RegistryAccessObject.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4637Fri May 04 22:24:44 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.wsmgmt.registry


public interface RegistryAccessObject
RegistryAccessObject is based on DataAccessObject pattern. It facilitates access to the registry operations. A new RegistryAccessObject is created for each publishToRegistry, unpublishFromRegistry and listRegistryLocations operation from asadmin. A RAO encapsulates connection objects to each of the listed registry locations specificed by registryJndiNames
Harpreet Singh

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.String[]listRegistryLocations()
List the RegistryLocations. A registry location is the jndi name of a connection pool that points to a registry determined by the connector connection definition of the type JAXR_REGISTRY_TYPE

String[] list of registry-location

public booleanpublish(java.lang.String[] registryLocations, java.lang.String webServiceName, java.lang.String lbhost, int lbport, int lbsslport, java.lang.String[] categories, java.lang.String organization, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String wsdl)
publish a web service to a set of registries

String[] list of registry-locations specified by the jndi name of the connector-connection-pool. The list of names can be obtained by using the listRegistryLocations method
String web service name
String load balancer host where this webservice is (optionally) hosted. A null string signifies that the host is optional and is to be ignored while publishing this web service
int load balancer port where this webservice is (optionally) hosted. A value of -1 indicates that this is optional and is to be ignored
int load balancer ssl port where this webservice is (optionally) hosted. A value of -1 indicates that this is optional and is to be ignored
String[] an (optional) list of categories that can qualify this webservice. A null value indicates that this optional and is to be ignored
String description an (optional) description. A null value indicates that this is to be ignored
String wsdl WSDL File to publish
boolean true if published, false otherwise.

public booleanunpublishFromRegistry(java.lang.String[] registryJndiNames, java.lang.String webServiceName)
Unpublishes a web service wsdl from a list of registries

String[] list of registry-locations
String web service name whose wsdl needs to be unpublised
boolean true if unpublished successfully