SerialArray.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API50083Fri Aug 26 14:57:52 BST 2005javax.sql.rowset.serial


public class SerialArray extends Object implements Array, Serializable, Cloneable
A serialized version of an Array object, which is the mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL ARRAY value.

The SerialArray class provides a constructor for creating a SerialArray instance from an Array object, methods for getting the base type and the SQL name for the base type, and methods for copying all or part of a SerialArray object.

Note: In order for this class to function correctly, a connection to the data source must be available in order for the SQL Array object to be materialized (have all of its elements brought to the client server) if necessary. At this time, logical pointers to the data in the data source, such as locators, are not currently supported.

Fields Summary
private Object[]
A serialized array in which each element is an Object in the Java programming language that represents an element in the SQL ARRAY value.
private int
The SQL type of the elements in this SerialArray object. The type is expressed as one of the constants from the class java.sql.Types.
private String
The type name used by the DBMS for the elements in the SQL ARRAY value that this SerialArray object represents.
private int
The number of elements in this SerialArray object, which is also the number of elements in the SQL ARRAY value that this SerialArray object represents.
static final long
The identifier that assists in the serialization of this SerialArray object.
Constructors Summary
public SerialArray(Array array, Map map)
Constructs a new SerialArray object from the given Array object, using the given type map for the custom mapping of each element when the elements are SQL UDTs.

This method does custom mapping if the array elements are a UDT and the given type map has an entry for that UDT. Custom mapping is recursive, meaning that if, for instance, an element of an SQL structured type is an SQL structured type that itself has an element that is an SQL structured type, each structured type that has a custom mapping will be mapped according to the given type map.

The new SerialArray object contains the same elements as the Array object from which it is built, except when the base type is the SQL type STRUCT, ARRAY, BLOB, CLOB, DATALINK or JAVA_OBJECT. In this case, each element in the new SerialArray object is the appropriate serialized form, that is, a SerialStruct, SerialArray, SerialBlob, SerialClob, SerialDatalink, or SerialJavaObject object.

Note: (1) The Array object from which a SerialArray object is created must have materialized the SQL ARRAY value's data on the client before it is passed to the constructor. Otherwise, the new SerialArray object will contain no data.

Note: (2) If the Array contains java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT types, the SerialJavaObject constructor is called where checks are made to ensure this object is serializable.

Note: (3) The Array object supplied to this constructor cannot return null for any Array.getArray() methods. SerialArray cannot serialize null array values.

array the Array object to be serialized
map a java.util.Map object in which each entry consists of 1) a String object giving the fully qualified name of a UDT (an SQL structured type or distinct type) and 2) the Class object for the SQLData implementation that defines how the UDT is to be mapped. The map parameter does not have any effect for Blob, Clob, DATALINK, or JAVA_OBJECT types.
SerialException if an error occurs serializing the Array object
SQLException if a database access error occurs or if the array or the map values are null

        if ((array == null) || (map == null)) {
            throw new SQLException("Cannot instantiate a SerialArray " +
            "object with null parameters");
        if ((elements = (Object[])array.getArray()) == null) {
             throw new SQLException("Invalid Array object. Calls to Array.getArray() " +
                 "return null value which cannot be serialized");

	elements = (Object[])array.getArray(map);
        baseType = array.getBaseType();
        baseTypeName = array.getBaseTypeName();
        len = elements.length;

        switch (baseType) {
            case java.sql.Types.STRUCT: 
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    elements[i] = new SerialStruct((Struct)elements[i], map);
            case java.sql.Types.ARRAY:
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    elements[i] = new SerialArray((Array)elements[i], map);
            case java.sql.Types.BLOB: 
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                elements[i] = new SerialBlob((Blob)elements[i]);                
            case java.sql.Types.CLOB: 
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    elements[i] = new SerialClob((Clob)elements[i]);

            case java.sql.Types.DATALINK:
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    elements[i] = new SerialDatalink((URL)elements[i]);
            case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT:
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    		elements[i] = new SerialJavaObject((Object)elements[i]);
public SerialArray(Array array)
Constructs a new SerialArray object from the given Array object.

