Fields Summary |
private static final String | TAG |
public static final String | AUTHORITY |
private static final String | CONTENT_AUTHORITY_SLASH |
public static final String | INTENT_ACTION_MEDIA_SEARCHActivity Action: Perform a search for media.
Contains at least the {@link} extra.
May also contain any combination of the following extras:
public static final String | EXTRA_MEDIA_ARTISTThe name of the Intent-extra used to define the artist |
public static final String | EXTRA_MEDIA_ALBUMThe name of the Intent-extra used to define the album |
public static final String | EXTRA_MEDIA_TITLEThe name of the Intent-extra used to define the song title |
public static final String | EXTRA_MEDIA_FOCUSThe name of the Intent-extra used to define the search focus. The search focus
indicates whether the search should be for things related to the artist, album
or song that is identified by the other extras. |
public static final String | EXTRA_SCREEN_ORIENTATIONThe name of the Intent-extra used to control the orientation of a ViewImage or a MovieView.
This is an int property that overrides the activity's requestedOrientation. |
public static final String | EXTRA_FULL_SCREENThe name of an Intent-extra used to control the UI of a ViewImage.
This is a boolean property that overrides the activity's default fullscreen state. |
public static final String | EXTRA_SHOW_ACTION_ICONSThe name of an Intent-extra used to control the UI of a ViewImage.
This is a boolean property that specifies whether or not to show action icons. |
public static final String | EXTRA_FINISH_ON_COMPLETIONThe name of the Intent-extra used to control the onCompletion behavior of a MovieView.
This is a boolean property that specifies whether or not to finish the MovieView activity
when the movie completes playing. The default value is true, which means to automatically
exit the movie player activity when the movie completes playing. |
public static final String | INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERAThe name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in still image mode. |
public static final String | INTENT_ACTION_VIDEO_CAMERAThe name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in video mode. |
public static final String | ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTUREStandard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application
capture an image and return it.
The caller may pass an extra EXTRA_OUTPUT to control where this image will be written.
If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is not present, then a small sized image is returned as a Bitmap
object in the extra field. This is useful for applications that only need a small image.
If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is present, then the full-sized image will be written to the Uri
value of EXTRA_OUTPUT. |
public static final String | ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTUREStandard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application
capture an video and return it.
The caller may pass in an extra EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY to control the video quality.
The caller may pass in an extra EXTRA_OUTPUT to control
where the video is written. If EXTRA_OUTPUT is not present the video will be
written to the standard location for videos, and the Uri of that location will be
returned in the data field of the Uri. |
public static final String | EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITYThe name of the Intent-extra used to control the quality of a recorded video. This is an
integer property. Currently value 0 means low quality, suitable for MMS messages, and
value 1 means high quality. In the future other quality levels may be added. |
public static final String | EXTRA_SIZE_LIMITSpecify the maximum allowed size. |
public static final String | EXTRA_OUTPUTThe name of the Intent-extra used to indicate a content resolver Uri to be used to
store the requested image or video. |
public static final String | MEDIA_SCANNER_VOLUMEName of current volume being scanned by the media scanner. |