UnsupportedElement.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API5106Tue Jun 10 00:22:30 BST


public final class UnsupportedElement extends SyntaxTreeNode
Morten Jorgensen

Fields Summary
private Vector
private ErrorMsg
private boolean
Constructors Summary
public UnsupportedElement(String uri, String prefix, String local, boolean isExtension)
Basic consutrcor - stores element uri/prefix/localname

	super(uri, prefix, local);
	_isExtension = isExtension;
Methods Summary
public voiddisplay(int indent)
Displays the contents of this element

	Util.println("Unsupported element = " + _qname.getNamespace() +
		     ":" + _qname.getLocalPart());
	displayContents(indent + IndentIncrement);
public voidparseContents( parser)
Find any fallback in the descendant nodes; then activate & parse it

private voidprocessFallbacks( parser)
Scan and process all fallback children of the unsupported element.

	Vector children = getContents();
	if (children != null) {
	    final int count = children.size();
	    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		SyntaxTreeNode child = (SyntaxTreeNode)children.elementAt(i);
		if (child instanceof Fallback) {
		    Fallback fallback = (Fallback)child;
		    if (_fallbacks == null) {
		    	_fallbacks = new Vector();
public voidsetErrorMessage( message)
There are different categories of unsupported elements (believe it or not): there are elements within the XSLT namespace (these would be elements that are not yet implemented), there are extensions of other XSLT processors and there are unrecognised extension elements of this XSLT processor. The error message passed to this method should describe the unsupported element itself and what category the element belongs in.

	_message = message;
public voidtranslate( classGen, methodGen)
Translate the fallback element (if any).

	if (_fallbacks != null) {
	    int count = _fallbacks.size();
	    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	        Fallback fallback = (Fallback)_fallbacks.elementAt(i);
	        fallback.translate(classGen, methodGen);
	// We only go into the else block in forward-compatibility mode, when
	// the unsupported element has no fallback.
	else {		
	    // If the unsupported element does not have any fallback child, then
	    // at runtime, a runtime error should be raised when the unsupported
	    // element is instantiated. Otherwise, no error is thrown.
	    ConstantPoolGen cpg = classGen.getConstantPool();
	    InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList();
	    final int unsupportedElem = cpg.addMethodref(BASIS_LIBRARY_CLASS, "unsupported_ElementF",
                                                         "(" + STRING_SIG + "Z)V");	 
	    il.append(new PUSH(cpg, getQName().toString()));
	    il.append(new PUSH(cpg, _isExtension));
	    il.append(new INVOKESTATIC(unsupportedElem));		
public stable)
Run type check on the fallback element (if any).

	if (_fallbacks != null) {
	    int count = _fallbacks.size();
	    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	        Fallback fallback = (Fallback)_fallbacks.elementAt(i);
	return Type.Void;