CallCard.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API53127Wed May 06 22:42:46 BST


public class CallCard extends android.widget.FrameLayout implements CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener, ContactsAsyncHelper.OnImageLoadCompleteListener, CallTime.OnTickListener
"Call card" UI element: the in-call screen contains a tiled layout of call cards, each representing the state of a current "call" (ie. an active call, a call on hold, or an incoming call.)

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final boolean
private InCallScreen
Reference to the InCallScreen activity that owns us. This may be null if we haven't been initialized yet *or* after the InCallScreen activity has been destroyed.
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.widget.TextView
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.ImageView
private android.widget.TextView
private int
private int
private int
private int
private android.widget.ImageView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.ImageView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.TextView
private android.widget.TextView
private boolean
private CallTime
private ContactsAsyncHelper.ImageTracker
static final int
static final int
static final float
Constructors Summary
public CallCard(android.content.Context context, android.util.AttributeSet attrs)

  // scaled pixels

        super(context, attrs);

        if (DBG) log("CallCard constructor...");
        if (DBG) log("- this = " + this);
        if (DBG) log("- context " + context + ", attrs " + attrs);

        // Inflate the contents of this CallCard, and add it (to ourself) as a child.
        LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
                R.layout.call_card,  // resource
                this,                // root

        mCallTime = new CallTime(this);

        // create a new object to track the state for the photo.
        mPhotoTracker = new ContactsAsyncHelper.ImageTracker();
Methods Summary
public booleandispatchTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent ev)
Intercepts (and discards) any touch events to the CallCard.

        // if (DBG) log("CALLCARD: dispatchTouchEvent(): ev = " + ev);

        // We *never* let touch events get thru to the UI inside the
        // CallCard, since there's nothing touchable there.
        return true;
private voiddisplayMainCallStatus( phone, call)
Updates the main block of caller info on the CallCard (ie. the stuff in the mainCallCard block) based on the specified Call.

        if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus(phone " + phone
                     + ", call " + call + ")...");

        if (call == null) {
            // There's no call to display, presumably because the phone is idle.

        Call.State state = call.getState();
        if (DBG) log("  - call.state: " + call.getState());

        int callCardBackgroundResid = 0;

        // Background frame resources are different between portrait/landscape.
        // TODO: Don't do this manually.  Instead let the resource system do
        // it: just move the *_land assets over to the res/drawable-land
        // directory (but with the same filename as the corresponding
        // portrait asset.)
        boolean landscapeMode = InCallScreen.ConfigurationHelper.isLandscape();

        // Background images are also different if Bluetooth is active.
        final boolean bluetoothActive = PhoneApp.getInstance().showBluetoothIndication();

        switch (state) {
            case ACTIVE:

                if (bluetoothActive) {
                    callCardBackgroundResid =
                            landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_tall_land
                            : R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_tall_port;
                } else {
                    callCardBackgroundResid =
                            landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_connected_tall_land
                            : R.drawable.incall_frame_connected_tall_port;

                // update timer field
                if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus: start periodicUpdateTimer");


            case HOLDING:

                callCardBackgroundResid =
                        landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_hold_tall_land
                        : R.drawable.incall_frame_hold_tall_port;

                // update timer field


            case DISCONNECTED:

                callCardBackgroundResid =
                        landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_ended_tall_land
                        : R.drawable.incall_frame_ended_tall_port;

                // Stop getting timer ticks from this call


            case DIALING:
            case ALERTING:

                if (bluetoothActive) {
                    callCardBackgroundResid =
                            landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_tall_land
                            : R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_tall_port;
                } else {
                    callCardBackgroundResid =
                            landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_normal_tall_land
                            : R.drawable.incall_frame_normal_tall_port;

                // Stop getting timer ticks from a previous call


            case INCOMING:
            case WAITING:

                if (bluetoothActive) {
                    callCardBackgroundResid =
                            landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_tall_land
                            : R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_tall_port;
                } else {
                    callCardBackgroundResid =
                            landscapeMode ? R.drawable.incall_frame_normal_tall_land
                            : R.drawable.incall_frame_normal_tall_port;

                // Stop getting timer ticks from a previous call


            case IDLE:
                // The "main CallCard" should never be trying to display
                // an idle call!  In updateState(), if the phone is idle,
                // we call updateNoCall(), which means that we shouldn't
                // have passed a call into this method at all.
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "displayMainCallStatus: IDLE call in the main call card!");

                // (It is possible, though, that we had a valid call which
                // became idle *after* the check in updateState() but
                // before we get here...  So continue the best we can,
                // with whatever (stale) info we can get from the
                // passed-in Call object.)


