parambytes Data super(Constants.CONSTANT_Float); this.bytes = bytes;
super(Constants.CONSTANT_Float); this.bytes = bytes;
Initialize from another object. Note that both objects use the same references (shallow copy). Use clone() for a physical copy. this(c.getBytes());
Initialize instance from file data.paramfile Input streamthrowsIOException this(file.readFloat());
Called by objects that are traversing the nodes of the tree implicitely defined by the contents of a Java class. I.e., the hierarchy of methods, fields, attributes, etc. spawns a tree of objects.paramv Visitor object v.visitConstantFloat(this);
Dump constant float to file stream in binary format.paramfile Output file streamthrowsIOException file.writeByte(tag); file.writeFloat(bytes);
file.writeByte(tag); file.writeFloat(bytes);
returndata, i.e., 4 bytes. return bytes;
return bytes;
returnFloat object return new Float(bytes);
return new Float(bytes);
parambytes. this.bytes = bytes;
this.bytes = bytes;
returnString representation. return super.toString() + "(bytes = " + bytes + ")";
return super.toString() + "(bytes = " + bytes + ")";