Fields Summary |
public static final short | sid |
public static final short | NULL |
public static final short | XF_STYLE |
public static final short | XF_CELL |
public static final short | NONE |
public static final short | THIN |
public static final short | MEDIUM |
public static final short | DASHED |
public static final short | DOTTED |
public static final short | THICK |
public static final short | DOUBLE |
public static final short | HAIR |
public static final short | MEDIUM_DASHED |
public static final short | DASH_DOT |
public static final short | MEDIUM_DASH_DOT |
public static final short | DASH_DOT_DOT |
public static final short | MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT |
public static final short | SLANTED_DASH_DOT |
public static final short | GENERAL |
public static final short | LEFT |
public static final short | CENTER |
public static final short | RIGHT |
public static final short | FILL |
public static final short | JUSTIFY |
public static final short | CENTER_SELECTION |
public static final short | VERTICAL_TOP |
public static final short | VERTICAL_CENTER |
public static final short | VERTICAL_BOTTOM |
public static final short | VERTICAL_JUSTIFY |
public static final short | NO_FILL |
public static final short | SOLID_FILL |
public static final short | FINE_DOTS |
public static final short | ALT_BARS |
public static final short | SPARSE_DOTS |
public static final short | THICK_HORZ_BANDS |
public static final short | THICK_VERT_BANDS |
public static final short | THICK_BACKWARD_DIAG |
public static final short | THICK_FORWARD_DIAG |
public static final short | BIG_SPOTS |
public static final short | BRICKS |
public static final short | THIN_HORZ_BANDS |
public static final short | THIN_VERT_BANDS |
public static final short | THIN_BACKWARD_DIAG |
public static final short | THIN_FORWARD_DIAG |
public static final short | SQUARES |
public static final short | DIAMONDS |
private short | field_1_font_index |
private short | field_2_format_index |
private static final BitField | _locked |
private static final BitField | _hidden |
private static final BitField | _xf_type |
private static final BitField | _123_prefix |
private static final BitField | _parent_index |
private short | field_3_cell_options |
private static final BitField | _alignment |
private static final BitField | _wrap_text |
private static final BitField | _vertical_alignment |
private static final BitField | _justify_last |
private static final BitField | _rotation |
private short | field_4_alignment_options |
private static final BitField | _indent |
private static final BitField | _shrink_to_fit |
private static final BitField | _merge_cells |
private static final BitField | _reading_order |
private static final BitField | _indent_not_parent_format |
private static final BitField | _indent_not_parent_font |
private static final BitField | _indent_not_parent_alignment |
private static final BitField | _indent_not_parent_border |
private static final BitField | _indent_not_parent_pattern |
private static final BitField | _indent_not_parent_cell_options |
private short | field_5_indention_options |
private static final BitField | _border_left |
private static final BitField | _border_right |
private static final BitField | _border_top |
private static final BitField | _border_bottom |
private short | field_6_border_options |
private static final BitField | _left_border_palette_idx |
private static final BitField | _right_border_palette_idx |
private static final BitField | _diag |
private short | field_7_palette_options |
private static final BitField | _top_border_palette_idx |
private static final BitField | _bottom_border_palette_idx |
private static final BitField | _adtl_diag |
private static final BitField | _adtl_diag_line_style |
private static final BitField | _adtl_fill_pattern |
private int | field_8_adtl_palette_options |
private static final BitField | _fill_foreground |
private static final BitField | _fill_background |
private short | field_9_fill_palette_options |
Methods Summary |
protected void | fillFields(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream in)
field_1_font_index = in.readShort();
field_2_format_index = in.readShort();
field_3_cell_options = in.readShort();
field_4_alignment_options = in.readShort();
field_5_indention_options = in.readShort();
field_6_border_options = in.readShort();
field_7_palette_options = in.readShort();
field_8_adtl_palette_options = in.readInt();
field_9_fill_palette_options = in.readShort();
public boolean | get123Prefix()get some old holdover from lotus 123. Who cares, its all over for Lotus.
RIP Lotus.
return _123_prefix.isSet(field_3_cell_options);
public short | getAdtlDiag()get for diagonal borders? No idea (its a palette color for the other function
we didn't know what was?)
return ( short ) _adtl_diag.getValue(field_8_adtl_palette_options);
public short | getAdtlDiagLineStyle()get the diagonal border line style? Who the heck ever heard of a diagonal border?
return ( short ) _adtl_diag_line_style
public short | getAdtlFillPattern()get the additional fill pattern
return ( short ) _adtl_fill_pattern
public int | getAdtlPaletteOptions()get the additional palette options bitmask (see individual bit getter methods
that reference this method)
return field_8_adtl_palette_options;
public short | getAlignment()get the horizontal alignment of the cell.