                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "displayMainCallStatus: unexpected call state: " + state);

        updateCardTitleWidgets(phone, call);

        if (PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(call)) {
            // Update onscreen info for a conference call.
        } else {
            // Update onscreen info for a regular call (which presumably
            // has only one connection.)
            Connection conn = call.getEarliestConnection();

            int presentation = conn.getNumberPresentation(); 

            if (conn == null) {
                if (DBG) log("displayMainCallStatus: connection is null, using default values.");
                // if the connection is null, we run through the behaviour
                // we had in the past, which breaks down into trivial steps
                // with the current implementation of getCallerInfo and
                // updateDisplayForPerson.
                CallerInfo info = PhoneUtils.getCallerInfo(getContext(), conn);
                updateDisplayForPerson(info, presentation, false, call);
            } else {
                if (DBG) log("  - CONN: " + conn + ", state = " + conn.getState());

                // make sure that we only make a new query when the current
                // callerinfo differs from what we've been requested to display.
                boolean runQuery = true;
                Object o = conn.getUserData();
                if (o instanceof PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) {
                    runQuery = mPhotoTracker.isDifferentImageRequest(
                            ((PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) o).currentInfo);
                } else {
                    runQuery = mPhotoTracker.isDifferentImageRequest(conn);

                if (runQuery) {
                    if (DBG) log("- displayMainCallStatus: starting CallerInfo query...");
                    PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken info =
                            PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo(getContext(), conn, this, call);
                    updateDisplayForPerson(info.currentInfo, presentation, !info.isFinal, call);
                } else {
                    // No need to fire off a new query.  We do still need
                    // to update the display, though (since we might have
                    // previously been in the "conference call" state.)
                    if (DBG) log("- displayMainCallStatus: using data we already have...");
                    if (o instanceof CallerInfo) {
                        CallerInfo ci = (CallerInfo) o;
                        if (DBG) log("   ==> Got CallerInfo; updating display: ci = " + ci);
                        updateDisplayForPerson(ci, presentation, false, call);
                    } else if (o instanceof PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken){
                        CallerInfo ci = ((PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) o).currentInfo;
                        if (DBG) log("   ==> Got CallerInfoToken; updating display: ci = " + ci);
                        updateDisplayForPerson(ci, presentation, true, call);
                    } else {
                        Log.w(LOG_TAG, "displayMainCallStatus: runQuery was false, "
                              + "but we didn't have a cached CallerInfo object!  o = " + o);
                        // TODO: any easy way to recover here (given that
                        // the CallCard is probably displaying stale info
                        // right now?)  Maybe force the CallCard into the
                        // "Unknown" state?

        // In some states we override the "photo" ImageView to be an
        // indication of the current state, rather than displaying the
        // regular photo as set above.

        // Set the background frame color based on the state of the call.
        // (Text colors are set in updateCardTitleWidgets().)
private voiddisplayOnHoldCallStatus( phone, call)
Updates the "on hold" box in the "other call" info area (ie. the stuff in the otherCallOnHoldInfo block) based on the specified Call. Or, clear out the "on hold" box if the specified call is null or idle.

        if (DBG) log("displayOnHoldCallStatus(call =" + call + ")...");
        if (call == null) {

        Call.State state = call.getState();
        switch (state) {
            case HOLDING:
                // Ok, there actually is a background call on hold.
                // Display the "on hold" box.
                String name;

