Register a listener for changes in XPath that are related to this deployableObject.paramtype The type of deployment descriptor to query.paramxpath The xpath to listen for.paramxpl The listener.
Return a list of DDBean based upon an XPath; all deployment descriptors of the specified type are searched.paramtype The type of deployment descriptor to query.paramxpath An XPath string referring to a location in the deployment descriptorreturnThe list of DDBeans or 'null' of there are no matches.
Return the DeployableObject of the specified URI designator.paramuri Describes where to get the module from.returnthe DeployableObject describing the j2ee module at this uri or 'null' if there is not match.
Return the all DeployableObjects of the specified type.paramtype The type of module to return.returnthe list of DeployableObjects describing the j2ee module at this uri or 'null' if there are no matches.
Return the all DeployableObjects in this application.returnthe DeployableObject describing the j2ee module at this uri or 'null' if there are no matches.
Return the list of URIs of the designated module type.paramtype The type of module to return.returnthe Uris of the contained modules or 'null' if there are no matches.
Return the list of URIs for all modules in the application.returnthe Uris of the contained modules or 'null' if there are no matches.
Return the text value from the XPath; search only the deployment descriptors of the specified type.paramtype The type of deployment descriptor to query.paramxpath An xpath string referring to a location in the deployment descriptorreturnThe text values of this xpath or 'null' if there are no matches.
Unregister the listener for an XPath.paramtype The type of deployment descriptor to query.paramxpath he XPath to listen forparamxpl The listener