CaptureFailure.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API4775Thu Mar 12 22:22:10 GMT 2015android.hardware.camera2


public class CaptureFailure extends Object
A report of failed capture for a single image capture from the image sensor.

CaptureFailures are produced by a {@link CameraDevice} if processing a {@link CaptureRequest} fails, either partially or fully. Use {@link #getReason} to determine the specific nature of the failed capture.

Receiving a CaptureFailure means that the metadata associated with that frame number has been dropped -- no {@link CaptureResult} with the same frame number will be produced.

Fields Summary
public static final int
The {@link CaptureResult} has been dropped this frame only due to an error in the framework.
public static final int
The capture has failed due to a {@link CameraCaptureSession#abortCaptures} call from the application.
private final CaptureRequest
private final int
private final boolean
private final int
private final long
Constructors Summary
public CaptureFailure(CaptureRequest request, int reason, boolean dropped, int sequenceId, long frameNumber)


        mRequest = request;
        mReason = reason;
        mDropped = dropped;
        mSequenceId = sequenceId;
        mFrameNumber = frameNumber;
Methods Summary
public longgetFrameNumber()
Get the frame number associated with this failed capture.

Whenever a request has been processed, regardless of failed capture or success, it gets a unique frame number assigned to its future result/failed capture.

This value monotonically increments, starting with 0, for every new result or failure; and the scope is the lifetime of the {@link CameraDevice}.

long frame number

        return mFrameNumber;
public intgetReason()
Determine why the request was dropped, whether due to an error or to a user action.

int One of {@code REASON_*} integer constants.

        return mReason;
public CaptureRequestgetRequest()
Get the request associated with this failed capture.

Whenever a request is unsuccessfully captured, with {@link CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback#onCaptureFailed}, the {@code failed capture}'s {@code getRequest()} will return that {@code request}.

In particular,

cameraDevice.capture(someRequest, new CaptureCallback() {
{@literal @}Override
void onCaptureFailed(CaptureRequest myRequest, CaptureFailure myFailure) {
assert(myFailure.getRequest.equals(myRequest) == true);

The request associated with this failed capture. Never {@code null}.

        return mRequest;
public intgetSequenceId()
The sequence ID for this failed capture that was returned by the {@link CameraCaptureSession#capture} family of functions.

The sequence ID is a unique monotonically increasing value starting from 0, incremented every time a new group of requests is submitted to the CameraDevice.

int The ID for the sequence of requests that this capture failure is the result of

        return mSequenceId;
public booleanwasImageCaptured()
Determine if the image was captured from the camera.

If the image was not captured, no image buffers will be available. If the image was captured, then image buffers may be available.

boolean True if the image was captured, false otherwise.

        return !mDropped;