                // First, see if we need to query.
                if (PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(call)) {
                    if (DBG) log("==> conference call.");
                    name = getContext().getString(R.string.confCall);
                } else {
                    // perform query and update the name temporarily
                    // make sure we hand the textview we want updated to the
                    // callback function.
                    if (DBG) log("==> NOT a conf call; call startGetCallerInfo...");
                    PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken info = PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo(
                            getContext(), call, this, mOtherCallOnHoldName);
                    name = PhoneUtils.getCompactNameFromCallerInfo(info.currentInfo, getContext());


                // The call here is always "on hold", so use the orange "hold" frame
                // and orange text color:



                // There's actually no call on hold.  (Presumably this call's
                // state is IDLE, since any other state is meaningless for the
                // background call.)
private voiddisplayOngoingCallStatus( phone, call)
Updates the "Ongoing call" box in the "other call" info area (ie. the stuff in the otherCallOngoingInfo block) based on the specified Call. Or, clear out the "ongoing call" box if the specified call is null or idle.

        if (DBG) log("displayOngoingCallStatus(call =" + call + ")...");
        if (call == null) {

        Call.State state = call.getState();
        switch (state) {
            case ACTIVE:
            case DIALING:
            case ALERTING:
                // Ok, there actually is an ongoing call.
                // Display the "ongoing call" box.
                String name;

                // First, see if we need to query.
                if (PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(call)) {
                    name = getContext().getString(R.string.confCall);
                } else {
                    // perform query and update the name temporarily
                    // make sure we hand the textview we want updated to the
                    // callback function.
                    PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken info = PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo(
                            getContext(), call, this, mOtherCallOngoingName);
                    name = PhoneUtils.getCompactNameFromCallerInfo(info.currentInfo, getContext());


                // This is an "ongoing" call: we normally use the green
                // background frame and text color, but we use blue
                // instead if bluetooth is in use.
                boolean bluetoothActive = PhoneApp.getInstance().showBluetoothIndication();

                int ongoingCallBackground =
                        bluetoothActive ? R.drawable.incall_frame_bluetooth_short
                        : R.drawable.incall_frame_connected_short;

                int ongoingCallIcon = bluetoothActive ? R.drawable.ic_incall_ongoing_bluetooth
                        : R.drawable.ic_incall_ongoing;

                int textColor = bluetoothActive ? mTextColorConnectedBluetooth
                        : mTextColorConnected;



                // There's actually no ongoing call.  (Presumably this call's
                // state is IDLE, since any other state is meaningless for the
                // foreground call.)
private java.lang.StringgetCallFailedString( call)

        Phone phone = PhoneApp.getInstance().phone;
        Connection c = call.getEarliestConnection();
        int resID;

        if (c == null) {
            if (DBG) log("getCallFailedString: connection is null, using default values.");
            // if this connection is null, just assume that the
            // default case occurs.
            resID = R.string.card_title_call_ended;
        } else {

            Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause();

            // TODO: The card *title* should probably be "Call ended" in all
            // cases, but if the DisconnectCause was an error condition we should
            // probably also display the specific failure reason somewhere...

            switch (cause) {
                case BUSY:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_userBusy;

                case CONGESTION:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_congestion;

                case LOST_SIGNAL:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_noSignal;

                case LIMIT_EXCEEDED:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_limitExceeded;

                case POWER_OFF:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_powerOff;

                case SIM_ERROR:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_simError;

                case OUT_OF_SERVICE:
                    resID = R.string.callFailed_outOfService;

                    resID = R.string.card_title_call_ended;
        return getContext().getString(resID);
Returns the "Menu button hint" TextView (which is manipulated directly by the InCallScreen.)


        return mMenuButtonHint;
private java.lang.StringgetPresentationString(int presentation)

        String name = getContext().getString(R.string.unknown);
        if (presentation == Connection.PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED) {
            name = getContext().getString(R.string.private_num);
        } else if (presentation == Connection.PRESENTATION_PAYPHONE) {
            name = getContext().getString(R.string.payphone);
        return name;
private java.lang.StringgetTitleForCallCard( call)
Returns the "card title" displayed at the top of a foreground ("active") CallCard to indicate the current state of this call, like "Dialing" or "In call" or "On hold". A null return value means that there's no title string for this state.

