ModuleDeployEventListener.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4614Fri May 04 22:33:34 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.event


public interface ModuleDeployEventListener implements AdminEventListener
This is the listener interface that should be implemented to handle all events related to standalone J2EE module deployment (deployed, undeployed, redeployed, enabled and disabled).

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidmoduleDeployed(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a standalone J2EE module is deployed.

public voidmoduleDisabled(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a standalone J2EE module is disabled.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidmoduleEnabled(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a standalone J2EE module is enabled.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidmoduleRedeployed(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a standalone J2EE module is redeployed.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidmoduleReferenceAdded(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a reference is created from a server instance (or cluster) to a particular module.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidmoduleReferenceRemoved(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a reference is removed from a server instance (or cluster) to a particular module.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.

public voidmoduleUndeployed(ModuleDeployEvent event)
Invoked when a standalone J2EE module is undeployed.

AdminEventListenerException when the listener is unable to process the event.