This constructor does not do custom mapping. If the base type of the array is an SQL structured type and custom mapping is desired, the constructor SerialArray(Array array, Map map) should be used.

The new SerialArray object contains the same elements as the Array object from which it is built, except when the base type is the SQL type BLOB, CLOB, DATALINK or JAVA_OBJECT. In this case, each element in the new SerialArray object is the appropriate serialized form, that is, a SerialBlob, SerialClob, SerialDatalink, or SerialJavaObject object.

Note: (1) The Array object from which a SerialArray object is created must have materialized the SQL ARRAY value's data on the client before it is passed to the constructor. Otherwise, the new SerialArray object will contain no data.

Note: (2) The Array object supplied to this constructor cannot return null for any Array.getArray() methods. SerialArray cannot serialize null array values.

array the Array object to be serialized
SerialException if an error occurs serializing the Array object
SQLException if a database access error occurs or the array parameter is null.

         if (array == null) {
             throw new SQLException("Cannot instantiate a SerialArray " +
                 "object with a null Array object");
         if ((elements = (Object[])array.getArray()) == null) {
             throw new SQLException("Invalid Array object. Calls to Array.getArray() " +
                 "return null value which cannot be serialized");
         //elements = (Object[])array.getArray();
         baseType = array.getBaseType();
         baseTypeName = array.getBaseTypeName();
         len = elements.length;

        switch (baseType) {

        case java.sql.Types.BLOB: 
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                elements[i] = new SerialBlob((Blob)elements[i]);
        case java.sql.Types.CLOB: 
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                elements[i] = new SerialClob((Clob)elements[i]);
	case java.sql.Types.DATALINK:
	    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		elements[i] = new SerialDatalink((URL)elements[i]);
	case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT:
	    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		elements[i] = new SerialJavaObject((Object)elements[i]);
Methods Summary
public java.lang.ObjectgetArray()
Returns a new array that is a copy of this SerialArray object.

a copy of this SerialArray object as an Object in the Java programming language
SerialException if an error occurs retrieving a copy of this SerialArray object

        Object dst = new Object[len];
        System.arraycopy((Object)elements, 0, dst, 0, len);
        return dst;
public java.lang.ObjectgetArray(java.util.Map map)
Returns a new array that is a copy of this SerialArray object, using the given type map for the custom mapping of each element when the elements are SQL UDTs.

This method does custom mapping if the array elements are a UDT and the given type map has an entry for that UDT. Custom mapping is recursive, meaning that if, for instance, an element of an SQL structured type is an SQL structured type that itself has an element that is an SQL structured type, each structured type that has a custom mapping will be mapped according to the given type map.

map a java.util.Map object in which each entry consists of 1) a String object giving the fully qualified name of a UDT and 2) the Class object for the SQLData implementation that defines how the UDT is to be mapped
a copy of this SerialArray object as an Object in the Java programming language
SerialException if an error occurs

        Object dst[] = new Object[len];
        System.arraycopy((Object)elements, 0, dst, 0, len);
        return dst;
public java.lang.ObjectgetArray(long index, int count)
Returns a new array that is a copy of a slice of this SerialArray object, starting with the element at the given index and containing the given number of consecutive elements.

index the index into this SerialArray object of the first element to be copied; the index of the first element is 0
count the number of consecutive elements to be copied, starting at the given index
a copy of the designated elements in this SerialArray object as an Object in the Java programming language
SerialException if an error occurs

        Object dst = new Object[count];
        System.arraycopy((Object)elements, (int)index, dst, 0, count);
        return dst;        
public java.lang.ObjectgetArray(long index, int count, java.util.Map map)
Returns a new array that is a copy of a slice of this SerialArray object, starting with the element at the given index and containing the given number of consecutive elements.

