ServiceRefCheck.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5256Fri May 04 22:34:18 BST


public class ServiceRefCheck extends WSClientTest implements WSClientCheck

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public Resultcheck(ServiceReferenceDescriptor descriptor)

descriptor the WebServices descriptor
Result the results for this assertion

	Result result = getInitializedResult();
        ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
        boolean pass = true;

        if (descriptor.hasGenericServiceInterface()) {
           //result.pass , has generic service interface
           result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString ("tests.componentNameConstructor",
                                   "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
           result.passed(smh.getLocalString (getClass().getName() + ".passed",
           "The JAX-RPC Service interface the client depends on is the Generic Service Interface."));

        else if (descriptor.hasGeneratedServiceInterface()) {
           String intf = descriptor.getServiceInterface();
           try {
             Class cl = Class.forName(intf, false, getVerifierContext().getClassLoader());
               // result.pass
             result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString ("tests.componentNameConstructor",
                                   "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
             result.passed(smh.getLocalString (getClass().getName() + ".passed1",
             "The JAX-RPC Service interface the client depends on is a Generated Service Interface [{0}].",
              new Object[] {intf}));

           }catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            //; Generated service interface class does not exist
            result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString ("tests.componentNameConstructor",
            "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
            result.failed(smh.getLocalString (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
            "The JAX-RPC Service interface the client depends on [{0}] could not be loaded.",
            new Object[] {intf}));

            pass = false;
        else {
          //result.internal error, its neither type, or error in XML 
                "Error: Unexpected error occurred [ {0} ]",
                new Object[] {"Service Interface Neither Generic nor Generated"}));

        return result;