HTMLIndexespublic class HTMLIndexes extends Object Emit HTML indexes which appear in the bottom left frame in the report.
All indexes are links to JDiff-generated pages.
See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details. |
Fields Summary |
private HTMLReportGenerator | h_The HTMLReportGenerator instance used to write HTML. | public static boolean | logMissingSincesWhether to log all missing @since tags to a file or not.
If false, just warn the user. | public static PrintWriter | missingSincesFileThe file used to output details of missing @since tags. | private List | allNamesThe list of all changes for all program elements. | private List | packageNamesThe list of all package changes. | private List | classNamesThe list of all class changes. | private List | ctorNamesThe list of all constructor changes. | private List | methNamesThe list of all method changes. | private List | fieldNamesThe list of all field changes. | private boolean | isAllNamesIf set, then use allNames to generate the letter indexes. | private boolean | atLeastOneRemovalSet if there was at least one removal in the entire API. | private boolean | atLeastOneAdditionSet if there was at least one addition in the entire API. | private boolean | atLeastOneChangeSet if there was at least one change in the entire API. | private final int | INDENT_SIZEThe number of non-breaking spaces to indent a duplicate indexes'
entries by. |
Methods Summary |
public void | emitAllBottomLeftFiles(java.lang.String packagesIndexName, java.lang.String classesIndexName, java.lang.String constructorsIndexName, java.lang.String methodsIndexName, java.lang.String fieldsIndexName, java.lang.String allDiffsIndexName, APIDiff apiDiff)Emit all the bottom left frame index files.
// indexType values: 0 = removals only, 1 = additions only,
// 2 = changes only. 3 = all differences. Run all differences
// first for all program element types so we know whether there
// are any removals etc for the allDiffs index.
emitBottomLeftFile(packagesIndexName, apiDiff, 3, "Package");
emitBottomLeftFile(classesIndexName, apiDiff, 3, "Class");
emitBottomLeftFile(constructorsIndexName, apiDiff, 3, "Constructor");
emitBottomLeftFile(methodsIndexName, apiDiff, 3, "Method");
emitBottomLeftFile(fieldsIndexName, apiDiff, 3, "Field");
// The allindex must be done last, since it uses the results from
// the previous ones
emitBottomLeftFile(allDiffsIndexName, apiDiff, 3, "All");
// Now generate the other indexes
for (int indexType = 0; indexType < 3; indexType++) {
emitBottomLeftFile(packagesIndexName, apiDiff, indexType, "Package");
emitBottomLeftFile(classesIndexName, apiDiff, indexType, "Class");
emitBottomLeftFile(constructorsIndexName, apiDiff, indexType, "Constructor");
emitBottomLeftFile(methodsIndexName, apiDiff, indexType, "Method");
emitBottomLeftFile(fieldsIndexName, apiDiff, indexType, "Field");
emitBottomLeftFile(allDiffsIndexName, apiDiff, indexType, "All");
if (missingSincesFile != null)
| public void | emitAllDiffsIndex(APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType)Emit the index of all changes, which appears in the bottom left frame.
Has to be run after all the other indexes have been written, since it
uses data from when they are generated.
allNames = new ArrayList(); // Index[]
// Add all the changes into one big list, and sort it by name,
// ignoring case
// Compares two Index objects' names, ignoring case differences.
emitIndexHeader("All Differences", indexType, atLeastOneRemoval,
atLeastOneAddition, atLeastOneChange);
// Tell generateLetterIndex to use allNames as the list when
// using the other methods to generate the indexes.
