System.out.println("*** testBulkOperations()");
String node0 = System.getProperty("jbosstest.cluster.node0");
Properties prop0 = new Properties();
prop0.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
prop0.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
prop0.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://" + node0 + ":1099");
System.out.println("===== Node0 properties: ");
System.out.println("Lookup node 0");
InitialContext ctx0 = new InitialContext(prop0);
BulkOperationsTest tester = (BulkOperationsTest) ctx0.lookup("BulkOperationsTestBean/remote");
List<Integer> rhContacts = tester.getContactsByCustomer("Red Hat");
assertNotNull("Red Hat contacts exist", rhContacts);
assertEquals("Created expected number of Red Hat contacts", 10, rhContacts.size());
assertEquals("Deleted all Red Hat contacts", 10, tester.deleteContacts());
List<Integer> jbContacts = tester.getContactsByCustomer("JBoss");
assertNotNull("JBoss contacts exist", jbContacts);
assertEquals("JBoss contacts remain", 10, jbContacts.size());
for (Integer id : rhContacts)
assertNull("Red Hat contact " + id + " cannot be retrieved",
rhContacts = tester.getContactsByCustomer("Red Hat");
if (rhContacts != null)
assertEquals("No Red Hat contacts remain", 0, rhContacts.size());
tester.updateContacts("Kabir", "Updated");
for (Integer id : jbContacts)
Contact contact = tester.getContact(id);
assertNotNull("JBoss contact " + id + " exists", contact);
String expected = ("Kabir".equals(contact.getName())) ? "Updated" : "2222";
assertEquals("JBoss contact " + id + " has correct TLF",
expected, contact.getTlf());
List<Integer> updated = tester.getContactsByTLF("Updated");
assertNotNull("Got updated contacts", updated);
assertEquals("Updated contacts", 5, updated.size());
// cleanup the db so we can run this test multiple times w/o restarting the cluster