return _alignment.getShortValue(field_4_alignment_options);
public short | getAlignmentOptions()get the alignment options bitmask. See corresponding bitgetter methods
that reference this one.
return field_4_alignment_options;
public short | getBorderBottom()get the borderline style for the bottom border
return _border_bottom.getShortValue(field_6_border_options);
public short | getBorderLeft()get the borderline style for the left border
return _border_left.getShortValue(field_6_border_options);
public short | getBorderOptions()get the border options bitmask (see the corresponding bit getter methods
that reference back to this one)
return field_6_border_options;
public short | getBorderRight()get the borderline style for the right border
return _border_right.getShortValue(field_6_border_options);
public short | getBorderTop()get the borderline style for the top border
return _border_top.getShortValue(field_6_border_options);
public short | getBottomBorderPaletteIdx()get the palette index for the bottom border
return ( short ) _bottom_border_palette_idx
public short | getCellOptions()gets the options bitmask - you can also use corresponding option bit getters
(see other methods that reference this one)
return field_3_cell_options;
public short | getDiag()Not sure what this is for (maybe fill lines?) 1 = down, 2 = up, 3 = both, 0 for none..
return _diag.getShortValue(field_7_palette_options);
public short | getFillBackground()get the background palette color index
return _fill_background.getShortValue(field_9_fill_palette_options);
public short | getFillForeground()get the foreground palette color index
return _fill_foreground.getShortValue(field_9_fill_palette_options);
public short | getFillPaletteOptions()get the fill palette options bitmask (see indivdual bit getters that
reference this method)
return field_9_fill_palette_options;
public short | getFontIndex()get the index to the FONT record (which font to use 0 based)
return field_1_font_index;
public short | getFormatIndex()get the index to the Format record (which FORMAT to use 0-based)
return field_2_format_index;
public short | getIndent()get indention (not sure of the units, think its spaces)
return _indent.getShortValue(field_5_indention_options);
public short | getIndentionOptions()get the indent options bitmask (see corresponding bit getters that reference
this field)
return field_5_indention_options;
public short | getJustifyLast()Dunno. Docs just say this is for far east versions.. (I'm guessing it
justifies for right-to-left read languages) // for far east languages supported only for format always 0 for US
return _justify_last.getShortValue(field_4_alignment_options);
public short | getLeftBorderPaletteIdx()get the palette index for the left border color
return _left_border_palette_idx
public boolean | getMergeCells()get whether to merge cells
return _merge_cells.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public short | getPaletteOptions()get the palette options bitmask (see the individual bit getter methods that
reference this one)
return field_7_palette_options;
public short | getParentIndex()for cell XF types this is the parent style (usually 0/normal). For
style this should be NULL.
return _parent_index.getShortValue(field_3_cell_options);
public short | getReadingOrder()get the reading order for far east versions (0 - Context, 1 - Left to right,
2 - right to left) - We could use some help with support for the far east. // only for far east always 0 in US
return _reading_order.getShortValue(field_5_indention_options);
public int | getRecordSize()
return 24;
public short | getRightBorderPaletteIdx()get the palette index for the right border color
return _right_border_palette_idx
public short | getRotation()get the degree of rotation. (I've not actually seen this used anywhere)
return _rotation.getShortValue(field_4_alignment_options);
public boolean | getShrinkToFit()get whether to shrink the text to fit
return _shrink_to_fit.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public short | getSid()
return sid;
public short | getTopBorderPaletteIdx()get the palette index for the top border
return ( short ) _top_border_palette_idx
public short | getVerticalAlignment()get the vertical alignment of text in the cell
return _vertical_alignment.getShortValue(field_4_alignment_options);
public boolean | getWrapText()get whether to wrap the text in the cell
return _wrap_text.isSet(field_4_alignment_options);
public short | getXFType()get whether the cell is a cell or style XFRecord
return _xf_type.getShortValue(field_3_cell_options);
public boolean | isHidden()get whether the cell is hidden or not
return _hidden.isSet(field_3_cell_options);
public boolean | isIndentNotParentAlignment()get whether or not to use the alignment in this XF instead of the parent XF.
return _indent_not_parent_alignment.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public boolean | isIndentNotParentBorder()get whether or not to use the border in this XF instead of the parent XF.
return _indent_not_parent_border.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public boolean | isIndentNotParentCellOptions()get whether or not to use the locking/hidden in this XF instead of the parent XF.
return _indent_not_parent_cell_options
public boolean | isIndentNotParentFont()get whether or not to use the font in this XF instead of the parent XF.
return _indent_not_parent_font.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public boolean | isIndentNotParentFormat()get whether or not to use the format in this XF instead of the parent XF.
return _indent_not_parent_format.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public boolean | isIndentNotParentPattern()get whether or not to use the pattern in this XF instead of the parent XF.
