WithClauseTest.javaAPI DocHibernate 3.2.55303Thu Dec 07 07:51:00 GMT 2006org.hibernate.test.hql


public class WithClauseTest extends org.hibernate.test.TestCase
Implementation of WithClauseTest.
Steve Ebersole

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public WithClauseTest(String name)

		super( name );
Methods Summary
protected voidconfigure(org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration cfg)

		super.configure( cfg );
protected java.lang.String[]getMappings()

		return new String[] { "hql/Animal.hbm.xml" };
public static junit.framework.Testsuite()

		return new TestSuite( WithClauseTest.class );
public voidtestInvalidWithSemantics()

		Session s = openSession();
		Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();

		try {
			// PROBLEM : f.bodyWeight is a reference to a column on the Animal table; however, the 'f'
			// alias relates to the Human.friends collection which the aonther Human entity.  The issue
			// here is the way JoinSequence and Joinable (the persister) interact to generate the
			// joins relating to the sublcass/superclass tables
			s.createQuery( "from Human h inner join h.friends as f with f.bodyWeight < :someLimit" )
					.setDouble( "someLimit", 1 )
			fail( "failure expected" );
		catch( InvalidWithClauseException expected ) {

		try {
			s.createQuery( "from Animal a inner join a.offspring o inner join o.mother as m inner join m.father as f with o.bodyWeight > 1" )
			fail( "failure expected" );
		catch( InvalidWithClauseException expected ) {

		try {
			s.createQuery( "from Human h inner join h.offspring o with o.mother.father = :cousin" )
					.setEntity( "cousin", s.load( Human.class, new Long(123) ) )
			fail( "failure expected" );
		catch( InvalidWithClauseException expected ) {

public voidtestWithClause()

		TestData data = new TestData();

		Session s = openSession();
		Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();

		// one-to-many
		List list = s.createQuery( "from Human h inner join h.offspring as o with o.bodyWeight < :someLimit" )
				.setDouble( "someLimit", 1 )
		assertTrue( "ad-hoc on did not take effect", list.isEmpty() );

		// many-to-one
		list = s.createQuery( "from Animal a inner join a.mother as m with m.bodyWeight < :someLimit" )
				.setDouble( "someLimit", 1 )
		assertTrue( "ad-hoc on did not take effect", list.isEmpty() );

		// many-to-many
		list = s.createQuery( "from Human h inner join h.friends as f with f.nickName like 'bubba'" )
		assertTrue( "ad-hoc on did not take effect", list.isEmpty() );


public voidtestWithClauseFailsWithFetch()

		TestData data = new TestData();

		Session s = openSession();
		Transaction txn = s.beginTransaction();

		try {
			s.createQuery( "from Animal a inner join fetch a.offspring as o with o.bodyWeight = :someLimit" )
			        .setDouble( "someLimit", 1 )
			fail( "ad-hoc on clause allowed with fetched association" );
		catch ( HibernateException e ) {
			// the expected response...

