JBIDeployer.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5130Fri May 04 22:34:30 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployment.autodeploy

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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.autodeploy;


 * Handles all the mbean operations.
 * @author
class JBIDeployer {

    private String PREFIX = "com.sun.jbi:Target=server,ServiceName=";
    private String DEPLOY_SUFFIX = "DeploymentService,ServiceType=Deployment";
    private String SHUTDOWN = "ShutDown";
    private String STARTED = "Started";
    private String STOPPED = "Stopped";
    private String NOTFOUND = "NotFound";

     * Get the status of the service assembly, if it is present undeploy it
     * first. Later deploy ant start the new archive.
    void deploy(MBeanServer mbs, File sa, String saName) throws Exception {
        if (!getState(mbs, saName).equals(NOTFOUND) ) {
            undeploy(mbs, saName);
        ObjectName deployMbean = getObjectName(mbs);
        mbs.invoke(deployMbean, "deploy", new Object[] {sa.getAbsolutePath()},
                   new String[] {"java.lang.String"});
        start(mbs, saName);

     * Return the state of the service assembly. If it is not found return
     * NOTFOUND.
    String getState(MBeanServer mbs, String sa) throws Exception {
        String state = NOTFOUND;
        try {
            ObjectName deployMbean = getObjectName(mbs);
            state = (String) mbs.invoke(deployMbean, "getState", 
            new Object[] {sa}, new String[] {"java.lang.String"});
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //sLogger.log(Level.FINE, e.getMessage(), e);
        return state;

     * Undeploy the archive. Before doing that, if it is started, stop it.
     * If it is stopped, shutdown it.
    void undeploy(MBeanServer mbs, String sa) throws Exception {
        if (STARTED.equals(getState(mbs, sa))) {
            stop(mbs, sa);
            shutdown(mbs, sa);
        if (STOPPED.equals(getState(mbs, sa))) {
            shutdown(mbs, sa);
        ObjectName deployMbean = getObjectName(mbs);
        mbs.invoke(deployMbean, "undeploy", new Object[] {sa},
                   new String[] {"java.lang.String"});

    private void shutdown(MBeanServer mbs, String sa) throws Exception {
        ObjectName deployMbean = getObjectName(mbs);
        mbs.invoke(deployMbean, "shutDown", new Object[] {sa},
                   new String[] {"java.lang.String"});

    private void stop(MBeanServer mbs, String sa)  throws Exception {
        ObjectName deployMbean = getObjectName(mbs);
        mbs.invoke(deployMbean, "stop", new Object[] {sa},
                   new String[] {"java.lang.String"});

    private void start(MBeanServer mbs, String sa)  throws Exception {
        ObjectName deployMbean = getObjectName(mbs);
        mbs.invoke(deployMbean, "start", new Object[] {sa},
                   new String[] {"java.lang.String"});

    private ObjectName getObjectName(MBeanServer mbs) throws Exception {
        ObjectName deployMbean = new ObjectName(PREFIX + DEPLOY_SUFFIX);
        return mbs.getObjectInstance(deployMbean).getObjectName();
