Mp4TagWriterpublic class Mp4TagWriter extends Object Writes metadata from mp4, the metadata tags are held under the ilst atom as shown below, (note all free atoms are
When writing changes the size of all the atoms upto ilst has to be recalculated, then if the size of
the metadata is increased the size of the free atom (below meta) should be reduced accordingly or vice versa.
If the size of the metadata has increased by more than the size of the free atom then the size of meta, udta
and moov should be recalculated and the top level free atom reduced accordingly
If there is not enough space even if using both of the free atoms, then the mdat atom has to be shifted down
accordingly to make space, and the stco atom has to have its offsets to mdat chunks table adjusted accordingly.
Exceptions are that the meta/udta/ilst do not currently exist, in which udta/meta/ilst are created. Note it is valid
to have meta/ilst without udta but this is less common so we always try to write files according to the Apple/iTunes
specification. *
|--- ftyp
|--- free
|--- moov
|......|----- mvdh
|......|----- trak
|......|----- udta
|..............|-- meta
|....................|-- hdlr
|....................|-- ilst
|....................|.. ..|
|....................|.....|---- @nam (Optional for each metadatafield)
|....................|.....|.......|-- data
|....................|.....|....... ecetera
|....................|.....|---- ---- (Optional for reverse dns field)
|....................|.............|-- mean
|....................|.............|-- name
|....................|.............|-- data
|....................|................ ecetere
|....................|-- free
|--- free
|--- mdat
Fields Summary |
public static Logger | logger | private org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.Mp4TagCreator | tc |
Methods Summary |
private void | adjustSizeOfMoovHeader(Mp4BoxHeader moovHeader, java.nio.ByteBuffer moovBuffer, int sizeAdjustment, Mp4BoxHeader udtaHeader, Mp4BoxHeader metaHeader)When the size of the metadata has changed and it cant be compensated for by free atom
we have to adjust the size of the size field upto the moovheader level for the udta atom and
its child meta atom.
//Adjust moov header size, adjusts the underlying buffer
moovHeader.setLength(moovHeader.getLength() + sizeAdjustment);
//Edit the fields in moovBuffer (note moovbuffer doesnt include header)
//Write the updated udta atom header to moov buffer
udtaHeader.setLength(udtaHeader.getLength() + sizeAdjustment);
moovBuffer.position((int)(udtaHeader.getFilePos() - moovHeader.getFilePos() - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH));
//Write the updated udta atom header to moov buffer
metaHeader.setLength(metaHeader.getLength() + sizeAdjustment);
moovBuffer.position((int)(metaHeader.getFilePos() - moovHeader.getFilePos()- Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH));
| private void | checkFileWrittenCorrectly( rafTemp, Mp4BoxHeader mdatHeader, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, Mp4StcoBox stco)Check File Written Correctly
logger.config("Checking file has been written correctly");
//Create a tree from the new file
Mp4AtomTree newAtomTree;
newAtomTree = new Mp4AtomTree(rafTemp, false);
//Check we still have audio data file, and check length
Mp4BoxHeader newMdatHeader = newAtomTree.getBoxHeader(newAtomTree.getMdatNode());
if (newMdatHeader == null)
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_NO_DATA.getMsg());
if (newMdatHeader.getLength() != mdatHeader.getLength())
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_DATA_CORRUPT.getMsg());
//Should always have udta atom after writing to file
Mp4BoxHeader newUdtaHeader = newAtomTree.getBoxHeader(newAtomTree.getUdtaNode());
if (newUdtaHeader == null)
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_NO_TAG_DATA.getMsg());
//Should always have meta atom after writing to file
Mp4BoxHeader newMetaHeader = newAtomTree.getBoxHeader(newAtomTree.getMetaNode());
