Methods Summary |
public void | flush(javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable screen, javax.microedition.lcdui.Image offscreen_buffer, int x, int y, int width, int height)Flushes the entire off-screen buffer to the display.
public javax.microedition.lcdui.Display | getDisplay()Get the Display object that is associated with this DisplayAccess.
public DisplayEventConsumer | getDisplayEventConsumer()Get the DisplayEventConsumer associated with this display.
public int | getDisplayHeight()Called to get current display height.
public int | getDisplayId()Get the ID of this display.
public int | getDisplayWidth()Called to get current display width.
public ForegroundEventConsumer | getForegroundEventConsumer()Get the ForegroundEventConsumer associated with this display.
public int | getKeyMask()Called to get key mask of all the keys that were pressed.
public java.lang.String | getNameOfOwner()Get the class name of the MIDlet that owns this display.
DisplayAccess I/F method.
public void | requestForeground()Called to get the display to request the foreground.
public void | setDisplayId(int newId)Sets the ID of this display.
Shall be called only from DisplayContainer.addDisplay() during
Display construction and registration in the container.