Methods Summary |
protected | createWeight( searcher)Returns a Weight that applies the filter to the enclosed query's Weight.
This is accomplished by overriding the Scorer returned by the Weight.
final Weight weight = query.createWeight (searcher);
return new Weight() {
// pass these methods through to enclosed query's weight
public float getValue() { return weight.getValue(); }
public float sumOfSquaredWeights() throws IOException { return weight.sumOfSquaredWeights(); }
public void normalize (float v) { weight.normalize(v); }
public Explanation explain (IndexReader ir, int i) throws IOException { return weight.explain (ir, i); }
// return this query
public Query getQuery() { return FilteredQuery.this; }
// return a scorer that overrides the enclosed query's score if
// the given hit has been filtered out.
public Scorer scorer (IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException {
final Scorer scorer = weight.scorer (indexReader);
final BitSet bitset = filter.bits (indexReader);
return new Scorer (query.getSimilarity (searcher)) {
// pass these methods through to the enclosed scorer
public boolean next() throws IOException { return; }
public int doc() { return scorer.doc(); }
public boolean skipTo (int i) throws IOException { return scorer.skipTo(i); }
// if the document has been filtered out, set score to 0.0
public float score() throws IOException {
return (bitset.get(scorer.doc())) ? scorer.score() : 0.0f;
// add an explanation about whether the document was filtered
public Explanation explain (int i) throws IOException {
Explanation exp = scorer.explain (i);
if (bitset.get(i))
exp.setDescription ("allowed by filter: "+exp.getDescription());
exp.setDescription ("removed by filter: "+exp.getDescription());
return exp;
public boolean | equals(java.lang.Object o)Returns true iff o is equal to this.
if (o instanceof FilteredQuery) {
FilteredQuery fq = (FilteredQuery) o;
return (query.equals(fq.query) && filter.equals(fq.filter));
return false;
public | getQuery()
return query;
public int | hashCode()Returns a hash code value for this object.
return query.hashCode() ^ filter.hashCode();
public | rewrite(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader reader)Rewrites the wrapped query.
Query rewritten = query.rewrite(reader);
if (rewritten != query) {
FilteredQuery clone = (FilteredQuery)this.clone();
clone.query = rewritten;
return clone;
} else {
return this;
public java.lang.String | toString(java.lang.String s)Prints a user-readable version of this query.
return "filtered("+query.toString(s)+")->"+filter;