* Returns the encoding info object associated wih the current File.
* The subclass can assume the RAF pointer is at the first byte of the file.
* The RandomAccessFile must be kept open after this function, but can point
* at any offset in the file.
* @param raf The RandomAccessFile associtaed with the current file
* @exception IOException is thrown when the RandomAccessFile operations throw it (you should never throw them manually)
* @exception CannotReadException when an error occured during the parsing of the encoding infos
* Same as above but returns the Tag contained in the file, or a new one.
* @param raf The RandomAccessFile associted with the current file
* @exception IOException is thrown when the RandomAccessFile operations throw it (you should never throw them manually)
* @exception CannotReadException when an error occured during the parsing of the tag
* Reads the given file, and return an AudioFile object containing the Tag
* and the encoding infos present in the file. If the file has no tag, an
* empty one is returned. If the encodinginfo is not valid , an exception is thrown.
* @param f The file to read
* @exception CannotReadException If anything went bad during the read of this file
if (!f.canRead())
throw new CannotReadException(ErrorMessage.GENERAL_READ_FAILED_FILE_TOO_SMALL.getMsg(f.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new CannotReadException(ErrorMessage.GENERAL_READ_FAILED_FILE_TOO_SMALL.getMsg(f.getAbsolutePath()));
RandomAccessFile raf = null;
raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");
GenericAudioHeader info = getEncodingInfo(raf);
Tag tag = getTag(raf);
return new AudioFile(f, info, tag);
catch (CannotReadException cre)
throw cre;
catch (Exception e)
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ErrorMessage.GENERAL_READ.getMsg(f.getAbsolutePath()),e);
throw new CannotReadException(f.getAbsolutePath()+":" + e.getMessage(), e);
if (raf != null)
catch (Exception ex)
logger.log(Level.WARNING, ErrorMessage.GENERAL_READ_FAILED_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_RANDOM_ACCESS_FILE.getMsg(f.getAbsolutePath()));