return _indent_not_parent_pattern.isSet(field_5_indention_options);
public boolean | isLocked()get whether the cell is locked or not
return _locked.isSet(field_3_cell_options);
public int | serialize(int offset, byte[] data)
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset,
( short ) (20)); // 24 - 4(sid/len)
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 4 + offset, getFontIndex());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 6 + offset, getFormatIndex());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 8 + offset, getCellOptions());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 10 + offset, getAlignmentOptions());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 12 + offset, getIndentionOptions());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 14 + offset, getBorderOptions());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 16 + offset, getPaletteOptions());
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 18 + offset, getAdtlPaletteOptions());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 22 + offset, getFillPaletteOptions());
return getRecordSize();
public void | set123Prefix(boolean prefix)set some old holdover from lotus 123. Who cares, its all over for Lotus.
RIP Lotus.
field_3_cell_options =
_123_prefix.setShortBoolean(field_3_cell_options, prefix);
public void | setAdtlDiag(short diag)set for diagonal borders? No idea (its a palette color for the other function
we didn't know what was?)
field_8_adtl_palette_options =
_adtl_diag.setValue(field_8_adtl_palette_options, diag);
public void | setAdtlDiagLineStyle(short diag)set the diagonal border line style? Who the heck ever heard of a diagonal border?
field_8_adtl_palette_options =
public void | setAdtlFillPattern(short fill)set the fill pattern
field_8_adtl_palette_options =
_adtl_fill_pattern.setValue(field_8_adtl_palette_options, fill);
public void | setAdtlPaletteOptions(short options)set the additional palette options bitmask (see individual bitsetter methods
that reference this method)
field_8_adtl_palette_options = options;
public void | setAlignment(short align)set the horizontal alignment of the cell.
field_4_alignment_options =
_alignment.setShortValue(field_4_alignment_options, align);
public void | setAlignmentOptions(short options)set the alignment options bitmask. See corresponding bitsetter methods
that reference this one.
field_4_alignment_options = options;
public void | setBorderBottom(short border)set the border line style for the bottom border
field_6_border_options =
_border_bottom.setShortValue(field_6_border_options, border);
public void | setBorderLeft(short border)set the borderline style for the left border
field_6_border_options =
_border_left.setShortValue(field_6_border_options, border);
public void | setBorderOptions(short options)set the border options bitmask (see the corresponding bitsetter methods
that reference back to this one)
field_6_border_options = options;
public void | setBorderRight(short border)set the border line style for the right border
field_6_border_options =
_border_right.setShortValue(field_6_border_options, border);
public void | setBorderTop(short border)set the border line style for the top border
field_6_border_options =
_border_top.setShortValue(field_6_border_options, border);
public void | setBottomBorderPaletteIdx(short border)set the palette index for the bottom border
field_8_adtl_palette_options =
public void | setCellOptions(short options)sets the options bitmask - you can also use corresponding option bit setters
(see other methods that reference this one)
field_3_cell_options = options;
public void | setDiag(short diag)Not sure what this is for (maybe fill lines?) 1 = down, 2 = up, 3 = both, 0 for none..
field_7_palette_options = _diag.setShortValue(field_7_palette_options,
public void | setFillBackground(short color)set the background palette color index
field_9_fill_palette_options =
public void | setFillForeground(short color)set the foreground palette color index
field_9_fill_palette_options =
public void | setFillPaletteOptions(short options)set the fill palette options bitmask (see
field_9_fill_palette_options = options;
public void | setFontIndex(short index)set the index to the FONT record (which font to use 0 based)
field_1_font_index = index;
public void | setFormatIndex(short index)set the index to the Format record (which FORMAT to use 0-based)
field_2_format_index = index;
public void | setHidden(boolean hidden)set whether the cell is hidden or not
field_3_cell_options = _hidden.setShortBoolean(field_3_cell_options,
public void | setIndent(short indent)set indention (not sure of the units, think its spaces)
field_5_indention_options =
_indent.setShortValue(field_5_indention_options, indent);
public void | setIndentNotParentAlignment(boolean alignment)set whether or not to use the alignment in this XF instead of the parent XF.
field_5_indention_options =
.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, alignment);
public void | setIndentNotParentBorder(boolean border)set whether or not to use the border in this XF instead of the parent XF.
field_5_indention_options =
.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, border);
public void | setIndentNotParentCellOptions(boolean options)set whether or not to use the locking/hidden in this XF instead of the parent XF.
field_5_indention_options =
.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, options);
public void | setIndentNotParentFont(boolean font)set whether or not to use the font in this XF instead of the parent XF.
field_5_indention_options =
public void | setIndentNotParentFormat(boolean parent)set whether or not to use the format in this XF instead of the parent XF.
field_5_indention_options =
.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, parent);
public void | setIndentNotParentPattern(boolean pattern)Sets whether or not to use the pattern in this XF instead of the
parent XF (foreground/background).