if (newMetaHeader == null)
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_NO_TAG_DATA.getMsg());
//Check offsets are correct, may not match exactly in original file so just want to make
//sure that the discrepancy if any is preserved
Mp4StcoBox newStco = newAtomTree.getStco();
logger.finer("stco:Original First Offset" + stco.getFirstOffSet());
logger.finer("stco:Original Diff" + (int) (stco.getFirstOffSet() - mdatHeader.getFilePos()));
logger.finer("stco:Original Mdat Pos" + mdatHeader.getFilePos());
logger.finer("stco:New First Offset" + newStco.getFirstOffSet());
logger.finer("stco:New Diff" + (int) ((newStco.getFirstOffSet() - newMdatHeader.getFilePos())));
logger.finer("stco:New Mdat Pos" + newMdatHeader.getFilePos());
int diff = (int) (stco.getFirstOffSet() - mdatHeader.getFilePos());
if ((newStco.getFirstOffSet() - newMdatHeader.getFilePos()) != diff)
int discrepancy = (int)((newStco.getFirstOffSet() - newMdatHeader.getFilePos()) - diff);
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_INCORRECT_OFFSETS.getMsg(discrepancy));
catch (Exception e)
if (e instanceof CannotWriteException)
throw (CannotWriteException) e;
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED.getMsg() + ":" + e.getMessage());
//Close references to new file
logger.config("File has been written correctly");
| private void | convertandWriteTagsAtomToFreeAtom(java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, Mp4BoxHeader tagsHeader)Replace tags atom (and children) by a free atom
Mp4FreeBox freeBox = new Mp4FreeBox(tagsHeader.getDataLength());
| private void | createMetadataAtoms(Mp4BoxHeader moovHeader, java.nio.ByteBuffer moovBuffer, int sizeAdjustment, Mp4BoxHeader udtaHeader, Mp4BoxHeader metaHeader)
//Adjust moov header size
moovHeader.setLength(moovHeader.getLength() + sizeAdjustment);
| public void | delete( raf, rafTemp)Delete the tag
This is achieved by writing an empty ilst atom
Mp4Tag tag = new Mp4Tag();
write(tag, raf, rafTemp);
catch (CannotWriteException cwe)
throw new IOException(cwe.getMessage());
| private int | getMetaLevelFreeAtomSize(Mp4AtomTree atomTree)Determine the size of the free atom immediately after ilst atom at the same level (if any), we can use this if
ilst needs to grow or shrink because of more less metadata
int oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize;//Level 4 - Free
oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize = 0;
for (DefaultMutableTreeNode freeNode : atomTree.getFreeNodes())
DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) freeNode.getParent();
DefaultMutableTreeNode brotherNode = freeNode.getPreviousSibling();
if (!parentNode.isRoot())
Mp4BoxHeader parentHeader = ((Mp4BoxHeader) parentNode.getUserObject());
Mp4BoxHeader freeHeader = ((Mp4BoxHeader) freeNode.getUserObject());
//We are only interested in free atoms at this level if they come after the ilst node
Mp4BoxHeader brotherHeader = ((Mp4BoxHeader) brotherNode.getUserObject());
if (parentHeader.getId().equals(Mp4AtomIdentifier.META.getFieldName())
oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize = freeHeader.getLength();
return oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize;
| public void | write(org.jaudiotagger.tag.Tag tag, raf, rafTemp)Write tag to rafTemp file
logger.config("Started writing tag data");
//Read Channel for reading from old file
FileChannel fileReadChannel = raf.getChannel();
//Write channel for writing to new file
FileChannel fileWriteChannel = rafTemp.getChannel();
//TODO we shouldn't need all these variables, and some are very badly named - used by new and old methods
int oldIlstSize = 0;
int relativeIlstposition;
int startIlstWithinFile;
int newIlstSize;
int oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize;
int topLevelFreePosition;
int topLevelFreeSize;
long endOfMoov=0;
//Found top level free atom that comes after moov and before mdat, (also true if no free atom ?)
