Create a line number.paramih instruction handle to reference setInstruction(ih); setSourceLine(src_line);
setInstruction(ih); setSourceLine(src_line);
try { return super.clone(); } catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) { System.err.println(e); return null; }
returntrue, if ih is target of this line number return this.ih == ih;
return this.ih == ih;
return ih;
Get LineNumber attribute . This relies on that the instruction list has already been dumped to byte code or or that the `setPositions' methods has been called for the instruction list. return new LineNumber(ih.getPosition(), src_line);
return new LineNumber(ih.getPosition(), src_line);
return src_line;
BranchInstruction.notifyTarget(this.ih, ih, this); this.ih = ih;
this.src_line = src_line;
paramold_ih old targetparamnew_ih new target if(old_ih != ih) throw new ClassGenException("Not targeting " + old_ih + ", but " + ih + "}"); else setInstruction(new_ih);
if(old_ih != ih) throw new ClassGenException("Not targeting " + old_ih + ", but " + ih + "}"); else setInstruction(new_ih);