FrameBodyUnsupportedpublic class FrameBodyUnsupported extends AbstractID3v2FrameBody implements ID3v22FrameBody, ID3v24FrameBody, ID3v23FrameBodyRepresents a framebody for a frame identifier jaudiotagger has not implemented a framebody for.
This is likley to be because the FrameBody is not specified in the Specification but it may just be because the code
has yet to be written, the library uses this framebody when it cant find an alternative. This is different to the
ID3v2ExtensionFrameBody Interface which should be implemented by frame bodies that are non standard such as
iTunes compilation frame (TCMP) but are commonly used. |
Fields Summary |
private String | identifierBecause used by any unknown frame identifier varies |
Constructors Summary |
public FrameBodyUnsupported()
| public FrameBodyUnsupported(String identifier)Creates a new FrameBodyUnsupported
this.identifier = identifier;
| public FrameBodyUnsupported(String identifier, byte[] value)Create a new FrameBodyUnsupported
this.identifier = identifier;
setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_DATA, value);
| public FrameBodyUnsupported(byte[] value)Creates a new FrameBodyUnsupported datatype.
setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_DATA, value);
| public FrameBodyUnsupported(FrameBodyUnsupported copyObject)Copy constructor
this.identifier = copyObject.identifier;
| public FrameBodyUnsupported(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int frameSize)Creates a new FrameBodyUnsupported datatype.
super(byteBuffer, frameSize);
Methods Summary |
public boolean | equals(java.lang.Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof FrameBodyUnsupported))
return false;
FrameBodyUnsupported object = (FrameBodyUnsupported) obj;
return this.identifier.equals(object.identifier) && super.equals(obj);
| public java.lang.String | getIdentifier()Return the frame identifier
return identifier;
| protected void | setupObjectList()Setup the Object List. A byte Array which will be read upto frame size
objectList.add(new ByteArraySizeTerminated(DataTypes.OBJ_DATA, this));
| public java.lang.String | toString()Because the contents of this frame are an array of bytes and could be large we just
return the identifier.
return getIdentifier();