boolean topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata;
//Found top level free atom that comes between ftyp and moov
boolean topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAndMetadata;
Mp4BoxHeader topLevelFreeHeader;
Mp4AtomTree atomTree;
//Build AtomTree
atomTree = new Mp4AtomTree(raf, false);
catch (CannotReadException cre)
throw new CannotWriteException(cre.getMessage());
Mp4BoxHeader mdatHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getMdatNode());
//Unable to find audio so no chance of saving any changes
throw new CannotWriteException(ErrorMessage.MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_CANNOT_FIND_AUDIO.getMsg());
//Go through every field constructing the data that will appear starting from ilst box
ByteBuffer rawIlstData = tc.convert(tag);
newIlstSize = rawIlstData.limit();
//Moov Box header
Mp4BoxHeader moovHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getMoovNode());
long positionWithinFileAfterFindingMoovHeader = moovHeader.getFilePos() + Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH;
endOfMoov = moovHeader.getFilePos() + moovHeader.getLength();
Mp4StcoBox stco = atomTree.getStco();
Mp4BoxHeader ilstHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getIlstNode());
Mp4BoxHeader udtaHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getUdtaNode());
Mp4BoxHeader metaHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getMetaNode());
Mp4BoxHeader hdlrMetaHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getHdlrWithinMetaNode());
Mp4BoxHeader tagsHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getTagsNode());
Mp4BoxHeader trakHeader = atomTree.getBoxHeader(atomTree.getTrakNodes().get(0));
ByteBuffer moovBuffer = atomTree.getMoovBuffer();
//Work out if we/what kind of metadata hierachy we currently have in the file
if(udtaHeader !=null)
if(metaHeader != null)
//ilst - record where ilst is,and where it ends
if (ilstHeader != null)
oldIlstSize = ilstHeader.getLength();
//Relative means relative to moov buffer after moov header
startIlstWithinFile = (int) ilstHeader.getFilePos();
relativeIlstposition = (int) (startIlstWithinFile - (moovHeader.getFilePos() + Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH));
//Place ilst immediately after existing hdlr atom
startIlstWithinFile = (int) hdlrMetaHeader.getFilePos() + hdlrMetaHeader.getLength();
relativeIlstposition = (int) (startIlstWithinFile - (moovHeader.getFilePos() + Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH));
//Place ilst after data fields in meta atom
//TODO Should we create a hdlr atom
startIlstWithinFile = (int) metaHeader.getFilePos() + Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH + Mp4MetaBox.FLAGS_LENGTH;
relativeIlstposition = (int) ((startIlstWithinFile) - (moovHeader.getFilePos() + Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH));
//There no ilst or meta header so we set to position where it would be if it existed
relativeIlstposition = moovHeader.getLength() - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH;
startIlstWithinFile = (int)(moovHeader.getFilePos() + moovHeader.getLength());
//There no udta header so we are going to create a new structure, but we have to be aware that there might be
//an existing meta box structure in which case we preserve it but with our new structure before it.
//Create new structure just after the end of the trak atom
if(metaHeader != null)
startIlstWithinFile = (int)trakHeader.getFilePos() + trakHeader.getLength();
relativeIlstposition = (int) (startIlstWithinFile - (moovHeader.getFilePos() + Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH));
//There no udta,ilst or meta header so we set to position where it would be if it existed
relativeIlstposition = moovHeader.getLength() - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH;
startIlstWithinFile = (int)(moovHeader.getFilePos() + moovHeader.getLength());
//Find size of Level-4 Free atom (if any) immediately after ilst atom
oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize = getMetaLevelFreeAtomSize(atomTree);
//Level-1 free atom
topLevelFreePosition = 0;
topLevelFreeSize = 0;
topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata = true;
topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAndMetadata = false;
for (DefaultMutableTreeNode freeNode : atomTree.getFreeNodes())
DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) freeNode.getParent();
if (parentNode.isRoot())
topLevelFreeHeader = ((Mp4BoxHeader) freeNode.getUserObject());
topLevelFreeSize = topLevelFreeHeader.getLength();
topLevelFreePosition = (int) topLevelFreeHeader.getFilePos();
if (topLevelFreeSize > 0)
if (topLevelFreePosition > mdatHeader.getFilePos())
topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata = false;
else if(topLevelFreePosition < moovHeader.getFilePos())
topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata = false;
topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAndMetadata = true;
topLevelFreePosition = (int) mdatHeader.getFilePos();
logger.config("Read header successfully ready for writing");
//The easiest option since no difference in the size of the metadata so all we have to do is
//create a new file identical to first file but with replaced metadata
if (oldIlstSize == newIlstSize)
logger.config("Writing:Option 1:Same Size");
writeMetadataSameSize(rawIlstData, oldIlstSize, startIlstWithinFile, fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel,tagsHeader);
//.. we just need to increase the size of the free atom below the meta atom, and replace the metadata
//no other changes necessary and total file size remains the same
else if (oldIlstSize > newIlstSize)
//Create an amended freeBaos atom and write it if it previously existed as a free atom immediately
//after ilst as a child of meta
if (oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize > 0)
logger.config("Writing:Option 2:Smaller Size have free atom:" + oldIlstSize + ":" + newIlstSize);
writeDataUptoIncludingIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, oldIlstSize, startIlstWithinFile, rawIlstData);
//Write the modified free atom that comes after ilst
int newFreeSize = oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize + (oldIlstSize - newIlstSize);
Mp4FreeBox newFreeBox = new Mp4FreeBox(newFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH);
//Skip over the read channel old free atom
fileReadChannel.position(fileReadChannel.position() + oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize);
writeDataAfterIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//No free atom we need to create a new one or adjust top level free atom
int newFreeSize = (oldIlstSize - newIlstSize) - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH;
//We need to create a new one, so dont have to adjust all the headers but only works if the size
//of tags has decreased by more 8 characters so there is enough room for the free boxes header we take
//into account size of new header in calculating size of box
if (newFreeSize > 0)
logger.config("Writing:Option 3:Smaller Size can create free atom");
writeDataUptoIncludingIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, oldIlstSize, startIlstWithinFile, rawIlstData);
//Create new free box
Mp4FreeBox newFreeBox = new Mp4FreeBox(newFreeSize);
writeDataAfterIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//Ok everything in this bit of tree has to be recalculated because eight or less bytes smaller
logger.config("Writing:Option 4:Smaller Size <=8 cannot create free atoms");
//Size will be this amount smaller
int sizeReducedBy = oldIlstSize - newIlstSize;
//Write stuff before Moov (ftyp)
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, 0, moovHeader.getFilePos());
//Edit stco atom within moov header, we need to adjust offsets by the amount mdat is going to be shifted
//unless mdat is at start of file
if (mdatHeader.getFilePos() > moovHeader.getFilePos())
//Edit and rewrite the Moov,Udta and Meta header in moov buffer
adjustSizeOfMoovHeader(moovHeader, moovBuffer, -sizeReducedBy,udtaHeader,metaHeader);
//Now write ilst data
fileReadChannel.position(startIlstWithinFile + oldIlstSize);
writeDataAfterIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//Size of metadata has increased, the most complex situation, more atoms affected
int additionalSpaceRequiredForMetadata = newIlstSize - oldIlstSize;
//We can fit the metadata in under the meta item just by using some of the padding available in the free
//atom under the meta atom need to take of the side of free header otherwise might end up with
//solution where can fit in data, but cant fit in free atom header
if (additionalSpaceRequiredForMetadata <= (oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH))
int newFreeSize = oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize - (additionalSpaceRequiredForMetadata);
logger.config("Writing:Option 5;Larger Size can use meta free atom need extra:" + newFreeSize + "bytes");
writeDataUptoIncludingIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, oldIlstSize, startIlstWithinFile, rawIlstData);
//Create an amended smaller freeBaos atom and write it to file
Mp4FreeBox newFreeBox = new Mp4FreeBox(newFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH);
//Skip over the read channel old free atom
fileReadChannel.position(fileReadChannel.position() + oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize);
writeDataAfterIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//There is not enough padding in the metadata free atom anyway
//Size meta needs to be increased by (if not writing a free atom)
//Special Case this could actually be negative (upto -8)if is actually enough space but would
//not be able to write free atom properly, it doesn't matter the parent atoms would still
//need their sizes adjusted.
int additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom = additionalSpaceRequiredForMetadata - (oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize);
//Write stuff before Moov (ftyp)
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, 0, positionWithinFileAfterFindingMoovHeader - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH);
fileWriteChannel.position(positionWithinFileAfterFindingMoovHeader - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH);
logger.config("Writing:Option 5.1;No udta atom");
Mp4HdlrBox hdlrBox = Mp4HdlrBox.createiTunesStyleHdlrBox();
Mp4MetaBox metaBox = Mp4MetaBox.createiTunesStyleMetaBox(hdlrBox.getHeader().getLength() + rawIlstData.limit());
udtaHeader = new Mp4BoxHeader(Mp4AtomIdentifier.UDTA.getFieldName());
udtaHeader.setLength(Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH +metaBox.getHeader().getLength());
additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom =
additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom + (udtaHeader.getLength() - rawIlstData.limit());
//Edit stco atom within moov header, if the free atom comes after mdat OR
//(there is not enough space in the top level free atom
//or special case of matching exactly the free atom plus header)
if ((!topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata)
|| ((topLevelFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH < additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)
&& (topLevelFreeSize != additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)))
//We don't bother using the top level free atom coz not big enough anyway, we need to adjust offsets
//by the amount mdat is going to be shifted
if (mdatHeader.getFilePos() > moovHeader.getFilePos())
logger.config("Adjusting Offsets");
//Edit and rewrite the Moov header
moovHeader.setLength(moovHeader.getLength() + additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom);
//Write new atoms required for holding metadata in itunes format
else if(metaHeader==null)
//#291:In this case we throwaway editing udta header and create a new one, would be beter if we coul
//keep the info but rather difficult.
