ObjectChangeSet.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4588Tue May 22 16:54:16 BST 2007oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets


public interface ObjectChangeSet

Purpose: Provides API to the Class that holds all changes made to a particular Object.

Description: The ObjectChangeSet class represents a single Object registered in the UnitOfWork. It is owned by the larger UnitOfWorkChangeSet.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public booleanequals(oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.ObjectChangeSet objectChange)

public java.util.VectorgetChangedAttributeNames()
ADVANCED: This method will return a collection of the fieldnames of attributes changed in an object.

public java.util.VectorgetChanges()
ADVANCED: This method returns a reference to the collection of changes within this changeSet.

public oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.ChangeRecordgetChangesForAttributeNamed(java.lang.String attributeName)
ADVANCED: Returns the change record for the specified attribute name.

public java.lang.StringgetClassName()
ADVANCE: This method returns the class Name that this changeSet Represents.

public java.lang.ClassgetClassType(oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.Session session)
ADVANCE: This method returns the class type that this changeSet Represents.

public java.lang.ObjectgetNewKey()
ADVANCED: This method returns the key value that this object will be stored under in it's respective Map. This is old relevant for collection mappings that use a Map.

public java.lang.ObjectgetOldKey()
ADVANCED: This method returns the key value that this object was stored under in it's respective Map. This is old relevant for collection mappings that use a Map.

public java.util.VectorgetPrimaryKeys()
ADVANCED: This method returns the primary keys for the object that this change set represents.

public oracle.toplink.essentials.changesets.UnitOfWorkChangeSetgetUOWChangeSet()
ADVANCED: This method is used to return the parent ChangeSet.

public java.lang.ObjectgetWriteLockValue()
ADVANCED: This method is used to return the lock value of the object this changeSet represents.

public booleanhasChangeFor(java.lang.String attributeName)
ADVANCED: This method will return true if the specified attributue has been changed..

String the name of the attribute to search for.

public booleanhasChanges()
ADVANCED: Returns true if this particular changeSet has changes.

public booleanisNew()
ADVANCED: Returns true if this ObjectChangeSet represents a new object.