unused.
  public static void main(String argv[])

   * Name of product
  public static String getProduct()
    return "standard-taglib";

   * Major version number.
   * Version number. This changes only when there is a
   *          significant, externally apparent enhancement from
   *          the previous release. 'n' represents the n'th
   *          version.
   *          Clients should carefully consider the implications
   *          of new versions as external interfaces and behaviour
   *          may have changed.
  public static int getMajorVersionNum()
      return 1;

   * Release Number.
   * Release number. This changes when:
   *            -  a new set of functionality is to be added, eg,
   *               implementation of a new W3C specification.
   *            -  API or behaviour change.
   *            -  its designated as a reference release.
  public static int getReleaseVersionNum()
    return 2;

   * Maintenance Drop Number.
   * Optional identifier used to designate maintenance
   *          drop applied to a specific release and contains
   *          fixes for defects reported. It maintains compatibility
   *          with the release and contains no API changes.
   *          When missing, it designates the final and complete
   *          development drop for a release.
  public static int getMaintenanceVersionNum()
    return 0;

   * Development Drop Number.
   * Optional identifier designates development drop of
   *          a specific release. D01 is the first development drop
   *          of a new release.
   *          Development drops are works in progress towards a
   *          compeleted, final release. A specific development drop
   *          may not completely implement all aspects of a new
   *          feature, which may take several development drops to
   *          complete. At the point of the final drop for the
   *          release, the D suffix will be omitted.
   *          Each 'D' drops can contain functional enhancements as
   *          well as defect fixes. 'D' drops may not be as stable as
   *          the final releases.
  public static int getDevelopmentVersionNum()
    return 0;