logger.config("Writing:Option 5.2;No meta atom");
int oldUdtaHeaderLength=udtaHeader.getLength();
Mp4HdlrBox hdlrBox = Mp4HdlrBox.createiTunesStyleHdlrBox();
Mp4MetaBox metaBox = Mp4MetaBox.createiTunesStyleMetaBox(hdlrBox.getHeader().getLength() + rawIlstData.limit());
udtaHeader = new Mp4BoxHeader(Mp4AtomIdentifier.UDTA.getFieldName());
udtaHeader.setLength(Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH +metaBox.getHeader().getLength());
additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom =
additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom + (udtaHeader.getLength() - rawIlstData.limit());
//Edit stco atom within moov header, if the free atom comes after mdat OR
//(there is not enough space in the top level free atom
//or special case of matching exactly the free atom plus header)
if ((!topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata)
|| ((topLevelFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH < additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)
&& (topLevelFreeSize != additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)))
//We don't bother using the top level free atom coz not big enough anyway, we need to adjust offsets
//by the amount mdat is going to be shifted
if (mdatHeader.getFilePos() > moovHeader.getFilePos())
logger.config("Adjusting Offsets");
//Edit and rewrite the Moov header
moovHeader.setLength(moovHeader.getLength() - oldUdtaHeaderLength + additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom);
moovBuffer.limit(relativeIlstposition - oldUdtaHeaderLength);
//Write new atoms required for holding metadata in itunes format
logger.config("Writing:Option 5.3;udta atom exists");
//Edit stco atom within moov header, if the free atom comes after mdat OR
//(there is not enough space in the top level free atom
//or special case of matching exactly the free atom plus header)
if ((!topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata)
|| ((topLevelFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH < additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)
&& (topLevelFreeSize != additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)))
//We don't bother using the top level free atom coz not big enough anyway, we need to adjust offsets
//by the amount mdat is going to be shifted
if (mdatHeader.getFilePos() > moovHeader.getFilePos())
//Edit and rewrite the Moov header
adjustSizeOfMoovHeader(moovHeader, moovBuffer, additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom,udtaHeader,metaHeader);
//Now write from this edited buffer up until ilst atom
//Now write ilst data
//Skip over the read channel old meta level free atom because now used up
fileReadChannel.position(startIlstWithinFile + oldIlstSize);
fileReadChannel.position(fileReadChannel.position() + oldMetaLevelFreeAtomSize);
//Write from after ilst upto tags atom
long writeBetweenIlstAndTags = tagsHeader.getFilePos() - fileReadChannel.position();
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(),writeBetweenIlstAndTags );
fileWriteChannel.position(fileWriteChannel.position() + writeBetweenIlstAndTags);
convertandWriteTagsAtomToFreeAtom(fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//Write after tags atom upto end of moov
fileReadChannel.position( tagsHeader.getFilePos() + tagsHeader.getLength());
long extraData = endOfMoov - fileReadChannel.position();
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(),extraData );
//Now write the rest of children under moov which wont have changed
long extraData = endOfMoov - fileReadChannel.position();
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(), extraData);
fileWriteChannel.position(fileWriteChannel.position() + extraData);
//If we have top level free atom that comes before mdat we might be able to use it but only if
//the free atom actually come after the the metadata
if (topLevelFreeAtomComesBeforeMdatAtomAndAfterMetadata&&(topLevelFreePosition>=startIlstWithinFile))
//If the shift is less than the space available in this second free atom data size we should
//minimize the free atom accordingly (then we don't have to update stco atom)
//note could be a double negative as additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom could be -1 to -8 but thats ok stills works
if (topLevelFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH >= additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)
logger.config("Writing:Option 6;Larger Size can use top free atom");
Mp4FreeBox freeBox = new Mp4FreeBox((topLevelFreeSize - Mp4BoxHeader.HEADER_LENGTH) - additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom);
//Skip over the read channel old free atom
