JuliaSet3.javaAPI DocExample4810Sat Jan 24 10:44:36 GMT 2004je3.print


public class JuliaSet3 extends JuliaSet2
This class extends JuliaSet2 and its print() and save() methods demonstrate the Java 1.4 printing API.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public JuliaSet3()

 super(-.7, -.25); 
Methods Summary
public voidprint()

	// Get a list of all printers that can handle Printable objects.
	DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE;
	PrintService[] services =
	    PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, null);

	// Set some define printing attributes
	PrintRequestAttributeSet printAttributes =
	    new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
	printAttributes.add(OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE); // landscape mode
	printAttributes.add(Chromaticity.MONOCHROME);        // print in mono

	// Display a dialog that allows the user to select one of the
	// available printers and to edit the default attributes
	PrintService service = ServiceUI.printDialog(null, 100, 100,
						     services, null, null,

	// If the user canceled, don't do anything
	if (service == null) return;

	// Now call a method defined below to finish the printing
	printToService(service, printAttributes);
public voidprintToService(javax.print.PrintService service, javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet printAttributes)

	// Wrap ourselves in the PrintableComponent class defined by JuliaSet2.
	String title = "Julia set for c={" + cx + "," + cy + "}";
	Printable printable = new PrintableComponent(this, title);

	// Now create a Doc that encapsulate the Printable object and its type
	DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE;
	Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(printable, flavor, null);

	// Java 1.1 uses PrintJob.
	// Java 1.2 uses PrinterJob.
	// Java 1.4 uses DocPrintJob. Create one from the service
	DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();

	// Set up a dialog box to  monitor printing status
	final JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane("Printing...", 
	JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(this, "Print Status");
	// This listener object updates the dialog as the status changes
	job.addPrintJobListener(new PrintJobAdapter() {
		public void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent e) {
		    pane.setMessage("Printing complete.");
		public void printDataTransferCompleted(PrintJobEvent e) {
		    pane.setMessage("Document transfered to printer.");
		public void printJobRequiresAttention(PrintJobEvent e) {
		    pane.setMessage("Check printer: out of paper?");
		public void printJobFailed(PrintJobEvent e) {
		    pane.setMessage("Print job failed");

	// Show the dialog, non-modal.

	// Now print the Doc to the DocPrintJob
	try {
	    job.print(doc, printAttributes);
	catch(PrintException e) {
	    // Display any errors to the dialog box
public voidsave()

	// Find a factory object for printing Printable objects to PostScript.
	DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE;
	String format = "application/postscript";
	StreamPrintServiceFactory factory = StreamPrintServiceFactory.
	    lookupStreamPrintServiceFactories(flavor, format)[0];

	// Ask the user to select a file and open the selected file
	JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
	if (chooser.showSaveDialog(this)!=JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return;
	File f = chooser.getSelectedFile();
	FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);

	// Obtain a PrintService that prints to that file
	StreamPrintService service = factory.getPrintService(out);

	// Do the printing with the method below
	printToService(service, null);

	// And close the output file.