Fields Summary |
public static final String | ANTLIB_PREFIXprefix for antlib URIs:
{@value} |
public static final String | ANT_VERSIONAnt version property. {@value} |
public static final String | BUILD_SYSCLASSPATHSystem classpath policy. {@value} |
public static final String | SCRIPT_REPOSITORYThe name of the script repository used by the script repo task
Value {@value} |
public static final String | SYSTEM_LOADER_REFThe name of the reference to the System Class Loader
Value {@value} |
public static final String | REPOSITORY_DIR_PROPERTYName of the property which can provide an override of the repository dir
for the libraries task
Value {@value} |
public static final String | REPOSITORY_URL_PROPERTYName of the property which can provide an override of the repository URL
for the libraries task
Value {@value} |
public static final String | TASKDEF_PROPERTIES_RESOURCEname of the resource that taskdefs are stored under
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | TYPEDEFS_PROPERTIES_RESOURCEname of the resource that typedefs are stored under
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | ANT_EXECUTOR_REFERENCEReference to the current Ant executor
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | ANT_EXECUTOR_CLASSNAMEProperty defining the classname of an executor.
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | PROJECT_BASEDIRproperty name for basedir of the project
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | ANT_FILEproperty for ant file name
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | ANT_JAVA_VERSIONProperty used to store the java version ant is running in. |
public static final String | ANT_HOMEProperty used to store the location of ant. |
public static final String | ANT_LIBProperty used to store the location of the ant library (typically the ant.jar file.) |
public static final String | REGEXP_IMPLproperty for regular expression implementation.
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | BUILD_JAVAC_SOURCEproperty that provides the default value for javac's and
javadoc's source attribute. |
public static final String | BUILD_JAVAC_TARGETproperty that provides the default value for javac's target
attribute. |
public static final String | REFID_CLASSPATH_REUSE_LOADERName of the magic property that controls classloader reuse |
public static final String | REFID_CLASSPATH_LOADER_PREFIXPrefix used to store classloader references.
Value: {@value} |
public static final String | REFID_PROPERTY_HELPERReference used to store the property helper
Value: {@value} |