fileReadChannel.position(fileReadChannel.position() + topLevelFreeSize);
//Write Mdat
//If the space required is identical to total size of the free space (inc header)
//we could just remove the header
else if (topLevelFreeSize == additionalMetaSizeThatWontFitWithinMetaAtom)
logger.config("Writing:Option 7;Larger Size uses top free atom including header");
//Skip over the read channel old free atom
fileReadChannel.position(fileReadChannel.position() + topLevelFreeSize);
//Write Mdat
//Mdat is going to have to move anyway, so keep free atom as is and write it and mdat
//(have already updated stco above)
logger.config("Writing:Option 8;Larger Size cannot use top free atom");
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(), fileReadChannel.size() - fileReadChannel.position());
logger.config("Writing:Option 9;Top Level Free comes after Mdat or before Metadata so cant use it");
//Close all channels to original file
| private void | writeDataAfterIlst(java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileReadChannel, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, Mp4BoxHeader tagsHeader)Write data after ilst upto the end of the file
Can be used if dont need to adjust size of moov header of modify top level free atoms
//Write from after free upto tags atom
writeNeroData(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//Now write the rest of the file which won't have changed
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(), fileReadChannel.size() - fileReadChannel.position());
| private void | writeDataInChunks(java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileReadChannel, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel)#385 Write data in chunks, needing if writing large amounts of data on netwoek
long amountToBeWritten=fileReadChannel.size() - fileReadChannel.position();
long written = 0;
long chunksize = TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().getWriteChunkSize();
long count = amountToBeWritten / chunksize;
long mod = amountToBeWritten % chunksize;
for(int i = 0; i<count; i++)
written+=fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel,fileWriteChannel.position(), chunksize);
fileWriteChannel.position(fileWriteChannel.position() + chunksize);
written+=fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel,fileWriteChannel.position(), mod);
throw new CannotWriteException("Was meant to write "+amountToBeWritten+" bytes but only written "+written+" bytes");
| private void | writeDataUptoIncludingIlst(java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileReadChannel, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, int oldIlstSize, int startIlstWithinFile, java.nio.ByteBuffer rawIlstData)Write the data including new ilst
can be used as long as we dont have to adjust the size of moov header
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, 0, startIlstWithinFile);
fileReadChannel.position(startIlstWithinFile + oldIlstSize);
| private void | writeMetadataSameSize(java.nio.ByteBuffer rawIlstData, long oldIlstSize, long startIstWithinFile, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileReadChannel, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, Mp4BoxHeader tagsHeader)Replace the ilst metadata
Because it is the same size as the original data nothing else has to be modified
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, 0, startIstWithinFile);
fileReadChannel.position(startIstWithinFile + oldIlstSize);
writeDataAfterIlst(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
| private void | writeNeroData(java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileReadChannel, java.nio.channels.FileChannel fileWriteChannel, Mp4BoxHeader tagsHeader)If the existing files contains a tags atom and chp1 atom underneath the meta atom that means the file was
encoded by Nero. Applications such as foobar read this non-standard tag before the more usual data within
ilst causing problems. So the solution is to convert the tags atom and its children into a free atom whilst
leaving the chp1 atom alone.
//Write from after ilst upto tags atom
long writeBetweenIlstAndTags = tagsHeader.getFilePos() - fileReadChannel.position();
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(), writeBetweenIlstAndTags );
fileWriteChannel.position(fileWriteChannel.position() + writeBetweenIlstAndTags);
//Replace tags atom (and children) by a free atom
convertandWriteTagsAtomToFreeAtom(fileWriteChannel, tagsHeader);
//Write after tags atom
fileReadChannel.position( tagsHeader.getFilePos() + tagsHeader.getLength());
fileWriteChannel.transferFrom(fileReadChannel, fileWriteChannel.position(), fileReadChannel.size() - fileReadChannel.position());