field_5_indention_options =
.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, pattern);
public void | setIndentionOptions(short options)set the indent options bitmask (see corresponding bitmask setters that reference
this field)
field_5_indention_options = options;
public void | setJustifyLast(short justify)Dunno. Docs just say this is for far east versions.. (I'm guessing it
justifies for right-to-left read languages) // for far east languages supported only for format always 0 for US
field_4_alignment_options =
_justify_last.setShortValue(field_4_alignment_options, justify);
public void | setLeftBorderPaletteIdx(short border)set the palette index for the left border color
field_7_palette_options =
public void | setLocked(boolean locked)set whether the cell is locked or not
field_3_cell_options = _locked.setShortBoolean(field_3_cell_options,
public void | setMergeCells(boolean merge)set whether to merge cells
field_5_indention_options =
_merge_cells.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, merge);
public void | setPaletteOptions(short options)set the palette options bitmask (see the individual bitsetter methods that
reference this one)
field_7_palette_options = options;
public void | setParentIndex(short parent)for cell XF types this is the parent style (usually 0/normal). For
style this should be NULL.
field_3_cell_options =
_parent_index.setShortValue(field_3_cell_options, parent);
public void | setReadingOrder(short order)set the reading order for far east versions (0 - Context, 1 - Left to right,
2 - right to left) - We could use some help with support for the far east. // only for far east always 0 in US
field_5_indention_options =
_reading_order.setShortValue(field_5_indention_options, order);
public void | setRightBorderPaletteIdx(short border)set the palette index for the right border color
field_7_palette_options =
public void | setRotation(short rotation)set the degree of rotation. (I've not actually seen this used anywhere)
field_4_alignment_options =
_rotation.setShortValue(field_4_alignment_options, rotation);
public void | setShrinkToFit(boolean shrink)set whether to shrink the text to fit
field_5_indention_options =
_shrink_to_fit.setShortBoolean(field_5_indention_options, shrink);
public void | setTopBorderPaletteIdx(short border)set the palette index for the top border
field_8_adtl_palette_options =
public void | setVerticalAlignment(short align)set the vertical alignment of text in the cell
field_4_alignment_options =
public void | setWrapText(boolean wrapped)set whether to wrap the text in the cell
field_4_alignment_options =
_wrap_text.setShortBoolean(field_4_alignment_options, wrapped);
public void | setXFType(short type)set whether the cell is a cell or style XFRecord
field_3_cell_options = _xf_type.setShortValue(field_3_cell_options,
public java.lang.String | toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (getXFType() == XF_STYLE)
buffer.append(" STYLE_RECORD_TYPE\n");
else if (getXFType() == XF_CELL)
buffer.append(" CELL_RECORD_TYPE\n");
buffer.append(" .fontindex = ")
buffer.append(" .formatindex = ")
buffer.append(" .celloptions = ")
buffer.append(" .islocked = ").append(isLocked())
buffer.append(" .ishidden = ").append(isHidden())
buffer.append(" .recordtype= ")
buffer.append(" .parentidx = ")
buffer.append(" .alignmentoptions= ")
buffer.append(" .alignment = ").append(getAlignment())
buffer.append(" .wraptext = ").append(getWrapText())
buffer.append(" .valignment= ")
buffer.append(" .justlast = ")
buffer.append(" .rotation = ")
buffer.append(" .indentionoptions= ")
buffer.append(" .indent = ")
buffer.append(" .shrinktoft= ").append(getShrinkToFit())
buffer.append(" .mergecells= ").append(getMergeCells())
buffer.append(" .readngordr= ")
buffer.append(" .formatflag= ")
buffer.append(" .fontflag = ")
buffer.append(" .prntalgnmt= ")
buffer.append(" .borderflag= ")
buffer.append(" .paternflag= ")
buffer.append(" .celloption= ")
buffer.append(" .borderoptns = ")
buffer.append(" .lftln = ")
buffer.append(" .rgtln = ")
buffer.append(" .topln = ")
buffer.append(" .btmln = ")
buffer.append(" .paleteoptns = ")
buffer.append(" .leftborder= ")
buffer.append(" .rghtborder= ")
buffer.append(" .diag = ")
buffer.append(" .paleteoptn2 = ")
buffer.append(" .topborder = ")
buffer.append(" .botmborder= ")
buffer.append(" .adtldiag = ")
buffer.append(" .diaglnstyl= ")
buffer.append(" .fillpattrn= ")
buffer.append(" .fillpaloptn = ")
buffer.append(" .foreground= ")
buffer.append(" .background= ")
return buffer.toString();
protected void | validateSid(short id)
if (id != sid)
throw new RecordFormatException("NOT A EXTENDED FORMAT RECORD");