Class Severity is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that denotes
the severity of a {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} attribute.
Instances of Severity do not appear in a Print Service's attribute set
directly. Rather, a {@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons}
attribute appears in the Print Service's attribute set.
The {@link PrinterStateReasons
PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one, or more than one {@link
PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects which pertain to the Print
Service's status, and each {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}
object is associated with a Severity level of REPORT (least severe),
WARNING, or ERROR (most severe).
The printer adds a {@link PrinterStateReason
PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's
{@link PrinterStateReasons PrinterStateReasons} attribute when the
corresponding condition becomes true
of the printer, and the printer removes the {@link PrinterStateReason
PrinterStateReason} object again when the corresponding condition becomes
false, regardless of whether the Print Service's overall
{@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed.
IPP Compatibility:
Severity.toString() returns either "error", "warning", or
"report". The string values returned by
each individual {@link PrinterStateReason} and
associated {@link Severity} object's toString()
methods, concatenated together with a hyphen ("-" ) in
between, gives the IPP keyword value for a {@link PrinterStateReasons}.
The category name returned by getName() gives the IPP
attribute name.