        String retVal = null;
        Call.State state = call.getState();
        Context context = getContext();
        int resId;

        if (DBG) log("- getTitleForCallCard(Call " + call + ")...");

        switch (state) {
            case IDLE:

            case ACTIVE:
                // Title is "Call in progress".  (Note this appears in the
                // "lower title" area of the CallCard.)
                retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_in_progress);

            case HOLDING:
                retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_on_hold);
                // TODO: if this is a conference call on hold,
                // maybe have a special title here too?

            case DIALING:
            case ALERTING:
                retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_dialing);

            case INCOMING:
            case WAITING:
                retVal = context.getString(R.string.card_title_incoming_call);

            case DISCONNECTED:
                retVal = getCallFailedString(call);

        if (DBG) log("  ==> result: " + retVal);
        return retVal;
private voidlog(java.lang.String msg)

        Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);
private static voidlogErr(java.lang.String msg)

        Log.e(LOG_TAG, msg);
protected voidonFinishInflate()


        if (DBG) log("CallCard onFinishInflate(this = " + this + ")...");

        LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext());

        mMainCallCard = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
        mOtherCallOngoingInfoArea = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
        mOtherCallOnHoldInfoArea = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;

        // "Upper" and "lower" title widgets
        mUpperTitle = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mLowerTitleViewGroup = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
        mLowerTitle = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mLowerTitleIcon = (ImageView) findViewById(;
        mElapsedTime = (TextView) findViewById(;

        // Text colors
        mTextColorConnected = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textConnected);
        mTextColorConnectedBluetooth =
        mTextColorEnded = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textEnded);
        mTextColorOnHold = getResources().getColor(R.color.incall_textOnHold);

        // "Caller info" area, including photo / name / phone numbers / etc
        mPhoto = (ImageView) findViewById(;
        mName = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mPhoneNumber = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mLabel = (TextView) findViewById(;

        // "Other call" info area
        mOtherCallOngoingIcon = (ImageView) findViewById(;
        mOtherCallOngoingName = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mOtherCallOngoingStatus = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mOtherCallOnHoldName = (TextView) findViewById(;
        mOtherCallOnHoldStatus = (TextView) findViewById(;

        // Menu Button hint
        mMenuButtonHint = (TextView) findViewById(;
public voidonImageLoadComplete(int token, java.lang.Object cookie, android.widget.ImageView iView, boolean imagePresent)
Implemented for ContactsAsyncHelper.OnImageLoadCompleteListener interface. make sure that the call state is reflected after the image is loaded.

        if (cookie != null) {
            updatePhotoForCallState((Call) cookie);
public voidonQueryComplete(int token, java.lang.Object cookie, ci)
Implemented for CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener interface. refreshes the CallCard data when it called.

        if (DBG) log("onQueryComplete: token " + token + ", cookie " + cookie + ", ci " + ci);

        if (cookie instanceof Call) {
            // grab the call object and update the display for an individual call,
            // as well as the successive call to update image via call state.
            // If the object is a textview instead, we update it as we need to.
            if (DBG) log("callerinfo query complete, updating ui from displayMainCallStatus()");
            Call call = (Call) cookie;
            updateDisplayForPerson(ci, Connection.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED, false, call);

        } else if (cookie instanceof TextView){
            if (DBG) log("callerinfo query complete, updating ui from ongoing or onhold");
            ((TextView) cookie).setText(PhoneUtils.getCompactNameFromCallerInfo(ci, mContext));
public voidonTickForCallTimeElapsed(long timeElapsed)

        // While a call is in progress, update the elapsed time shown
        // onscreen.

        if (DBG) log("reset()...");

        mRingerSilenced = false;

        // default to show ACTIVE call style, with empty title and status text
voidsetInCallScreenInstance(InCallScreen inCallScreen)

        mInCallScreen = inCallScreen;
private voidsetMainCallCardBackgroundResource(int resid)
Sets the background drawable of the main call card.

private voidsetOnHoldInfoAreaBackgroundResource(int resid)
Sets the background drawable of the "call on hold" info area.

private voidsetOngoingInfoAreaBackgroundResource(int resid)
Sets the background drawable of the "ongoing call" info area.

private voidsetSideMargins(android.view.ViewGroup vg, int margin)
Sets the left and right margins of the specified ViewGroup (whose LayoutParams object which must inherit from ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams.) TODO: Is there already a convenience method like this somewhere?

        ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams lp =
                (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) vg.getLayoutParams();
        // Equivalent to setting android:layout_marginLeft/Right in XML
        lp.leftMargin = margin;
        lp.rightMargin = margin;
private voidsetUpperTitle(java.lang.String title)
Sets the CallCard "upper title" to a plain string, with no icon.

        mUpperTitle.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null);
private voidsetUpperTitle(java.lang.String title, Call.State state)
Sets the CallCard "upper title". Also, depending on the passed-in Call state, possibly display an icon along with the title.


        int bluetoothIconId = 0;
        if (((state == Call.State.INCOMING) || (state == Call.State.WAITING))
                && PhoneApp.getInstance().showBluetoothIndication()) {
            // Display the special bluetooth icon also, if this is an incoming
            // call and the audio will be routed to bluetooth.
            bluetoothIconId = R.drawable.ic_incoming_call_bluetooth;

        mUpperTitle.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(bluetoothIconId, 0, 0, 0);
        if (bluetoothIconId != 0) mUpperTitle.setCompoundDrawablePadding(5);
private static final booleanshowCachedImage(android.widget.ImageView view, ci)
Try to display the cached image from the callerinfo object.

true if we were able to find the image in the cache, false otherwise.

        if ((ci != null) && ci.isCachedPhotoCurrent) {
            if (ci.cachedPhoto != null) {
                showImage(view, ci.cachedPhoto);
            } else {
                showImage(view, R.drawable.picture_unknown);
            return true;
        return false;
private voidshowCallConnected()

        if (DBG) log("showCallConnected()...");
        // TODO: remove if truly unused
private voidshowCallConnecting()

        if (DBG) log("showCallConnecting()...");
        // TODO: remove if truly unused
private voidshowCallEnded()

        if (DBG) log("showCallEnded()...");
        // TODO: remove if truly unused
private voidshowCallIncoming()

        if (DBG) log("showCallIncoming()...");
        // TODO: remove if truly unused
private voidshowCallOnhold()

        if (DBG) log("showCallOnhold()...");
        // TODO: remove if truly unused
private static final voidshowImage(android.widget.ImageView view, int resource)
Helper function to display the resource in the imageview AND ensure its visibility.

private static final voidshowImage(android.widget.ImageView view, drawable)
Helper function to display the drawable in the imageview AND ensure its visibility.


private voidupdateCardTitleWidgets( phone, call)
Updates the "upper" and "lower" titles based on the current state of this call.

        if (DBG) log("updateCardTitleWidgets(call " + call + ")...");
        Call.State state = call.getState();

        // TODO: Still need clearer spec on exactly how title *and* status get
        // set in all states.  (Then, given that info, refactor the code
        // here to be more clear about exactly which widgets on the card
        // need to be set.)

        // Normal "foreground" call card:
        String cardTitle = getTitleForCallCard(call);

        if (DBG) log("updateCardTitleWidgets: " + cardTitle);

        // We display *either* the "upper title" or the "lower title", but
        // never both.
        if (state == Call.State.ACTIVE) {
            // Use the "lower title" (in green).

            final boolean bluetoothActive = PhoneApp.getInstance().showBluetoothIndication();
            int ongoingCallIcon = bluetoothActive ? R.drawable.ic_incall_ongoing_bluetooth
                    : R.drawable.ic_incall_ongoing;


            int textColor = bluetoothActive ? mTextColorConnectedBluetooth : mTextColorConnected;
        } else if (state == Call.State.DISCONNECTED) {
            // Use the "lower title" (in red).
            // TODO: We may not *always* want to use the lower title for
            // the DISCONNECTED state.  "Error" states like BUSY or
            // CONGESTION (see getCallFailedString()) should probably go
            // in the upper title, for example.  In fact, the lower title
            // should probably be used *only* for the normal "Call ended"
            // case.
        } else {
            // All other states (DIALING, INCOMING, etc.) use the "upper title":
            setUpperTitle(cardTitle, state);