This method does custom mapping if the array elements are a UDT and the given type map has an entry for that UDT. Custom mapping is recursive, meaning that if, for instance, an element of an SQL structured type is an SQL structured type that itself has an element that is an SQL structured type, each structured type that has a custom mapping will be mapped according to the given type map.

index the index into this SerialArray object of the first element to be copied; the index of the first element in the array is 0
count the number of consecutive elements to be copied, starting at the given index
map a java.util.Map object in which each entry consists of 1) a String object giving the fully qualified name of a UDT and 2) the Class object for the SQLData implementation that defines how the UDT is to be mapped
a copy of the designated elements in this SerialArray object as an Object in the Java programming language
SerialException if an error occurs

        Object dst = new Object[count];
        System.arraycopy((Object)elements, (int)index, dst, 0, count);
        return dst;        
public intgetBaseType()
Retrieves the SQL type of the elements in this SerialArray object. The int returned is one of the constants in the class java.sql.Types.

one of the constants in java.sql.Types, indicating the SQL type of the elements in this SerialArray object
SerialException if an error occurs

        return baseType;
public java.lang.StringgetBaseTypeName()
Retrieves the DBMS-specific type name for the elements in this SerialArray object.

the SQL type name used by the DBMS for the base type of this SerialArray object
SerialException if an error occurs

        return baseTypeName;
public java.sql.ResultSetgetResultSet(java.util.Map map)
Retrieves a ResultSet object that contains all of the elements of the SQL ARRAY value represented by this SerialArray object. This method uses the specified map for type map customizations unless the base type of the array does not match a user-defined type (UDT) in map, in which case it uses the standard mapping. This version of the method getResultSet uses either the given type map or the standard mapping; it never uses the type map associated with the connection.

map a java.util.Map object in which each entry consists of 1) a String object giving the fully qualified name of a UDT and 2) the Class object for the SQLData implementation that defines how the UDT is to be mapped
a ResultSet object containing all of the elements in this SerialArray object, with a separate row for each element
SerialException, which in turn throws an UnsupportedOperationException, if this method is called

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public java.sql.ResultSetgetResultSet()
Retrieves a ResultSet object that contains all of the elements in the ARRAY value that this SerialArray object represents. If appropriate, the elements of the array are mapped using the connection's type map; otherwise, the standard mapping is used.

a ResultSet object containing all of the elements in this SerialArray object, with a separate row for each element
SerialException if called, which in turn throws an UnsupportedOperationException, if this method is called

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public java.sql.ResultSetgetResultSet(long index, int count, java.util.Map map)
Retrieves a result set holding the elements of the subarray that starts at Retrieves a ResultSet object that contains a subarray of the elements in this SerialArray object, starting at index index and containing up to count successive elements. This method uses the specified map for type map customizations unless the base type of the array does not match a user-defined type (UDT) in map, in which case it uses the standard mapping. This version of the method getResultSet uses either the given type map or the standard mapping; it never uses the type map associated with the connection.

index the index into this SerialArray object of the first element to be copied; the index of the first element in the array is 0
count the number of consecutive elements to be copied, starting at the given index
map a java.util.Map object in which each entry consists of 1) a String object giving the fully qualified name of a UDT and 2) the Class object for the SQLData implementation that defines how the UDT is to be mapped
a ResultSet object containing the designated elements in this SerialArray object, with a separate row for each element
SerialException if called, which in turn throws an UnsupportedOperationException

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public java.sql.ResultSetgetResultSet(long index, int count)
Retrieves a ResultSet object holding the elements of the subarray that starts at index index and contains up to count successive elements. This method uses the connection's type map to map the elements of the array if the map contains an entry for the base type. Otherwise, the standard mapping is used.

index the index into this SerialArray object of the first element to be copied; the index of the first element in the array is 0
count the number of consecutive elements to be copied, starting at the given index
a ResultSet object containing the designated elements in this SerialArray object, with a separate row for each element
SerialException, which in turn throws an UnsupportedOperationException, if this method is called

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();