isAllNames = true;
// Now emit a line for each entry in the list in the appropriate
// format for each program element
Iterator iter = allNames.iterator();
char oldsw = '\0";
int multipleMarker = 0;
Index currIndex = null; // The entry which is emitted
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// The next entry after the current one
Index nextIndex = (Index)(;
if (currIndex == null) {
currIndex = nextIndex; // Prime the pump
} else {
if (nextIndex.name_.compareTo(currIndex.name_) == 0) {
// It's a duplicate index, so emit the name and then
// the indented entries
if (multipleMarker == 0)
multipleMarker = 1; // Start of a duplicate index
else if (multipleMarker == 1)
multipleMarker = 2; // Inside a duplicate index
oldsw = emitIndexEntryForAny(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else {
if (multipleMarker == 1)
multipleMarker = 2; // Inside a duplicate index
oldsw = emitIndexEntryForAny(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
multipleMarker = 0; // Not in a duplicate index any more
currIndex = nextIndex;
// Emit the last entry left in currIndex
if (multipleMarker == 1)
multipleMarker = 2; // Inside a duplicate index
if (currIndex != null)
oldsw = emitIndexEntryForAny(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
// Tell generateLetterIndex to stop using allNames as the list when
// using the other methods to generate the indexes.
isAllNames = false;
| public void | emitBottomLeftFile(java.lang.String indexBaseName, APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType, java.lang.String programElementType)Emit a single bottom left frame with the given kind of differences for
the given program element type in an alphabetical index.
String filename = indexBaseName;
try {
String title = "Indexes";
if (indexType == 0) {
filename += "_removals" + h_.reportFileExt;
title = programElementType + " Removals Index";
} else if (indexType == 1) {
filename += "_additions" + h_.reportFileExt;
title = programElementType + " Additions Index";
} else if (indexType == 2) {
filename += "_changes" + h_.reportFileExt;
title = programElementType + " Changes Index";
} else if (indexType == 3) {
filename += "_all" + h_.reportFileExt;
title = programElementType + " Differences Index";
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
h_.reportFile = new PrintWriter(fos);
if (programElementType.compareTo("Package") == 0) {
emitPackagesIndex(apiDiff, indexType);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("Class") == 0) {
emitClassesIndex(apiDiff, indexType);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("Constructor") == 0) {
emitConstructorsIndex(apiDiff, indexType);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("Method") == 0) {
emitMethodsIndex(apiDiff, indexType);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("Field") == 0) {
emitFieldsIndex(apiDiff, indexType);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("All") == 0) {
emitAllDiffsIndex(apiDiff, indexType);
} else{
System.out.println("Error: unknown program element type.");
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + filename);
System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
| public char | emitClassIndexEntry(jdiff.Index cls, char oldsw, int multipleMarker)Emit an index entry for a class.
char res = oldsw;
String className = cls.pkgName_ + "." + cls.name_;
String classRef = cls.pkgName_ + "." + cls.name_;
boolean isInterface = cls.isInterface_;
// See if we are in a new section of the alphabet
char sw = cls.name_.charAt(0);
if (Character.toUpperCase(sw) != Character.toUpperCase(oldsw)) {
res = sw;
// Add the named anchor for this new letter
h_.writeText("<A NAME=\"" + Character.toUpperCase(res) + "\"></A>");
if (sw == '_")
h_.writeText("<br><b>underscore</b> ");
h_.writeText("<br><font size=\"+2\">" + Character.toUpperCase(sw) + "</font> ");
generateLetterIndex(classNames, sw, false);
// Deal with displaying duplicate indexes
if (multipleMarker == 1) {
h_.writeText("<i>" + cls.name_ + "</i><br>");
if (multipleMarker != 0)
if (cls.changeType_ == 0) {
// Emit a reference to the correct place for the class in the
// JDiff page for the package
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"pkg_" + cls.pkgName_ + h_.reportFileExt +
"#" + cls.name_ + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><strike>" + cls.name_ + "</strike></A><br>");
} else if (cls.changeType_ == 1) {
String cn = cls.name_;
if (multipleMarker != 0)
cn = cls.pkgName_;
if (isInterface)
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"pkg_" + cls.pkgName_ + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + cls.name_ + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><b><i>" + cn + "</i></b></A><br>");
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"pkg_" + cls.pkgName_ + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + cls.name_ + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><b>" + cn + "</b></A><br>");
} else if (cls.changeType_ == 2) {
String cn = cls.name_;
if (multipleMarker != 0)
cn = cls.pkgName_;
if (isInterface)
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + classRef + h_.reportFileExt + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><i>" + cn + "</i></A><br>");
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + classRef + h_.reportFileExt + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + cn + "</A><br>");
return res;
| public void | emitClassesIndex(APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType)Emit the index of classes, which appears in the bottom left frame.