        // Draw the onscreen "elapsed time" indication EXCEPT if we're in
        // the "Call ended" state.  (In that case, don't touch the
        // mElapsedTime widget, so we continue to see the elapsed time of
        // the call that just ended.)
        if (call.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED) {
            // "Call ended" state -- don't touch the onscreen elapsed time.
        } else {
            long duration = CallTime.getCallDuration(call);  // msec
            updateElapsedTimeWidget(duration / 1000);
            // Also see onTickForCallTimeElapsed(), which updates this
            // widget once per second while the call is active.
private voidupdateDisplayForConference()
Updates the name / photo / number / label fields for the special "conference call" state. If the current call has only a single connection, use updateDisplayForPerson() instead.

        if (DBG) log("updateDisplayForConference()...");

        // Display the "conference call" image in the photo slot,
        // with no other information.

        showImage(mPhoto, R.drawable.picture_conference);


        // TODO: For a conference call, the "phone number" slot is specced
        // to contain a summary of who's on the call, like "Bill Foldes
        // and Hazel Nutt" or "Bill Foldes and 2 others".
        // But for now, just hide it:


        // TODO: consider also showing names / numbers / photos of some of the
        // people on the conference here, so you can see that info without
        // having to click "Manage conference".  We probably have enough
        // space to show info for 2 people, at least.
        // To do this, our caller would pass us the activeConnections
        // list, and we'd call PhoneUtils.getCallerInfo() separately for
        // each connection.
private voidupdateDisplayForPerson( info, int presentation, call)
Add the Call object to these next 2 apis since the callbacks from updateImageViewWithContactPhotoAsync call will need to use it.

        updateDisplayForPerson(info, presentation, false, call);
private voidupdateDisplayForPerson( info, int presentation, boolean isTemporary, call)
Updates the name / photo / number / label fields on the CallCard based on the specified CallerInfo. If the current call is a conference call, use updateDisplayForConference() instead.

        if (DBG) log("updateDisplayForPerson(" + info + ")...");

        // inform the state machine that we are displaying a photo.

        String name;
        String displayNumber = null;
        String label = null;
        Uri personUri = null;

        if (info != null) {
            // It appears that there is a small change in behaviour with the
            // PhoneUtils' startGetCallerInfo whereby if we query with an
            // empty number, we will get a valid CallerInfo object, but with
            // fields that are all null, and the isTemporary boolean input
            // parameter as true.

            // In the past, we would see a NULL callerinfo object, but this
            // ends up causing null pointer exceptions elsewhere down the
            // line in other cases, so we need to make this fix instead. It
            // appears that this was the ONLY call to PhoneUtils
            // .getCallerInfo() that relied on a NULL CallerInfo to indicate
            // an unknown contact.

            if (TextUtils.isEmpty( {
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info.phoneNumber)) {
                    name =  getPresentationString(presentation);
                } else {
                    name = info.phoneNumber;
            } else {
                name =;
                displayNumber = info.phoneNumber;
                label = info.phoneLabel;
            personUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(People.CONTENT_URI, info.person_id);
        } else {
            name =  getPresentationString(presentation);

        // Update mPhoto
        // if the temporary flag is set, we know we'll be getting another call after
        // the CallerInfo has been correctly updated.  So, we can skip the image
        // loading until then.

        // If the photoResource is filled in for the CallerInfo, (like with the
        // Emergency Number case), then we can just set the photo image without
        // requesting for an image load. Please refer to
        // for cases where CallerInfo.photoResource may be set.  We can also avoid
        // the image load step if the image data is cached.
        if (isTemporary && (info == null || !info.isCachedPhotoCurrent)) {
        } else if (info != null && info.photoResource != 0){
            showImage(mPhoto, info.photoResource);
        } else if (!showCachedImage(mPhoto, info)) {
            // Load the image with a callback to update the image state.
            // Use a placeholder image value of -1 to indicate no image.
            ContactsAsyncHelper.updateImageViewWithContactPhotoAsync(info, 0, this, call,
                    getContext(), mPhoto, personUri, -1);
        if (displayNumber != null) {
        } else {

        if (label != null) {
        } else {
private voidupdateElapsedTimeWidget(long timeElapsed)
Updates mElapsedTime based on the specified number of seconds. A timeElapsed value of zero means to not show an elapsed time at all.

