Methods Summary |
public int | getFamily()Gets the opcode family. The opcode family is the unmarked (no
"/...") opcode that has equivalent semantics to this one.
return family;
public InsnFormat | getFormat()Gets the instruction format.
return format;
public java.lang.String | getName()Gets the opcode name.
return name;
public int | getOpcode()Gets the opcode value.
return opcode;
public | getOppositeTest()Gets the opcode for the opposite test of this instance. This is only
valid for opcodes which are in fact tests.
switch (opcode) {
case DalvOps.IF_EQ: return Dops.IF_NE;
case DalvOps.IF_NE: return Dops.IF_EQ;
case DalvOps.IF_LT: return Dops.IF_GE;
case DalvOps.IF_GE: return Dops.IF_LT;
case DalvOps.IF_GT: return Dops.IF_LE;
case DalvOps.IF_LE: return Dops.IF_GT;
case DalvOps.IF_EQZ: return Dops.IF_NEZ;
case DalvOps.IF_NEZ: return Dops.IF_EQZ;
case DalvOps.IF_LTZ: return Dops.IF_GEZ;
case DalvOps.IF_GEZ: return Dops.IF_LTZ;
case DalvOps.IF_GTZ: return Dops.IF_LEZ;
case DalvOps.IF_LEZ: return Dops.IF_GTZ;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bogus opcode: " + this);
public boolean | hasResult()Returns whether this opcode uses a result register.
return hasResult;
public java.lang.String | toString(){@inheritDoc}
return name;