// Add all the names of classes to a new list, to be sorted later
classNames = new ArrayList(); // Index[]
boolean hasRemovals = false;
boolean hasAdditions = false;
boolean hasChanges = false;
Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PackageDiff pkgDiff = (PackageDiff)(;
if (pkgDiff.classesRemoved.size() != 0)
hasRemovals = true;
if (pkgDiff.classesAdded.size() != 0)
hasAdditions = true;
if (pkgDiff.classesChanged.size() != 0)
hasChanges = true;
recordDiffs(hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
String pkgName = pkgDiff.name_;
Iterator iterClass = pkgDiff.classesRemoved.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 0) && iterClass.hasNext()) {
ClassAPI cls = (ClassAPI)(;
classNames.add(new Index(cls.name_, 0, pkgName, cls.isInterface_));
iterClass = pkgDiff.classesAdded.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 1) && iterClass.hasNext()) {
ClassAPI cls = (ClassAPI)(;
Index idx = new Index(cls.name_, 1, pkgName, cls.isInterface_);
idx.doc_ = cls.doc_; // Used for checking @since
iterClass = pkgDiff.classesChanged.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 2) && iterClass.hasNext()) {
ClassDiff cls = (ClassDiff)(;
classNames.add(new Index(cls.name_, 2, pkgName, cls.isInterface_));
emitIndexHeader("Classes", indexType, hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
if (indexType == 1)
| public void | emitConstructorsIndex(APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType)Emit the index of all constructors, which appears in the bottom left
// Add all the names of constructors to a new list, to be sorted later
ctorNames = new ArrayList(); // Index[]
boolean hasRemovals = false;
boolean hasAdditions = false;
boolean hasChanges = false;
Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PackageDiff pkgDiff = (PackageDiff)(;
String pkgName = pkgDiff.name_;
Iterator iterClass = pkgDiff.classesChanged.iterator();
while (iterClass.hasNext()) {
ClassDiff classDiff = (ClassDiff)(;
if (classDiff.ctorsRemoved.size() != 0)
hasRemovals = true;
if (classDiff.ctorsAdded.size() != 0)
hasAdditions = true;
if (classDiff.ctorsChanged.size() != 0)
hasChanges = true;
recordDiffs(hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
String className = classDiff.name_;
Iterator iterCtor = classDiff.ctorsRemoved.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 0) && iterCtor.hasNext()) {
ConstructorAPI ctor = (ConstructorAPI)(;
ctorNames.add(new Index(className, 0, pkgName, ctor.type_));
iterCtor = classDiff.ctorsAdded.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 1) && iterCtor.hasNext()) {
ConstructorAPI ctor = (ConstructorAPI)(;
Index idx = new Index(className, 1, pkgName, ctor.type_);
idx.doc_ = ctor.doc_; // Used for checking @since
iterCtor = classDiff.ctorsChanged.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 2) && iterCtor.hasNext()) {
MemberDiff ctor = (MemberDiff)(;
ctorNames.add(new Index(className, 2, pkgName, ctor.newType_));
emitIndexHeader("Constructors", indexType, hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
if (indexType == 1)
| public char | emitCtorIndexEntry(jdiff.Index ctor, char oldsw, int multipleMarker)Emit an index entry for a constructor.
char res = oldsw;
String className = ctor.pkgName_ + "." + ctor.name_;
String memberRef = ctor.pkgName_ + "." + ctor.name_;
String type = ctor.type_;
if (type.compareTo("void") == 0)
type = "";
String shownType = HTMLReportGenerator.simpleName(type);
// See if we are in a new section of the alphabet
char sw = ctor.name_.charAt(0);
if (Character.toUpperCase(sw) != Character.toUpperCase(oldsw)) {
res = sw;
// Add the named anchor for this new letter
h_.writeText("<A NAME=\"" + Character.toUpperCase(res) + "\"></A>");
if (sw == '_")
h_.writeText("<br><b>underscore</b> ");
h_.writeText("<br><font size=\"+2\">" + Character.toUpperCase(sw) + "</font> ");
generateLetterIndex(ctorNames, sw, false);
// Deal with displaying duplicate indexes
if (multipleMarker == 1) {
h_.writeText("<i>" + ctor.name_ + "</i><br>");
if (multipleMarker != 0)
// Deal with each type of difference
// The output displayed for unique or duplicate entries is the same
// for constructors.
