SCOCollection.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4676Fri May 04 22:34:58 BST


public interface SCOCollection implements Collection, SCO

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidaddAllInternal(java.util.Collection c)
Adds objects of the given Collection to this Collection without recording the event. Used internaly to initially populate the Collection

public voidaddInternal(java.lang.Object o)
Adds object to the Collection without recording the event. Used internaly to initially populate the Collection

public voidaddToBaseCollection(java.lang.Object o)
Adds an object to the list without recording changes.

public voidapplyDeferredUpdates(java.util.Collection c)

public voidclearInternal()
Clears Collection without recording the event. Used internaly to clear the Collection

public java.util.CollectiongetAdded()
Returns the Collection of added elements

Collection of the added elements as java.util.Collection

public java.util.CollectiongetRemoved()
Returns the Collection of removed elements

Collection of the removed elements as java.util.Collection

public booleanisDeferred()

public voidmarkDeferred()

public voidremoveAllInternal(java.util.Collection c)
Removes objects of the given Collection from this Collection without recording the event. Used internaly to remove a collection of elements from this collection.

public voidremoveInternal(java.lang.Object o)
Removes element from the Collection without recording the event. Used internaly to update the Collection

public voidreset()
Resets removed and added lists after flush

public voidsetOwner(java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Class elementType)
Sets a new owner for the SCO instance that is not owned by any other object.

owner the new owner
fieldName as java.lang.String
elementType the new element type as Class, or null if type is not to be checke.
throws if the instance is owned by another owner.