//constructor for Application
setLayout(null); //nullify the default layout manager so we can place things ourself
setSize(W, H);
setTitle("Iternational Bank of George");
Font font = new Font("Monospaced",Font.PLAIN,12); //create a font for input and output
// build the input field and add to Frame
theinput = new TextField(); // create an input field
theinput.setBounds(10,H-50,W-20,40); //set its co-ordinates within the frame
theinput.setFont(font); //set the font
add(theinput); //add theinput field to the frame
theinput.addActionListener(thetrans);//add a listener to listen for a transaction event
// build the output area and add to the frame
theoutput = new TextArea(10,40); //create a text area with dimensions
theoutput.setBounds(10,30,W-20,H-100);//set its co-ordinates within the frame
theoutput.setFont(font); //set the font
add(theoutput); //add the output area to the frame