Methods Summary |
public void | clear()reset all statistics
public long | getCloseStatementCount()The number of prepared statements that were released
public long | getCollectionFetchCount()Global number of collections fetched
public long | getCollectionLoadCount()Global number of collections loaded
public long | getCollectionRecreateCount()Global number of collections recreated
public long | getCollectionRemoveCount()Global number of collections removed
public java.lang.String[] | getCollectionRoleNames()Get the names of all collection roles
public CollectionStatistics | getCollectionStatistics(java.lang.String role)Get collection statistics per role
public long | getCollectionUpdateCount()Global number of collections updated
public long | getConnectCount()Get the global number of connections asked by the sessions
(the actual number of connections used may be much smaller depending
whether you use a connection pool or not)
public long | getEntityDeleteCount()Get global number of entity deletes
public long | getEntityFetchCount()Get global number of entity fetchs
public long | getEntityInsertCount()Get global number of entity inserts
public long | getEntityLoadCount()Get global number of entity loads
public java.lang.String[] | getEntityNames()Get the names of all entities
public EntityStatistics | getEntityStatistics(java.lang.String entityName)find entity statistics per name
public long | getEntityUpdateCount()Get global number of entity updates
public long | getFlushCount()Get the global number of flush executed by sessions (either implicit or explicit)
public long | getOptimisticFailureCount()The number of StaleObjectStateExceptions
that occurred
public long | getPrepareStatementCount()The number of prepared statements that were acquired
public java.lang.String[] | getQueries()Get all executed query strings
public long | getQueryCacheHitCount()Get the global number of cached queries successfully retrieved from cache
public long | getQueryCacheMissCount()Get the global number of cached queries *not* found in cache
public long | getQueryCachePutCount()Get the global number of cacheable queries put in cache
public long | getQueryExecutionCount()Get global number of executed queries
public long | getQueryExecutionMaxTime()Get the time in milliseconds of the slowest query.
public java.lang.String | getQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString()Get the query string for the slowest query.
public QueryStatistics | getQueryStatistics(java.lang.String queryString)Query statistics from query string (HQL or SQL)
public long | getSecondLevelCacheHitCount()Global number of cacheable entities/collections successfully retrieved from the cache
public long | getSecondLevelCacheMissCount()Global number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded from the database.
public long | getSecondLevelCachePutCount()Global number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache
public java.lang.String[] | getSecondLevelCacheRegionNames()Get all second-level cache region names
public SecondLevelCacheStatistics | getSecondLevelCacheStatistics(java.lang.String regionName)Second level cache statistics per region
public long | getSessionCloseCount()Global number of sessions closed
public long | getSessionOpenCount()Global number of sessions opened
public long | getStartTime()
public long | getSuccessfulTransactionCount()The number of transactions we know to have been successful
public long | getTransactionCount()The number of transactions we know to have completed
public boolean | isStatisticsEnabled()Are statistics logged
public void | logSummary()log in info level the main statistics
public void | setStatisticsEnabled(boolean b)Enable statistics logs (this is a dynamic parameter)