if (ctor.changeType_ == 0) {
String commentID = className + ".ctor_removed(" + type + ")";
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><strike>" + ctor.name_ + "</strike>");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
h_.writeText("</A></nobr> constructor<br>");
} else if (ctor.changeType_ == 1) {
String commentID = className + ".ctor_added(" + type + ")";
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><b>" + ctor.name_ + "</b>");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
h_.writeText("</A></nobr> constructor<br>");
} else if (ctor.changeType_ == 2) {
String commentID = className + ".ctor_changed(" + type + ")";
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + ctor.name_);
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
h_.writeText("</A></nobr> constructor<br>");
return res;
| public char | emitFieldIndexEntry(jdiff.Index fld, char oldsw, int multipleMarker)Emit an index entry for a field.
char res = oldsw;
String className = fld.pkgName_ + "." + fld.className_;
String memberRef = fld.pkgName_ + "." + fld.className_;
String type = fld.type_;
if (type.compareTo("void") == 0)
type = "";
String shownType = HTMLReportGenerator.simpleName(type);
// See if we are in a new section of the alphabet
char sw = fld.name_.charAt(0);
if (Character.toUpperCase(sw) != Character.toUpperCase(oldsw)) {
res = sw;
// Add the named anchor for this new letter
h_.writeText("<A NAME=\"" + Character.toUpperCase(res) + "\"></A>");
if (sw == '_")
h_.writeText("<br><b>underscore</b> ");
h_.writeText("<br><font size=\"+2\">" + Character.toUpperCase(sw) + "</font> ");
generateLetterIndex(fieldNames, sw, false);
// Deal with displaying duplicate indexes
if (multipleMarker == 1) {
h_.writeText("<i>" + fld.name_ + "</i><br>");
if (multipleMarker != 0) {
// More context than this is helpful here: h_.indent(INDENT_SIZE);
h_.writeText(" in ");
// Deal with each type of difference
if (fld.changeType_ == 0) {
String commentID = className + "." + fld.name_;
if (multipleMarker == 0) {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><strike>" + fld.name_ + "</strike></A>");
} else {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><strike>" + className + "</strike></A>");
} else if (fld.changeType_ == 1) {
String commentID = className + "." + fld.name_;
if (multipleMarker == 0) {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + fld.name_ + "</A>");
} else {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + className + "</A>");
} else if (fld.changeType_ == 2) {
String commentID = className + "." + fld.name_;
if (multipleMarker == 0) {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + fld.name_ + "</A>");
} else {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + className + "</A>");
return res;
| public void | emitFieldsIndex(APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType)Emit the index of all fields, which appears in the bottom left frame.
// Add all the names of fields to a new list, to be sorted later
fieldNames = new ArrayList(); // Index[]
boolean hasRemovals = false;
boolean hasAdditions = false;
boolean hasChanges = false;
Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PackageDiff pkgDiff = (PackageDiff)(;
String pkgName = pkgDiff.name_;
Iterator iterClass = pkgDiff.classesChanged.iterator();
while (iterClass.hasNext()) {
ClassDiff classDiff = (ClassDiff)(;
if (classDiff.fieldsRemoved.size() != 0)
hasRemovals = true;
if (classDiff.fieldsAdded.size() != 0)
hasAdditions = true;
if (classDiff.fieldsChanged.size() != 0)
hasChanges = true;
recordDiffs(hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
String className = classDiff.name_;
Iterator iterField = classDiff.fieldsRemoved.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 0) && iterField.hasNext()) {
FieldAPI fld = (FieldAPI)(;
fieldNames.add(new Index(fld.name_, 0, pkgName, className, fld.type_, true));
iterField = classDiff.fieldsAdded.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 1) && iterField.hasNext()) {
FieldAPI fld = (FieldAPI)(;
Index idx = new Index(fld.name_, 1, pkgName, className, fld.type_, true);
idx.doc_ = fld.doc_; // Used for checking @since
iterField = classDiff.fieldsChanged.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 2) && iterField.hasNext()) {
MemberDiff fld = (MemberDiff)(;
fieldNames.add(new Index(fld.name_, 2, pkgName, className, fld.newType_, true));
emitIndexHeader("Fields", indexType, hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
if (indexType == 1)
| public void | emitIndexEntries(java.util.Iterator iter)Emit all the entries and links for the given iterator
to their respective files.
