virtual_parse_stack.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API5025Fri Aug 26 14:54:54 BST 2005com.sun.java_cup.internal.runtime


public class virtual_parse_stack extends Object
This class implements a temporary or "virtual" parse stack that replaces the top portion of the actual parse stack (the part that has been changed by some set of operations) while maintaining its original contents. This data structure is used when the parse needs to "parse ahead" to determine if a given error recovery attempt will allow the parse to continue far enough to consider it successful. Once success or failure of parse ahead is determined the system then reverts to the original parse stack (which has not actually been modified). Since parse ahead does not execute actions, only parse state is maintained on the virtual stack, not full Symbol objects.
last updated: 7/3/96
Frank Flannery

Fields Summary
protected Stack
The real stack that we shadow. This is accessed when we move off the bottom of the virtual portion of the stack, but is always left unmodified.
protected int
Top of stack indicator for where we leave off in the real stack. This is measured from top of stack, so 0 would indicate that no elements have been "moved" from the real to virtual stack.
protected Stack
The virtual top portion of the stack. This stack contains Integer objects with state numbers. This stack shadows the top portion of the real stack within the area that has been modified (via operations on the virtual stack). When this portion of the stack becomes empty we transfer elements from the underlying stack onto this stack.
Constructors Summary
public virtual_parse_stack(Stack shadowing_stack)
Constructor to build a virtual stack out of a real stack.

      /* sanity check */
      if (shadowing_stack == null)
	throw new Exception(
	  "Internal parser error: attempt to create null virtual stack");

      /* set up our internals */
      real_stack = shadowing_stack;
      vstack     = new Stack();
      real_next  = 0;

      /* get one element onto the virtual portion of the stack */
Methods Summary
public booleanempty()
Indicate whether the stack is empty.

      /* if vstack is empty then we were unable to transfer onto it and 
	 the whole thing is empty. */
      return vstack.empty();
protected voidget_from_real()
Transfer an element from the real to the virtual stack. This assumes that the virtual stack is currently empty.

      Symbol stack_sym;

      /* don't transfer if the real stack is empty */
      if (real_next >= real_stack.size()) return;

      /* get a copy of the first Symbol we have not transfered */
      stack_sym = (Symbol)real_stack.elementAt(real_stack.size()-1-real_next);

      /* record the transfer */

      /* put the state number from the Symbol onto the virtual stack */
      vstack.push(new Integer(stack_sym.parse_state));
public voidpop()
Pop the stack.

      if (vstack.empty())
	throw new Exception(
		  "Internal parser error: pop from empty virtual stack");

      /* pop it */

      /* if we are now empty transfer an element (if there is one) */
      if (vstack.empty())
public voidpush(int state_num)
Push a state number onto the stack.

      vstack.push(new Integer(state_num));
public inttop()
Return value on the top of the stack (without popping it).

      if (vstack.empty())
	throw new Exception(
		  "Internal parser error: top() called on empty virtual stack");

      return ((Integer)vstack.peek()).intValue();