        // if (DBG) log("updateElapsedTimeWidget: " + timeElapsed);
        if (timeElapsed == 0) {
        } else {
Updates anything about our View hierarchy or internal state that needs to be different in landscape mode.


        if (DBG) log("updateForLandscapeMode()...");

        // The main CallCard's minimum height is smaller in landscape mode
        // than in portrait mode.

        // Add some left and right margin to the top-level elements, since
        // there's no need to use the full width of the screen (which is
        // much wider in landscape mode.)
        setSideMargins(mMainCallCard, CALLCARD_SIDE_MARGIN_LANDSCAPE);
        setSideMargins(mOtherCallOngoingInfoArea, CALLCARD_SIDE_MARGIN_LANDSCAPE);
        setSideMargins(mOtherCallOnHoldInfoArea, CALLCARD_SIDE_MARGIN_LANDSCAPE);

        // A couple of TextViews are slightly smaller in landscape mode.
private voidupdateForegroundCall( phone)
Updates the UI for the state where the phone is in use, but not ringing.

        if (DBG) log("updateForegroundCall()...");

        Call fgCall = phone.getForegroundCall();
        Call bgCall = phone.getBackgroundCall();

        if (fgCall.isIdle() && !fgCall.hasConnections()) {
            if (DBG) log("updateForegroundCall: no active call, show holding call");
            // TODO: make sure this case agrees with the latest UI spec.

            // Display the background call in the main info area of the
            // CallCard, since there is no foreground call.  Note that
            // displayMainCallStatus() will notice if the call we passed in is on
            // hold, and display the "on hold" indication.
            fgCall = bgCall;

            // And be sure to not display anything in the "on hold" box.
            bgCall = null;

        displayMainCallStatus(phone, fgCall);
        displayOnHoldCallStatus(phone, bgCall);
        displayOngoingCallStatus(phone, null);
private voidupdateNoCall( phone)
Updates the UI for the state where the phone is not in use. This is analogous to updateForegroundCall() and updateRingingCall(), but for the (uncommon) case where the phone is totally idle. (See comments in updateState() above.) This puts the callcard into a sane but "blank" state.

        if (DBG) log("updateNoCall()...");

        displayMainCallStatus(phone, null);
        displayOnHoldCallStatus(phone, null);
        displayOngoingCallStatus(phone, null);
private voidupdatePhotoForCallState( call)
Updates the CallCard "photo" IFF the specified Call is in a state that needs a special photo (like "busy" or "dialing".) If the current call does not require a special image in the "photo" slot onscreen, don't do anything, since presumably the photo image has already been set (to the photo of the person we're talking, or the generic "picture_unknown" image, or the "conference call" image.)

        if (DBG) log("updatePhotoForCallState(" + call + ")...");
        int photoImageResource = 0;

        // Check for the (relatively few) telephony states that need a
        // special image in the "photo" slot.
        Call.State state = call.getState();
        switch (state) {
            case DISCONNECTED:
                // Display the special "busy" photo for BUSY or CONGESTION.
                // Otherwise (presumably the normal "call ended" state)
                // leave the photo alone.
                Connection c = call.getEarliestConnection();
                // if the connection is null, we assume the default case,
                // otherwise update the image resource normally.
                if (c != null) {
                    Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause();
                    if ((cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.BUSY)
                        || (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CONGESTION)) {
                        photoImageResource = R.drawable.picture_busy;
                } else if (DBG) {
                    log("updatePhotoForCallState: connection is null, ignoring.");

                // TODO: add special images for any other DisconnectCauses?

            case DIALING:
            case ALERTING:
                photoImageResource = R.drawable.picture_dialing;

                // Leave the photo alone in all other states.
                // If this call is an individual call, and the image is currently
                // displaying a state, (rather than a photo), we'll need to update
                // the image.
                // This is for the case where we've been displaying the state and
                // now we need to restore the photo.  This can happen because we
                // only query the CallerInfo once, and limit the number of times
                // the image is loaded. (So a state image may overwrite the photo
                // and we would otherwise have no way of displaying the photo when
                // the state goes away.)