char oldsw = '\0";
int multipleMarker = 0;
Index currIndex = null; // The entry which is emitted
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// The next entry after the current one
Index nextIndex = (Index)(;
if (currIndex == null) {
currIndex = nextIndex; // Prime the pump
} else {
if (nextIndex.name_.compareTo(currIndex.name_) == 0) {
// It's a duplicate index, so emit the name and then
// the indented entries
if (multipleMarker == 0)
multipleMarker = 1; // Start of a duplicate index
else if (multipleMarker == 1)
multipleMarker = 2; // Inside a duplicate index
oldsw = emitIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else {
if (multipleMarker == 1)
multipleMarker = 2; // Inside a duplicate index
oldsw = emitIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
multipleMarker = 0; // Not in a duplicate index any more
currIndex = nextIndex;
// Emit the last entry left in currIndex
if (multipleMarker == 1)
multipleMarker = 2; // Inside a duplicate index
if (currIndex != null)
oldsw = emitIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
| public char | emitIndexEntry(jdiff.Index currIndex, char oldsw, int multipleMarker)Emit a single entry and the link to its file.
String programElementType = currIndex.ename_;
if (programElementType.compareTo("class") == 0) {
return emitClassIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("constructor") == 0) {
return emitCtorIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("method") == 0) {
return emitMethodIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("field") == 0) {
return emitFieldIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else {
System.out.println("Error: unknown program element type");
return '\0";
| public char | emitIndexEntryForAny(jdiff.Index currIndex, char oldsw, int multipleMarker)Call the appropriate *IndexEntry method for each entry.
if (currIndex.ename_.compareTo("package") == 0) {
h_.writeText("<!-- Package " + currIndex.name_ + " -->");
return emitPackageIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw);
} else if (currIndex.ename_.compareTo("class") == 0) {
h_.writeText("<!-- Class " + currIndex.name_ + " -->");
return emitClassIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else if (currIndex.ename_.compareTo("constructor") == 0) {
h_.writeText("<!-- Constructor " + currIndex.name_ + " -->");
return emitCtorIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else if (currIndex.ename_.compareTo("method") == 0) {
h_.writeText("<!-- Method " + currIndex.name_ + " -->");
return emitMethodIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
} else if (currIndex.ename_.compareTo("field") == 0) {
h_.writeText("<!-- Field " + currIndex.name_ + " -->");
return emitFieldIndexEntry(currIndex, oldsw, multipleMarker);
return '\0";
| private void | emitIndexHeader(java.lang.String indexName, int indexType, boolean hasRemovals, boolean hasAdditions, boolean hasChanges)Emit a header for an index, including suitable links for removed,
added and changes sub-indexes.
String linkIndexName = indexName.toLowerCase();
boolean isAllDiffs = false;
if (indexName.compareTo("All Differences") == 0) {
linkIndexName = "alldiffs";
isAllDiffs = true;
h_.writeText("<a NAME=\"topheader\"></a>"); // Named anchor
h_.writeText("<table summary=\"Index for " + indexName + "\" width=\"100%\" class=\"index\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
h_.writeText(" <tr>");
h_.writeText(" <th class=\"indexHeader\">");
h_.writeText(" Filter the Index:");
h_.writeText(" </th>");
h_.writeText(" </tr>");
h_.writeText(" <tr>");
h_.writeText(" <td class=\"indexText\" style=\"line-height:1.5em;padding-left:2em;\">");
// h_.writeText(" <div style=\"line-height:1.25em;padding-left:1em;>\">");
// h_.writeText(" <FONT SIZE=\"-1\">");
// The index name is also a hidden link to the *index_all page
if (indexType == 3) {
h_.writeText("<b>" + indexName + "</b>"); }
else if (isAllDiffs) {
h_.writeText("<a href=\"" + linkIndexName + "_index_all" + h_.reportFileExt + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\">" + indexName + "</a>");
else {
h_.writeText("<a href=\"" + linkIndexName + "_index_all" + h_.reportFileExt + "\" class=\"staysblack\">All " + indexName + "</a>");
// h_.writeText(" </FONT>");
h_.writeText(" <br>");
// h_.writeText(" <FONT SIZE=\"-1\">");
if (hasRemovals) {
if (indexType == 0) {
} else {
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + linkIndexName + "_index_removals" + h_.reportFileExt + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\">Removals</A>");
} else {
h_.writeText("<font color=\"#999999\">Removals</font>");
// h_.writeText(" </FONT>");
h_.writeText(" <br>");
// h_.writeText(" <FONT SIZE=\"-1\">");
if (hasAdditions) {
if (indexType == 1) {
} else {
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + linkIndexName + "_index_additions" + h_.reportFileExt + "\"class=\"hiddenlink\">Additions</A>");
} else {
h_.writeText("<font color=\"#999999\">Additions</font>");
// h_.writeText(" </FONT>");
h_.writeText(" <br>");
// h_.writeText(" <FONT SIZE=\"-1\">");
if (hasChanges) {
if (indexType == 2) {
} else {
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + linkIndexName + "_index_changes" + h_.reportFileExt + "\"class=\"hiddenlink\">Changes</A>");
} else {
h_.writeText("<font color=\"#999999\">Changes</font>");
// h_.writeText(" </FONT>");
// h_.writeText(" </div>");
h_.writeText(" </td>");
h_.writeText(" </tr>");
h_.writeText("<font size=\"-2\"><strong>Bold</strong> indicates New; <strike>Strike</strike> indicates deleted</font>");
h_.writeText(" </br>");
| public char | emitMethodIndexEntry(jdiff.Index meth, char oldsw, int multipleMarker)Emit an index entry for a method.
char res = oldsw;
String className = meth.pkgName_ + "." + meth.className_;
String memberRef = meth.pkgName_ + "." + meth.className_;
String type = meth.type_;
if (type.compareTo("void") == 0)
type = "";
String shownType = HTMLReportGenerator.simpleName(type);
// See if we are in a new section of the alphabet
char sw = meth.name_.charAt(0);
if (Character.toUpperCase(sw) != Character.toUpperCase(oldsw)) {
res = sw;
// Add the named anchor for this new letter
h_.writeText("<A NAME=\"" + Character.toUpperCase(res) + "\"></A>");
if (sw == '_")
h_.writeText("<br><b>underscore</b> ");
h_.writeText("<br><font size=\"+2\">" + Character.toUpperCase(sw) + "</font> ");
generateLetterIndex(methNames, sw, false);
// Deal with displaying duplicate indexes
if (multipleMarker == 1) {
h_.writeText("<i>" + meth.name_ + "</i><br>");
if (multipleMarker != 0)
// Deal with each type of difference
if (meth.changeType_ == 0) {
String commentID = className + "." + meth.name_ + "_removed(" + type + ")";
if (multipleMarker == 0) {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><strike>" + meth.name_ + "</strike>");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
} else {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">type <strike>");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
h_.writeText("</strike> in " + className);
} else if (meth.changeType_ == 1) {
String commentID = className + "." + meth.name_ + "_added(" + type + ")";
if (multipleMarker == 0) {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><b>" + meth.name_ + "</b>");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
} else {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">type <b>");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
h_.writeText("</b> in " + className);
} else if (meth.changeType_ == 2) {
String commentID = className + "." + meth.name_ + "_changed(" + type + ")";
if (multipleMarker == 0) {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + meth.name_);
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
} else {
h_.writeText("<nobr><A HREF=\"" + memberRef + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + commentID + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">type ");
h_.emitTypeWithParens(shownType, false);
h_.writeText(" in " + className);
return res;
| public void | emitMethodsIndex(APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType)Emit the index of all methods, which appears in the bottom left frame.
// Add all the names of methods to a new list, to be sorted later
methNames = new ArrayList(); // Index[]
boolean hasRemovals = false;
boolean hasAdditions = false;
boolean hasChanges = false;
Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PackageDiff pkgDiff = (PackageDiff)(;
String pkgName = pkgDiff.name_;
Iterator iterClass = pkgDiff.classesChanged.iterator();
while (iterClass.hasNext()) {
ClassDiff classDiff = (ClassDiff)(;
if (classDiff.methodsRemoved.size() != 0)
hasRemovals = true;
if (classDiff.methodsAdded.size() != 0)
hasAdditions = true;
if (classDiff.methodsChanged.size() != 0)
hasChanges = true;
recordDiffs(hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
String className = classDiff.name_;
Iterator iterMeth = classDiff.methodsRemoved.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 0) && iterMeth.hasNext()) {
MethodAPI meth = (MethodAPI)(;
methNames.add(new Index(meth.name_, 0, pkgName, className, meth.getSignature()));
iterMeth = classDiff.methodsAdded.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 1) && iterMeth.hasNext()) {
MethodAPI meth = (MethodAPI)(;
Index idx = new Index(meth.name_, 1, pkgName, className, meth.getSignature());
idx.doc_ = meth.doc_; // Used for checking @since
iterMeth = classDiff.methodsChanged.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 2) && iterMeth.hasNext()) {
MemberDiff meth = (MemberDiff)(;
methNames.add(new Index(meth.name_, 2, pkgName, className, meth.newSignature_));
emitIndexHeader("Methods", indexType, hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
if (indexType == 1)
| public void | emitMissingSinces(java.util.Iterator iter)Emit elements in the given iterator which were added and
missing @since tags.
// if (!logMissingSinces)
// return;
if (missingSincesFile == null) {
String sinceFileName = h_.outputDir + JDiff.DIR_SEP + "missingSinces.txt";
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(sinceFileName);
missingSincesFile = new PrintWriter(fos);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + sinceFileName);
System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Index currIndex = (Index)(;
// Only display information about added elements
if (currIndex.changeType_ != 1)
String programElementType = currIndex.ename_;
String details = null;
if (programElementType.compareTo("class") == 0) {
details = currIndex.pkgName_ + "." + currIndex.name_;
if (currIndex.isInterface_)
details = details + " Interface";
details = details + " Class";
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("constructor") == 0) {
details = currIndex.pkgName_ + "." + currIndex.name_ + " Constructor (" + currIndex.type_ + ")";
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("method") == 0) {
details = currIndex.pkgName_ + "." + currIndex.className_ + " " + "Method " + currIndex.name_ + "(" + currIndex.type_ + ")";
} else if (programElementType.compareTo("field") == 0) {
details = currIndex.pkgName_ + "." + currIndex.className_ + " " + "Field " + currIndex.name_;
} else {
System.out.println("Error: unknown program element type");
if (currIndex.doc_ == null) {
if (logMissingSinces)
missingSincesFile.println("NO DOC BLOCK: " + details);
System.out.println("Warning: the doc block for the new element: " + details + " is missing, so there is no @since tag");
} else if (currIndex.doc_.indexOf("@since") != -1) {
if (logMissingSinces)
missingSincesFile.println("OK: " + details);
} else {
if (logMissingSinces)
missingSincesFile.println("MISSING @SINCE TAG: " + details);
System.out.println("Warning: the doc block for the new element: " + details + " is missing an @since tag");
| public char | emitPackageIndexEntry(jdiff.Index pkg, char oldsw)Emit an index entry for a package.
