CalIconpublic class CalIcon extends JComponent implements IconDisplay one of those standard Calendar Page icons with
Weekday, Day and Month. Can be used as the Icon in a
JButton. Can include or exclude an updating Clock at the top
(invoke constructor with value of true to include).
However, it should be excluded when using as an Icon, and
true when using as a Component. |
Fields Summary |
protected final int | SIZEThe size shalle be 64x64. | protected final Dimension | d | protected final int | RBWThe size of the inner white box | protected final int | RBH | protected final int | RBXThe x location of the inner box | protected final int | RBYThe y location of the inner box | protected Calendar | myCalOur Calendar | protected boolean | showTimeTrue if user wants the time shown | protected Clock | clockThe Clock to show the time, if showTime | protected Font | dayNumbFontFont for displaying the time | protected FontMetrics | dayNumbFMFontMetrics for displaying the time | protected Font | dayNameFontFont for displaying the time | protected FontMetrics | dayNameFMFontMetrics for displaying the time | protected Font | monNameFontFont for displaying the time | protected FontMetrics | monNameFMFontMetrics for displaying the time | public String[] | daysDays of the week | public String[] | mons |
Constructors Summary |
public CalIcon(boolean showT)Construct the object with default arguments
this(Calendar.getInstance(), showT);
| public CalIcon(Calendar c, boolean showT)Construct the object with a Calendar object
showTime = showT;
myCal = c;
setLayout(null); // we don't need another layout, ...
if (showTime) {
// System.err.println("Constructing and adding Clock");
clock = new Clock();
clock.setBounds(0, 2, SIZE, 10);
// clock.setBackground(;
// clock.setForeground(;
RBY = d.height - (RBH+(showTime?12:0)/2);
} else {
RBY = 6;
RBX = 12; // raised box x offset
// System.err.println("RBX, RBY = " + RBX + "," + RBY);
dayNumbFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 20);
dayNumbFM = getFontMetrics(dayNumbFont);
dayNameFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
dayNameFM = getFontMetrics(dayNameFont);
monNameFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.ITALIC, 10);
monNameFM = getFontMetrics(monNameFont);
Methods Summary |
public int | getIconHeight() return SIZE;
| public int | getIconWidth() return SIZE;
| public java.awt.Dimension | getMinimumSize()
return d;
| public java.awt.Dimension | getPreferredSize()
return d;
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)
JFrame jf = new JFrame("Calendar");
Container cp = jf.getContentPane();
cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1,5,5));
CalIcon c = new CalIcon(true);
JButton j = new JButton("As Icon", new CalIcon(false));
| public void | paint(java.awt.Graphics g)Paint: draw the calendar page in the JComponent.
Delegates most work to paintIcon().
paintIcon(this, g, 0, 0);
| public void | paintIcon(java.awt.Component c, java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y)paintIcon: draw the calendar page.
// Allow clock to get painted (voodoo magic)
if (showTime)
// Outline it.
g.draw3DRect(x, y, d.width-2, d.height-2, true);
// Show the date: First, a white page with a drop shadow.
g.fillRect(x + RBX+3, y + RBY+3, RBW, RBH);
g.fillRect(x + RBX, y + RBY, RBW, RBH);
// g.setColor(getForeground());
String s = days[myCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1];
int w = dayNameFM.stringWidth(s);
g.drawString(s, x + RBX+((RBW-w)/2), y + RBY+10);
s = Integer.toString(myCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
w = dayNumbFM.stringWidth(s);
g.drawString(s, x + RBX+((RBW-w)/2), y + RBY+25);
s = mons[myCal.get(Calendar.MONTH)];
w = monNameFM.stringWidth(s);
g.drawString(s, x + RBX+((RBW-w)/2), y + RBY+35);