Methods Summary |
public void | dispose()dispose of the cell
public int | getCursorID()Get the cursor ID we are currently using
XXX Should NOT be SWT.CURSOR_ constants!
public java.lang.String | getObfusticatedText()Return the text used when generating diagnostics
public TableRowCore | getTableRowCore()Retrieve the row that this cell belongs to
public boolean | getVisuallyChangedSinceRefresh()Returns whether the cell has visually changed since the last refresh call.
Could be used to prevent a refresh, or refresh early.
public void | invalidate(boolean bMustRefresh)
public void | invokeMouseListeners(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableCellMouseEvent event)Trigger all the mouse listeners that have been addded to this cell
public void | invokeToolTipListeners(int type)Trigger all the tooltip listeners that have been added to this cell
public void | invokeVisibilityListeners(int visibility)Trigger all the visibility listeners that have been added to this cell.
public boolean | isMouseOver()
public boolean | isUpToDate()Returns whether the cell will need updating when it's visible again
public void | locationChanged()Location of the cell has changed
public boolean | needsPainting()Retrieve whether the cell need any paint calls (graphic)
public boolean | refresh(boolean bDoGraphics)Refresh the cell
public boolean | refresh()Refresh the cell, including graphic types
public boolean | refresh(boolean bDoGraphics, boolean bRowVisible, boolean bCellVisible)Refresh the cell. This method overide takes a bRowVisible paramater
and a bCellVisible parameter in order to reduce the number of calls to
TableRow.isVisible() and calculations of cell visibility.
public boolean | refresh(boolean bDoGraphics, boolean bRowVisible)Refresh the cell. This method overide takes a bRowVisible paramater in
order to reduce the number of calls to TableRow.isVisible() in cases where
multiple cells on the same row are being refreshed.
public void | setCursorID(int cursorID)Set the cursor ID that should be used for the cell
public void | setUpToDate(boolean upToDate)Sets whether the cell will need updating when it's visible again