Package names are unique, so no need to check for duplicates.
char res = oldsw;
// See if we are in a new section of the alphabet
char sw = pkg.name_.charAt(0);
if (Character.toUpperCase(sw) != Character.toUpperCase(oldsw)) {
// No need to emit section letters for packages
res = sw;
// Add the named anchor for this new letter
h_.writeText("<A NAME=\"" + Character.toUpperCase(res) + "\"></A>");
// Package names are unique, so no need to check for duplicates.
if (pkg.changeType_ == 0) {
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + h_.reportFileName + "-summary" + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + pkg.name_ + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><strike>" + pkg.name_ + "</strike></A><br>");
} else if (pkg.changeType_ == 1) {
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"" + h_.reportFileName + "-summary" + h_.reportFileExt + "#" + pkg.name_ + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\"><b>" + pkg.name_ + "</b></A><br>");
} else if (pkg.changeType_ == 2) {
h_.writeText("<A HREF=\"pkg_" + pkg.name_ + h_.reportFileExt + "\" class=\"hiddenlink\" target=\"rightframe\">" + pkg.name_ + "</A><br>");
return res;
| public void | emitPackagesIndex(APIDiff apiDiff, int indexType)Emit the index of packages, which appears in the bottom left frame.
// Add all the names of packages to a new list, to be sorted later
packageNames = new ArrayList(); // Index[]
boolean hasRemovals = false;
if (apiDiff.packagesRemoved.size() != 0)
hasRemovals = true;
boolean hasAdditions = false;
if (apiDiff.packagesAdded.size() != 0)
hasAdditions = true;
boolean hasChanges = false;
if (apiDiff.packagesChanged.size() != 0)
hasChanges = true;
recordDiffs(hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
Iterator iter = apiDiff.packagesRemoved.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 0) && iter.hasNext()) {
PackageAPI pkg = (PackageAPI)(;
packageNames.add(new Index(pkg.name_, 0));
iter = apiDiff.packagesAdded.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 1) && iter.hasNext()) {
PackageAPI pkg = (PackageAPI)(;
packageNames.add(new Index(pkg.name_, 1));
iter = apiDiff.packagesChanged.iterator();
while ((indexType == 3 || indexType == 2) && iter.hasNext()) {
PackageDiff pkg = (PackageDiff)(;
packageNames.add(new Index(pkg.name_, 2));
// No letter index needed for packages
// Now emit all the package names and links to their respective files
emitIndexHeader("Packages", indexType, hasRemovals, hasAdditions, hasChanges);
// Extra line because no index is emitted
// Package names are unique, so no need to check for duplicates.
iter = packageNames.iterator();
char oldsw = '\0";
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Index pkg = (Index)(;
oldsw = emitPackageIndexEntry(pkg, oldsw);
| private void | generateLetterIndex(java.util.List list, char currChar, boolean larger)Generate a small header of letters which link to each section, but
do not emit a linked letter for the current section. Finish the list off
with a link to the top of the index.
Caching the results of this function would save about 10s with large APIs.
if (larger)
return; // Currently not using the larger functionality
int size = -2;
if (larger)
size = -1;
Iterator iter = null;
if (isAllNames)
iter = allNames.iterator();
iter = list.iterator();
char oldsw = '\0";
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Index entry = (Index)(;
char sw = entry.name_.charAt(0);
char swu = Character.toUpperCase(sw);
if (swu != Character.toUpperCase(oldsw)) {
// Don't emit a reference to the current letter
if (Character.toUpperCase(sw) != Character.toUpperCase(currChar)) {
if (swu == '_") {
h_.writeText("<a href=\"#" + swu + "\"><font size=\"" + size + "\">" + "underscore" + "</font></a> ");
} else {
h_.writeText("<a href=\"#" + swu + "\"><font size=\"" + size + "\">" + swu + "</font></a> ");
oldsw = sw;
h_.writeText(" <a href=\"#topheader\"><font size=\"" + size + "\">TOP</font></a>");
h_.writeText("<p><div style=\"line-height:1.5em;color:black\">");
| private void | recordDiffs(boolean hasRemovals, boolean hasAdditions, boolean hasChanges)If any of the parameters are set, then set the respective atLeastOne
variable, used to generate the links at the top of the allDiffs index.
Never unset an atLeastOne variable.
if (hasRemovals)
atLeastOneRemoval = true;
if (hasAdditions)
atLeastOneAddition = true;
if (hasChanges)
atLeastOneChange = true;