                // if the photoResource field is filled-in in the Connection's
                // caller info, then we can just use that instead of requesting
                // for a photo load.

                // look for the photoResource if it is available.
                CallerInfo ci = null;
                    Connection conn = call.getEarliestConnection();
                    if (conn != null) {
                        Object o = conn.getUserData();
                        if (o instanceof CallerInfo) {
                            ci = (CallerInfo) o;
                        } else if (o instanceof PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) {
                            ci = ((PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) o).currentInfo;

                if (ci != null) {
                    photoImageResource = ci.photoResource;

                // If no photoResource found, check to see if this is a conference call. If
                // it is not a conference call:
                //   1. Try to show the cached image
                //   2. If the image is not cached, check to see if a load request has been
                //      made already.
                //   3. If the load request has not been made [DISPLAY_DEFAULT], start the
                //      request and note that it has started by updating photo state with
                //      [DISPLAY_IMAGE].
                // Load requests started in (3) use a placeholder image of -1 to hide the
                // image by default.  Please refer to for cases
                // where CallerInfo.photoResource may be set.
                if (photoImageResource == 0) {
                    if (!PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(call)) {
                        if (!showCachedImage(mPhoto, ci) && (mPhotoTracker.getPhotoState() ==
                                ContactsAsyncHelper.ImageTracker.DISPLAY_DEFAULT)) {
                                    getContext(), mPhoto, mPhotoTracker.getPhotoUri(), -1);
                } else {
                    showImage(mPhoto, photoImageResource);

        if (photoImageResource != 0) {
            if (DBG) log("- overrriding photo image: " + photoImageResource);
            showImage(mPhoto, photoImageResource);
            // Track the image state.
private voidupdateRingingCall( phone)
Updates the UI for the state where an incoming call is ringing (or call waiting), regardless of whether the phone's already offhook.

        if (DBG) log("updateRingingCall()...");

        Call ringingCall = phone.getRingingCall();
        Call fgCall = phone.getForegroundCall();
        Call bgCall = phone.getBackgroundCall();

        displayMainCallStatus(phone, ringingCall);
        displayOnHoldCallStatus(phone, bgCall);
        displayOngoingCallStatus(phone, fgCall);
voidupdateState( phone)

        if (DBG) log("updateState(" + phone + ")...");

        // Update some internal state based on the current state of the phone.
        // TODO: This code, and updateForegroundCall() / updateRingingCall(),
        // can probably still be simplified some more.

        Phone.State state = phone.getState();  // IDLE, RINGING, or OFFHOOK
        if (state == Phone.State.RINGING) {
            // A phone call is ringing *or* call waiting
            // (ie. another call may also be active as well.)
        } else if (state == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) {
            // The phone is off hook. At least one call exists that is
            // dialing, active, or holding, and no calls are ringing or waiting.
        } else {
            // The phone state is IDLE!
            // The most common reason for this is if a call just
            // ended: the phone will be idle, but we *will* still
            // have a call in the DISCONNECTED state:
            Call fgCall = phone.getForegroundCall();
            Call bgCall = phone.getBackgroundCall();
            if ((fgCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED)
                || (bgCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED)) {
                // In this case, we want the main CallCard to display
                // the "Call ended" state.  The normal "foreground call"
                // code path handles that.
            } else {
                // We don't have any DISCONNECTED calls, which means
                // that the phone is *truly* idle.
                // It's very rare to be on the InCallScreen at all in this
                // state, but it can happen in some cases:
                // - A stray onPhoneStateChanged() event came in to the
                //   InCallScreen *after* it was dismissed.
                // - We're allowed to be on the InCallScreen because
                //   an MMI or USSD is running, but there's no actual "call"
                //   to display.
                // - We're displaying an error dialog to the user
                //   (explaining why the call failed), so we need to stay on
                //   the InCallScreen so that the dialog will be visible.
                // In these cases, put the callcard into a sane but "blank" state: