ApplicationMapping.javaAPI DocExample4794Sun Mar 07 19:48:40 GMT 2004org.apache.struts.webapp.example


public final class ApplicationMapping extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping
Implementation of ActionMapping for the Struts example application. It defines the following custom properties:
  • failure - The context-relative URI to which this request should be forwarded if a validation error occurs on the input information (typically goes back to the input form).
  • success - The context-relative URI to which this request should be forwarded if the requested action is successfully completed.
Craig R. McClanahan
$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2001/04/14 12:53:07 $

Fields Summary
private String
The failure URI for this mapping.
private String
The success URI for this mapping.
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetFailure()
Return the failure URI for this mapping.

    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Properties


	return (this.failure);

public java.lang.StringgetSuccess()
Return the success URI for this mapping.

	return (this.success);

public voidsetFailure(java.lang.String failure)
Set the failure URI for this mapping.

failure The failure URI for this mapping

	this.failure = failure;

public voidsetSuccess(java.lang.String success)
Set the success URI for this mapping.

success The success URI for this mapping

	this.success = success;