PictureShapepublic class PictureShape extends AbstractShape Represents a picture shape and creates all specific low level records. |
Fields Summary |
private EscherContainerRecord | spContainer | private ObjRecord | objRecord |
Constructors Summary |
PictureShape(HSSFSimpleShape hssfShape, int shapeId)Creates the line shape from the highlevel user shape. All low level
records are created at this point.
spContainer = createSpContainer(hssfShape, shapeId);
objRecord = createObjRecord(hssfShape, shapeId);
Methods Summary |
private org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ObjRecord | createObjRecord(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFShape hssfShape, int shapeId)Creates the low level OBJ record for this shape.
HSSFShape shape = hssfShape;
ObjRecord obj = new ObjRecord();
CommonObjectDataSubRecord c = new CommonObjectDataSubRecord();
c.setObjectType((short) ((HSSFSimpleShape)shape).getShapeType());
// c.setObjectId((short) ( 1 ));
c.setObjectId((short) ( shapeId ));
// c.setReserved2( 0x012C0A84 );
c.setReserved2( 0x0 );
// UnknownRecord sub1 = new UnknownRecord( (short)0x7, (short)0x2, new byte[] { 0x09, 0x00 } );
// UnknownRecord sub2 = new UnknownRecord( (short)0x8, (short)0x2, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 } );
EndSubRecord e = new EndSubRecord();
// obj.addSubRecord( sub1 );
// obj.addSubRecord( sub2 );
return obj;
| private org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord | createSpContainer(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSimpleShape hssfShape, int shapeId)Creates the lowerlevel escher records for this shape.
HSSFPicture shape = (HSSFPicture) hssfShape;
EscherContainerRecord spContainer = new EscherContainerRecord();
EscherSpRecord sp = new EscherSpRecord();
EscherOptRecord opt = new EscherOptRecord();
EscherRecord anchor;
EscherClientDataRecord clientData = new EscherClientDataRecord();
spContainer.setRecordId( EscherContainerRecord.SP_CONTAINER );
spContainer.setOptions( (short) 0x000F );
sp.setRecordId( EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID );
sp.setOptions( (short) ( (EscherAggregate.ST_PICTUREFRAME << 4) | 0x2 ) );
sp.setShapeId( shapeId );
sp.setFlags( EscherSpRecord.FLAG_HAVEANCHOR | EscherSpRecord.FLAG_HASSHAPETYPE );
opt.setRecordId( EscherOptRecord.RECORD_ID );
// opt.addEscherProperty( new EscherBoolProperty( EscherProperties.PROTECTION__LOCKAGAINSTGROUPING, 0x00800080 ) );
opt.addEscherProperty( new EscherSimpleProperty( EscherProperties.BLIP__BLIPTODISPLAY, false, true, shape.getPictureIndex() ) );
// opt.addEscherProperty( new EscherComplexProperty( EscherProperties.BLIP__BLIPFILENAME, true, new byte[] { (byte)0x74, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x65, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x73, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x74, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 } ) );
// opt.addEscherProperty( new EscherSimpleProperty( EscherProperties.FILL__FILLTYPE, 0x00000003 ) );
addStandardOptions(shape, opt);
HSSFAnchor userAnchor = shape.getAnchor();
if (userAnchor.isHorizontallyFlipped())
sp.setFlags(sp.getFlags() | EscherSpRecord.FLAG_FLIPHORIZ);
if (userAnchor.isVerticallyFlipped())
sp.setFlags(sp.getFlags() | EscherSpRecord.FLAG_FLIPVERT);
anchor = createAnchor(userAnchor);
clientData.setRecordId( EscherClientDataRecord.RECORD_ID );
clientData.setOptions( (short) 0x0000 );
return spContainer;
| public org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ObjRecord | getObjRecord()
return objRecord;
| public org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord | getSpContainer()
return spContainer;