CacheUtil.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5147Fri May 04 22:35:28 BST 2007com.sun.appserv.web.taglibs.cache


public class CacheUtil extends Object
CacheUtil has utility methods used by the cache tag library.

Fields Summary
private static ResourceBundle
The resource bundle containing the localized message strings.
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static intconvertScope(java.lang.String scope)

        int ret;

        if (REQUEST_SCOPE.equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) {
            ret = PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE;
	} else if (SESSION_SCOPE.equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) {
            ret = PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE;
        } else if (APPLICATION_SCOPE.equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) {
            ret = PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE;
        } else {
            String msg = _rb.getString("taglibs.cache.illegalScope");
            msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, new Object[] { scope });
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        return ret;
public static java.lang.StringgenerateKey(java.lang.String key, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pc)
This function generates the key to the cache. It creates the key by suffixing the servlet path with either the user-specified key or by keeping a counter in the request attribute which it will increment each time so that multiple cache tags in a page each get a unique key.

the generated key

        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)pc.getRequest();

        // use the key as the suffix by default
        String suffix = key;
        if (suffix == null) {
            String saved = (String)req.getAttribute(Constants.JSPTAG_COUNTER_KEY);

            if (saved == null)
                suffix = "1";
                suffix = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(saved) + 1);

            req.setAttribute(Constants.JSPTAG_COUNTER_KEY, suffix);
        // concatenate the servlet path and the suffix to generate key
        return req.getServletPath() + '_" + suffix;
public static com.sun.appserv.util.cache.CachegetCache(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pc, int scope)
This is used to get the cache itself. The cache is stored as an attribute in the specified scope.

the cache object

        return (Cache)pc.getAttribute(Constants.JSPTAG_CACHE_KEY, scope);